
Blood Bound by Rachel Vincent

lynseyisreading's review against another edition

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This was an absolutely fascinating read. I love it when an author comes up with something new and exciting. Something we haven't already seen a million times before. Another one I really enjoyed discovering this year for this exact reason was Diana Pharaoh Francis' Horngate witches series.

So, the basic set up here is to do with magical bindings, oaths and promises. Being forced to comply against your will, and having the strength to push against such ties to do what you think is right. The magical element was somewhat small in this book, nobody had any really flashy powers as such, and there were no vamps or werewolves (shocking I know), but there are magical or "Skilled" people, and they are, for the most part, either trackers, binders or travellers.

There are two main types of trackers. Our protagonist, Olivia ''Liv'' Warren, is a Blood Tracker. One with an exceptional range which makes her a popular girl. She needs only a small sample of someone's blood to track them down. Another type that we meet is a Name Tracker. With the use of your real names (the more names they have the better) they can trace people within their range.

There were also Flesh Binders who bind with blood tattoos or a contract sealed with blood, and Travellers who can move through shadows. It really was interesting to learn about these abilities and how they came into use. Essentially, the city is split into three sections, two of which are run by opposing Mafia-like factions, and the third is a relatively safe or "neutral" zone. The heads of the two factions are Jake Tower and Ruben Cavazos. Liv works for Ruben.

It's safe to say there is no love lost between Liv and Ruben and she doesn't work for him for the pleasure of his company alone. There is a lot more to this part of the story and I found theirs to be a very weird and slightly twisted working relationship that was nonetheless intriguing to read.

A former lover of Liv's comes back to town, a name tracker called Cam Caballero. It's been six years since they broke up and a lot has happened in that time. We find out exactly what as the story progresses, and interestingly, the story is actually told from a first person perspective equally split between Liv and Cam. I had to do a bit of a double-take when the first switch happened because with it starting out in first person I wasn't expecting it to change, so this aspect was usual, but it really worked.

Overall, this is a gritty, dark world and a story that sucker punches you in the guts a few times before it's finished with you. I was surprised at how quickly I got engrossed in the story and the characters and it managed to shock me once or twice along the way.

I think the main reason it didn't make 5 stars for me was simply the fact that, at one point, a mystery is about to be revealed and they are discussing it for quite some time, but I'd already worked it out about 3 chapters back, so I found myself giving the book the wind it up sign because I already knew what they were getting to. I don't know how obvious this will be to others, or if I'm just some kind of evil genius, but it was a slow section because of that.

The next book is about a different character all together. One of the secondary characters in this story, so it will be interesting to see how different that book feels. Vincent's certainly taking the road less travelled here, and it's great fun to read.

chelseavbc's review against another edition

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This review was originally posted at Vampire Book Club.

I read the back-cover of Blood Bound and wasn’t really sure what I was getting myself into, but it was a Rachel Vincent novel and that means must-read for me. I’m so glad I did — and I understand why there was so few brief explanations of the plot. It doesn’t fall in any category easily. Yes, it’s a paranormal romance, and there’s a supernatural element, but Vincent has created something new. And it’s brilliant.

Liv lives in a world where some people have enhanced supernatural abilities — of those covered in the book, all are mentally-focused. Liv is a tracker. With a sample of someone’s blood, she can find them. She worked for the police for a time, but the courts don’t yet admit evidence from trackers. Other trackers can find someone just by having his or her full name. In addition, we learn of others, most notably those with the ability to bind oaths. If you make a promise with a binder present, there’s no way out. Should you try to revert on your word, intense pain and eventual death follow.

Blood Bound explores just what would happen if you had to follow through — with no inhibitions, to the point of death — to keep your word. We tackle the theme from multiple sides, including the loyalty of friends, the potentiality of a bond of love and those oaths one will forever regret. Liv is called upon (without any choice) to track down and kill the murderer of a friend’s husband. And she’s tasked to do so with her ex-boyfriend Cam. And he would really like to know why Liv ran off on him six years ago. The answer may put them both in danger, but once reunited it’s hard to fight the deep feelings that bubble up again.

Cam and Liv’s relationship is intense and complicated. There’s nothing easy. He just wants her, wants her to admit she still loves him. Liv would prefer to pretend she’s not melting inside just by sitting the same car with him. And she’s done things she never wants him to know about. She wants to remain that ideal, and that is relatable. Liv wants to be good enough for Cam and wants to protect him, and — as is often the way these things go — it just makes things worse.

Blood Bound promises love with complications, breaking-and-entering, mystery and some kickass action sequences. Vincent contemplates the truth of promises and how one might exploit those oaths. Fans of Jeaniene Frost and Carolyn Crane novels should pick up Blood Bound.

Sexual content: Sex, references to prostitution

thegenerale's review against another edition

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Heroine annoyed me, constantly keeping stuff from hero (relating to their long separation and leading them to basically messing up their lives >.> ), for reasons that are unsympathetic to me, bit of a martyr syndrome going on. I also hated Anne. I found her a lot like the conscious of the story that won't shut up. While nearly everything that happens is somewhat "explained," I didn't really like it. Ending's also somewhat of a cliffhanger.

