
Notable by Marni Bates

emilyanne3000's review against another edition

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Review to come :) wow, I love this series so much!

aprilk's review against another edition

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Chelsea Halloway is the main focus of "Notable" book three in the Smith High series. That's how it should be though, right? After-all she is queen of the notables at Smith High, able to destroy your social life in the time it takes to flip her beautiful blonde hair. Everyone has this image of Chelsea - perfect, beautiful, and blonde. And according to her own mother dumb. Her mom was not shy about pointing out her flaws or fighting with her dad constantly about coddling her. So when Chelsea finds out that her parents are divorcing its really no big shock, but what she didn't expect was for them to ship her off to Cambodia!

Now she's in a dangerous country with a group of college kids who stereo type her from the moment they met, running from drug lords! How in the world did Chelsea get mixed up in something like that? You'll have to read the book to find out.

I absolutely love Marni' s quirky fun books and Notables is no exception. Notables practically oozes charisma from every page! Only Marni could make a book about a girl running from drug lords so deliciously fun and intriguing. Her characters are relatable, interesting, and multi-demisonal. I really enjoyed the adventure in Notables, not to mention the romantic tension as well ;) Overall it was a quick fun read. Exactly what I've come to expect and enjoy from Marni Bates.

** I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a honest review **

saffie95's review against another edition

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Well, I got used to the cuteness and fluffiness, and suddenly there's a drugdealer in the mix! Marni Bates executed it perfectly tho

ncrabb's review against another edition

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I read this entire book today during a six-mile walk--not even a very brisk one at that. It's super quick and lots of fun. You'll have to suspend some copious amounts of disbelief, but the fun and smiles that result from your time with it are worth it.

Chelsea Halloway is one of Smith High's Notables! These girls give the concept of the in-crowd a whole new meaning. She always gets her guy--well, almost always; and the upcoming divorce of her parents and the resulting decision to ship her off to Camboida for a while won't cause so much as a stumble, unlike her awkward nemisis McKenzie, who apparently stumbles a lot according to Chelsea. But the tough girl act may be wishful thinking.

Within hours of Chelsea's arrival in Cambodia, the college professor who is in charge of the students who are part of the study abroad trip gets accidentally tangled up with a major drug lord and gets himself badly beaten and hauled away for his trouble. The college students in the group are panicing and befuddled to say the least, and it's up to high-schooler Chelsea to take control--and take control she does!

This book is squeaky clean for those who worry about such things; there's a tiny bit of kiss-and-cuddle, but no profanity. And it's wonderfully classic Marni Bates. I've not once been disappointed with any of her books; they're just fun, and in this case, the change of Chelsea Halloway from shallow and bratty to take-charge cool is actually written skillfully enough to be largely believable. I was impressed with the way Bates was able to take a character I didn't care for at all and craft her into someone for whom I actually cheered.

I very much enjoyed the Audible edition of this. It was nicely narrated, and Chelsea Holloway's voice was one the narrator achieved rather well. Looking for something to listen to while you walk? This book certainly shortened the trek ofr me; here's hoping it works that way for you as well.

kimmypete1's review against another edition

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A bit more ridiculous than the other two, but still super cute.

solelylu's review against another edition

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more like 4.5 stars.

As seen on Gaga Over Books.

Notable revolved around Chelsea who was shown a different side back in Invisible. She is Logan's ex and she is still hung up on him, kinda. Her parents are going through a divorce and her parents send her off to Cambodia for this student program. She is quite dramatic, broken-up, hurt, and all about keeping up her bitchy persona. Other students are all college students. There is Houston (yeah, Chelsea had so much fun with his fun), Amy, Liz and Ben and their jolly teacher. Chelsea is seriously annoyed by all his happy-go-lucky personality. Things get ridiculously awkward and bad when their teacher gets mauled up by gangsters and they end up on the run with drugs. Chelsea saves the day with all the craziness and the help of her new and old friends.

I liked this installment as well. I don't know I think Marni has a knack of writing such great contemporary and realistic (a Cambodia trip gone wrong can happen, y'know)-- it's ridiculous but at the same time can totally happen. I like how she writes. I like her sarcastic, witty, awkward, bad-ass heroines. I don't know- her books are totally readable. They are a really good timepass and can be read in one sitting. They are easy going.



greisreads's review against another edition

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I don't think that I ever expected to actually like Chelsea Halloway because she seemed like Queen Bitch Extraordinaire but then she became a lot less bitchy towards Jane so I figured I'd probably really like her, or at least learn to tolerate her.

The one great thing that I really love about this Awkward series is that I find something that I can relate to with each character. Mackenzie, Jane, and Chelsea are all different people with different personalities and yet with each of them, there's something that they go through, or a characteristic of theirs that really let's me connect with them and understand the way that they think and feel and why they act the way that they act.

