
First Mate's Accidental Wife by Eve Langlais

aquariandancer's review

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Gypsy Moth Book One.

Michonne has been kidnapped by a Kanishqui and will soon be married to him. Damon is on a mission to free the daughter of his captain's friend, but when he finds Michonne they are trapped. Thinking quickly, Michi performs the mating ceremony of her people without informing Damon. Back on his ship, Damon is resistant to the change in his status and his relationship with this stranger. However, seeing her relationship with his shipmates quickly changes his mind.

If you're looking for a fun romp through space with pirates, princesses, cyborgs and aliens, this is the book for you!

Audio Review:
Logan McAllister delivered a straight forward narration of the story. He was not monotonous, but the intonations were very slight.

bodebeabay's review

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[b:First Mate's Accidental Wife|38901005|First Mate's Accidental Wife (Gypsy Moth, #1)|Eve Langlais||60452361] by [a:Eve Langlais|3431194|Eve Langlais|]
Genres; Adult, Action & Adventure, Humor & Comedy, Romance, Sci-fi.
3.5 Stars
Negatives & Positives
I don't remember finding any editing problems at all. The flow was a bit off in some spots and the steamy intimate scenes needed more heat and emotion. The humor was in full force and I think the intimate scenes suffered a bit to the humor of the story. I also had a hard time really feeling much for either main character's, Michonne & Damon. While there is a lot of action & adventure, there isn't much suspense. It is a fun read. Ms. Langlais definitely delivered on that part, but.......
Both characters needed more depth added to their personalities. They both came off a bit one dimensional to me.
So, while I really liked it and it was a lot of fun to read, it also missed for me in a few areas.

amazingamy's review

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This was not my fav from EL but it was ok. Its wasn't the laugh out loud that I'm used to, but I haven't read much of her more recent stuff. I like the h/H they were cute and kinda funny but I didn't really love anything about this one.

coraotf's review

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Cute, but I wish it was longer.