I would say, the last quarter or so of the book was great, and I guess overall the book wasn't too bad, but I don't think I can go through another one of these books. Due to the world it's set in, where people's loyalties are basically commanded, too many people are keeping stuff from other people and this really annoys me when I read a story. I think I'll just read plot summaries or spoilers for the next one.

thecozyreaderwbo's review against another edition

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I won a signed copy from Rachel herself! It was supposed to be an ARC but she accidently signed and shipped finished copies instead. Her mistake was greatly appreciated. :) Thanks Rachel!

My GradePlot: 5

Setting: 4

Writing: 5

Originality: 5

Characters: 5


Overall: 28/30 93%
Title/Cover Bonus: 4

OverallAn epically twisted plot full of tension, conflict, and action. Rachel Vincent has penned a masterpiece of Urban Fantasy.

First Line
Only two-thirty in the morning, and I already had blood on my hands.

Most Memorable Scene
The scene with the couch. ;) And of course the scenes when things "clicked in" and there was a lot of clicking.

And also the party scene. I’m glad that was told from Cam’s point of view.

Goodness me! Rachel has out done herself. While this book would and should be classified as an Urban Fantasy it is most definitely a mystery at heart. There are more plot twists than I could count. I don’t know how Rachel thought of them all but they were brilliant. There was only one twist that I figured out before it happened, besides the spoiler that I read in the summary, but I only figured it out shortly before the characters only because I thought for sure that twist would be very cool and only logical.

I don’t recall a town name but it’s a big city that’s divided into three sections like a peace sign, divided by a river. The two sides are the territory of black-market king pins Ruben Cavazos and Jake Tower. The south section is neutral.

Again, Rachel has written a superb book. I liked the switch up in point of views from Olivia (Liv) and Cameron (Cam). Although, it did get confusing at some points to determine who’s POV it was. The switching wasn’t consecutive from the beginning of each chapter but almost. I like it when the chapter header says who’s POV is it but this doesn’t have that. It probably would have helped if it had been there. I did have to back track a few times because I was in the wrong person’s head the first time but that didn’t happen too often.

The plot twists that Rachel puts in this is just genius. I honestly don’t know how a writer figures it all out. It’s almost like she had to write it backwards to get all the dots connected.

Rachel has started an amazing trilogy. The world itself is full of Skilled people, such as Blinders, Jammers, Seers, Binders, Trackers and Travelers. I won’t give any more details to prevent spoilers but know that while some of these attributes have been seen in other Urban Fantasy series Rachel has done a fine job of creating a new exciting world.

Olivia (Liv) Warren is Skilled. She’s a tracker, specifically she tracks with blood, hence Blood Bound. She is joined in cast by Cameron (Cam) Caballero, her ex, Anne, Kori, Liv’s childhood best friends, and of course Ruben Cavazos and Jake Tower, the bad guys.

I loved Liv’s character. I’m always a fan of the ass kicking female lead character. She’s tough as nails because she’s been putting herself through hell ever since her break up with Cam. It was natural that I compare her with Faythe, Rachel’s other leading female character, but I’m happy to say that they are not very much alike, except that they both kick ass. Liv has a potty mouth. Liv is dedicated to her job, and not just because she has to be but because she has a heart.

Cam, oh, Cam. He was a great guy. I loved it when it was his point of view. I felt so bad for him during the first half of the book. I really enjoyed his character and was sad that he didn’t have as big of a starring role like Liv, especially towards the end of the book. It really was all about Liv in the end, even if it switched to Cam’s POV a few times.

I am not a fan of Ruben Cavazos nor his wife but I think that was the point. He may have even out done Calvin Malone as the bad guy.

The only negative thing I think of about the entire book are the last names of Ruben and Cam. I tripped over them every time they came up! I don’t usually have that problem but boy did those two names stump me.

The circumstances involving Liv and Cam’s relationship are way too sad but bloody brilliant of Rachel. I can’t wait to read Shadow Bound to see if their story continues.

Title/Cover Bonus
I like the title but I’m not a fan of the cover too much. I mean, it’s ok, but nothing exceptional.

I thought the ending was awesome. I liked how it ended by tying up most of the loose ends. I enjoyed the last scene especially.

