
Surrender the Sky by Meradeth Houston

amoralynn's review

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I thought this was an amazing book. This is the first book of this series I've read and I definitely look forward to reading the others. I was intrigued by the plot and am so glad I was able to read it. I appreciated that there was more to it than the romance angle. All of the characters came across as believable and learning about the Sary and their purpose was fascinating. I would love to know more about Leon's background and what caused some of his actions, hopefully there will be more about him and possibly a continuation of this specific story. I won this book in exchange for a review and I'm so glad I did.

lucy_rain_and_cupcakes's review

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Gabe isn't your typical high school girl, in fact, she isn't a human at all. Gabe is one of the Sary that look after the troubled mind. When her current assignment gone wrong, she was sure that she will lose her wings and become a mortal. Then the heir of Sary arrived, not only Gabe isn't going to lose her wing, but she might have an even bigger problem then losing her wings.

Imagined one of your high school classmate was actually a Sary, and she was sent to help prevent someone from your class to hurt themselves, and those around him. That's Gabe's latest assignment, though it didn't turn out the way she have hope to be, she did save tons of people that day. Just not her assignment.

This book did not wasted anytime and dive straight into action from the beginning. (although, I did find out after I finished this book, that this book is part of a series) I was hooked from page one, and immediately draw to the story and characters. I really enjoy the concept of this new Angelkind, where their existent is to help the trouble minds.

Overall I enjoy reading Surrender the Sky, Gabe is a kind Sary that will do what she can to prevent tragedy, even if it means to sacrifice herself. It was interesting to learn that having feeling for another Sary was consider a taboo among the Sary. Gabe's attraction for Jessen gradually straighten throughout the book, and it turn out Jessen have noticed her long ago but because of his position, he couldn't express nor he planned on acting on them.

I would like to read more about Bea and Nathan, since they were secondary characters, the book didn't really talk about what's going on between them and what will happen now he is staying permanently. I imagined things are going to change in the Sary society, and wonder how much will Gabe impact in the new change.

I requested to read this book via NetGalley, was approved and received eARC via NetGalley and the publisher.

jeanz's review

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Oh wow loved it! This is a great addition to the brilliant Sary Society collection of books!

As I loved the other Sary Society stories I am looking forward to reading another great Sary story. What will the main character Sary in this book be like?" Will Gabby's charge be saved?

I received a review copy of this one from the author in exchange for my honest review.
The cover in my opinion really fits a section in the book when Gabby is trying to turn into her Sary form and is unable to do so, I'm not going to say the hows and whys of her situation as that would include spoilers. I think the cover really conveys how trapped and claustrophobic Gabby must have been feeling. The atmospheric effect of the dark blues of the turbulent sky also fit several scenes within the book. I'd also say that this cover fits well with the other two books set within the Sary Society.
Now to the book, this book covers a Sary called Gabby. To explain how Gabby became a Sary . . .To be truly honest I'm rather undecided as to whether I like the hows and why's of how Gabby became a Sary. That she was a baby that had never drawn breath and her choice was to become a Sary or forever wander as a spirit that could not touch or feel. A child that didn't draw breath suggests a miscarriage or a stillborn. Why would such an innocent life lost be treat like a suicide and sentenced to wander forever as a spirit? Maybe I am more sensitive on the subject having had a miscarriage/child that never drew breath. I prefer to think my child is in heaven or maybe even being something like a Sary rather than the image of a spirit with no body forever wandering and not being able to touch or feel anything.
Gabby is staying within a community, going to school to try and bring to an end a boy named Chad from taking his own life and any of the lives of the other students in his class. Sadly Gabby fails to prevent an incident occurring in the school. In her attempt to block Chad from shooting the bully of the class Bobby, she throes herself at Chad and ends up being shot herself. Being shot triggers a change within Gabby and she transforms into her Sary form in front of the whole class.
The Sary clean up team turns up to try and sort out the situation. Gabby is terrified yet accepts that her punishment for revealing her form is to be "released". Being "released" is a horrible, painful process where the Sary are stripped of their powers and their wings.
So when Jassen, the deputy leader of the Sary turns up she fully expects to be released, and is somewhat shocked and confused when he tells her that he is their to help the clean up team and put things right,. not release her. Jassen is also there to help Gabby develop a very special gift she doesn't quite know she has and how to use it too. As the gift is so rare, at first Gabby denies it, until Jassen begins to teach her how to use it. Gabby is so embarassed by her mess up and kind of mortified that Jassen is staying at her lowly flat. Gabby has always found Jassen attractive, and she she learns more about the next leader of the Sary she begins to love him even more, but he couldn't possibly ever reciprocate her feelings could he?
It's considered a Sary law that they do not have relationships with mortals or each others.
So when one of the clean up team and Gabby's old room mate from her training days Nathan, ends up in a relationship with her best mortal friend Bea, it is frowned upon but surprisingly allowed. Could things be changing within the Sary Society? The fact that Bea and Nathan's relationship is allowed to continue gives Gabby hopes for the future, but it's a fragile hope that maybe she could have some sort of relationship with Jassen.
We also meet Jassen's twin, Leon in this book who wishes for the Sary to take over and rule the world, and to walk around in their true forms, wings and all. Can the Sary from the Island prevent Leon and his plans for the Sary?
So what I have said above is just a small part of the book there's so much more to the book and it's story. I also think it teaches the reader that though suicides are usually viewed to be a selfish way out of life, that in most cases there is so much more going on around a suicide, such as in this book Chad being bullied. We also learn the reason why Bobby is such a bully at school too. The characters have plenty of drama and ups and downs that you can empathise with as well as ample of secrets to be discovered about the Sary.
The descriptions of the different Sary's wings actually reflect some of that Sary's qualities. The book certainly makes you visualize the many scenes in the book. I think these books would make an outstanding TV Series along the lines of the "Highway To Heaven series I remember from years ago.
So did I enjoy the book? Yes, I really enjoyed the book. Would I recommend the book? Yes, I would, specifically to fans of Mary Ting's Crossroads Saga. Would I read another book about the Sary Society? Oh yes please. I'd love to know more about the other Sary we met in this book as well as catching up with Ari, Tom, Bea and Nathan. I'd also like to read more about Gabby and Jassen, perhaps a book set on the Island of the Sary. Would I read other titles by Meradeth Houston? I would certainly take a serious look at anything written by this author. I really take pleasure in Meradeth's writing style, it flows so easily and truly enjoy reading her books.