And it just makes the book better for me because now I can sympathize with these characters and the story becomes a lot more personal to me.

I understood how Chelsea felt about always having to try so hard and yet it was never good enough for anybody. I know how it feels to be told that if you don't take one class then you won't be accepted into any university, granted Chelsea's marks are shit and mine are not but still, I understood how she felt. It is not encouraging to have someone tell you that you are never doing enough.

Trust me, I have experience in this type of area, I'm amazed this girl hasn't cried herself to sleep throughout her high school years.

But I admired how she took charge of the situation that she was in (as unbelievable as it was) and I really love how she matured throughout the story without ever losing her Chelseaness. She was still sarcastic and she still had power over the other sex and she still loved to flirt but she had softened. She was a lot nicer and she actually cared about everyone, she thought about other peoples feelings instead of just herself.

I loved her relationship with Houston as well, yeah they argued all the time but they were really cute together (when he wasn't being condescending) and I loved how they got together in the end.

I loved the characters and I loved Chelsea and I especially loved that she managed to let go of Logan and move on at the end of the book. She may not be book smart but I have absolutely no doubt that even with her shitty grades she would make it far in the world. I just had a lot of fun in this book to be perfectly honest and if you're looking for something quick I'd suggest reading it.

juhina's review against another edition

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3.5/5 stars

Notable is the fourth companion novel to the Smith High series and this time the main protagonist is Chelsea Halloway, and if you've read the previous books, you'd know she's the evil mean queen bee at Smith High. Of course in this book we witness the other side of the mean queen, the true side that make us instantaneously sympathize for her. All the readers, including myself, label Chelsea as the mean, jealous, antagonist like character, but in Notable you see that all of that is a facade. She just plays along with what people expect from her to the point that her parents have decided a trip all the way to Combodia would rearrange her priorities (i.e.: putting school as #1, typical parents huh?) and that's where she gets shipped off to.. A Combodia educational trip with a couple of undergraduate students.

Marni Bates always takes the most ridiculous and hilarious scenarios and making an enjoyable and light book out of it. This book is no exception. These students end up on the radar of a combodian drug dealer and have to set up a deal with him in order to release their professor? that is some crazy stuff but I enjoyed it because I didn't think about how improbable the situation was. Also, I liked the banter between Chelsea as well as one of the undergraduate male students that was assigned to watch over her and report any misbehavior (yup, you guessed it, love interest!). I really liked him and thought he was a great change from the typical bad boy. Come to think of it, None of the love interests in Bates' books are bad boys.

Overall, while I wished there was more depth in Notable, it was still a very enjoyable companion novel that I would recommend for readers in need of a light and fun read. I can't wait for the next companion novel because I read the first chapter of it and it sounds deliciously scandalous ;) Definitely pick up this series if you want fun, quick, contemporary reads

daisy87's review against another edition

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So I really liked Invisible, the second book in this series and was really excited to see what Chelsea's side of the story would be! And while I liked Notable, I wasn't as invested as I was with Invisible.

Chelsea is the Queen Bee of Smith High and now she's being shipped off to Cambodia of all places. I'm still not entirely sure how her parents figured this would be a good idea... I mean, it's not as if she ever expressed any interest in something like this. And Cambodia doesn't seem like the safest of places to ship your teen who easily gets into trouble to. There's a serious case of bad parenting going on here and I didn't like it.

I like Chelsea. She's no-nonsense, smart and doesn't take crap from anyone. And I hated that her parents made her feel unsure about herself and mostly that her mother made her believe that she wasn't intelligent. Because you know what, she may not be a rocket scientist, but Chelsea is smart. And nobody, especially not one of your parents, should ever make you feel otherwise. So boo Chelsea's mom!

I liked that Chelsea slowly learns to work with the group and realises not everything that annoyed her at first was so bad in the end. I like that she really grew throughout the novel and used her strengths to the advantage of the group.
That being said, I thought the events with the drugs and the dealings with the druglord were unlikely. I mean, seriously, I was kind of rolling my eyes at how they got into the whole mess. And I didn't really see why they wouldn't call for help instead of trying to make it all better themselves. So yeah, ridiculous events, but satisfying character growth for the main character.

I thought the love interest was such a pompous ass at first, but later he grew on me. And I was rooting for them to get together! It was nice to see Chelsea's relationship with Logan from Chelsea's POV and see what happened and not just what the rumor mill had been circulating about them. And I liked that we got to see a little of Jane again, cause I love Jane!

All in all, this was a cute, quick read, but with slightly ridiculous events. It made for light reading and I enjoyed it, but I liked Invisible a lot better!

My rating: 3 stars

oonareads's review

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2.5 stars