Shadow Bound is book two and will release next year.

lizzy_22's review against another edition

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This paranormal romance wrapped up in a urban fantasy mystery was one of the best books of this genre I've read in a long time. An satisfying and complete premise, a unique world built into our current one and great characters that I really cared about. Best of all there's another book coming out next year! I'm putting it on my to-read list ASAP.

lolasreviews's review against another edition

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This is a really good story. Rachel Vincent describes a dark and complicated world in this book, where people can be bound to others, obligated to follow every order, blood and names are power and some people have Skills like tracking, shadowwalking, seeing the future etc.
I really loved the world and the characters. Liv has a difficult live and made dificult choices but she keeps on fighting. Whenn a friend shows up and asks for her help, Liv has no choice but to accept and there this whole story starts. But there is so much more to this story. Liv meets Cam again, her ex, and there is so much background. The whole story is build on a background you only get to know gradually. The story is really intriguing and I kept wanting to read further. You really notice there is much thought behind this story.
I find it really difficult to describe this book, without giving too much away, but I found it a really good read. Rachel Vincent is one of my favourite authors and I really love this book.
There are only two minpoints, one is that because of all the background and events I think this book is still too short. There is still so much story about Liv and Cam to be told. And the next books will not be told from their perspective. The other minpoint is the ending, it was strange, not a nice wrap-verything-up ending, but more a strange kind of cliffhanger. I just want to know more about Liv and Cam.
So this is a really good book, and a really good story, with so much tought behind it. I really love it but found the book too short and want to know more about the characters. I am really looking forward to the next book in this series.

jlove731's review against another edition

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Heart pounding perfection. Blood Bound is a mind-blowing book with deception, sacrifices, and danger on every page. Set in a dark, frightening world, Rachel Vincent has created a masterpiece.

Olivia Warren is a blood tracker, and happens to be one of the best. She can track you just by having even a drop of your blood. Cameron Caballero is a name tracker, also one of the best. By knowing your name he can track you anywhere across town. When Liv's old friend Anne comes to her and tells her she wants her to help her with a murder and her daughter, Liv will have no choice but to help and all because of an oath they made as kids. Forced to work with the man she loves, but cannot have, Olivia and Cam will dive into the dangerous secrets of a world neither of them chose to be a part of.

Could you imagine living in a world where your blood is something of so high value that a single drop of it could get you killed? Or being Skilled and having powers? Trackers can trace someone by blood or by a name. Travelers can transport from one place to another through shadows. Binders can, in multiple ways, bind you to another person so that you are completely under their control. Jammers can hide people so that they can basically disappear. Readers can listen to you and tell right away if you are lying or telling the truth. Blinders can make a place so dark or so light you don't even know which way is up. And, that isn't even all the skills there are. How terrifying yet neat it must be to live in such a world. And, how creative of Rachel Vincent to create such a world. I'm in awe of how much I adore the uniqueness and dangerous aspects of it all.

Blood Bound is rivaling my favorite book right now. It may very well become number one. I stayed up until 6am to finish it, and I do not regret it at all. My heart was pounding so much through out this story and I knew I would not be able to stop until I was finished. There were so many twists and jaw-dropping moments. It has everything I could have asked for. There is thrilling moments, romance, sacrifice, sex, guns, laughs, alcohol, suspense, arguing, 'aww' moments, and my list could probably go on for ever.

I have to say the characters blow me out of the water as well. Olivia is SO incredibly strong, outspoken, unyielding, and impressive. To say Liv can kick ass would be an understatement, she is one hell of a saucy girl. Liv has and will sacrifice anything she needs to for the people she cares about. She is honestly one of my favorite female leads. Then, there is Cameron Caballero. First off... how effing hot is that name? I've always thought Cam was such a hot name for a guy, but his last name... Caballero... it just rolls off your tongue and it's sexy as hell. Cam is sexy as hell. Not only that, but he's so protective and smart. How persistent he is towards Liv and how much he truly cares about her just warms your heart... even though at one point I wanted to kick him in the shins. I truly love these two together, and I will be rooting for them for the entire series.

There were other main characters as well and they were all enjoyable, and I believe all them have more story to tell and secrets to be revealed and I cannot wait to find out about them all.

To live in the city created in Blood Bound you have to be potentially reckless and/or brave. And I am blown away by the darkness and the thrilling story that Rachel Vincent has created. My heart was pounding so many times through out this book, it was unbelievable to me because I normally don't get that way. Once you get a few chapters in, you are hooked and you better hang on tight because it is a hell of a ride with tons of turns. To say I loved this book would be an understatement. I adored it; I am in love with it. The next book is told from Kori's POV, but we still get to see Cam & Liv (Phew!)... needless to say I cannot wait for Shadow Bound. A zillion stars out of five!

hoping4more's review against another edition

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So. Freaking. Good! Man, Rachel Vincent gets me every time! This one is edge of your seat gripping and the twists just kept on coming. Loved it, just loved it!

flat_castle's review against another edition

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I really didn't enjoy this book, even though I finished it (kind of stubborn in that way). I've read some other stuff by the author and so picked this up on a whim when I saw it out at the book store. Within the first 50 pages or so, I had roughly figured out a big chunck of the plot and where it was going. I don't try to do this, especially in a first person narrative where it's nice to stay with the character and let them have revelations, but the set up was just that obvious. For the reader, at least. The main cast didn't start working things out for quite some time after I did, which was disappointing. I can't relate to characters who can't keep up in that regard, and it's hard to enjoy a story when you can't relate. I think this could be the book that breaks me out of the horrible cycle of having to finish a series no matter how bad it is.

lzw's review against another edition

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Fan-Freaking-Tastic new series!