thefox22's review

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*Full review can be found at Part of that World.

I didn't realize this was part of a series until I started reading the book. It freaked me out for a minute there, because I hate reading books out of order. But these books of the Sary Society can be read as standalones, and I really enjoyed this story a lot that I think I'll read the other two that I missed. :)

Actual rating: 3.5 Stars!

The Sary reminded me of angels, though I'm not sure that is what they are exactly supposed to be. Sary are immortal beings with wings who are sent on jobs to try and stop people from committing the worst act imaginable: suicide. They're guardian angels who are recruited when they die (Gabby herself never actually took her first breath). When they fail, it sucks and it hurts. Then they just get another assignment. But when they show their wings, severe consequences follow. They're never, ever in any circumstances supposed to show their true forms. Unfortunately for Gabby, an unforeseen incident causes chaos in her world.

After failing her assignment and showing her true form, Gabby is sure of one thing: she'll be released. But when the Sary leader offers her a solution, she's still unsure she'll take it. After all, she wasn't able to save her assignment and the kids in the classroom saw her wings. She thinks she deserves to be released. Gabby was a likable character who just wants to do her job, save her assignments, and keep her wings. She's spunky, loves her job, and has been around a long time that she's pretty much seen everything. But when both of her worlds collide, Gabby is forced to question herself, her job, and what she wants out of life. All the while dodging kids who know her secret, a rebel intent on exposing the Sary to the world, and a one-sided love with a guy who will always put duty above everything else.

I thought the secondary characters were great, as well. They added more layers to the story-line and brought on some much needed fun and comedic relief.

But the romance felt rushed, between both Gabby and Jassen and Bea and Nathan (which never felt that believable to me). I would have liked more development between Gabby and Jassen, a little more interactions and depth of feeling. And I never fully understood why either of them had fallen for the other.

I truly loved this concept! The idea that these Sary try and help people who are contemplating suicide or straddling that line is something I haven't read before. And I adored the concept. Suicide is such a sensitive subject, and I thought the author handled it with such care. I felt the emotions in this story, the heart-wrenching stories and Gabby's grief at being unable to save Chad (her assignment). But I thought the plot centering around Leon and his evil intent felt rushed. The scenes were sort of smoothed over, and I would have liked more action and depth surrounding him and his plans. And I would have loved more background info on Gabby herself, especially about other assignments and people she's met over the course of the century she's been a Sary.

The book was very fast-paced and didn't take me that long to finish. Gabby's voice drew me in, and the concept of the Sary and what they do held my attention until the end. I'm definitely going to be reading the first two books! :)