
Bad Behaviour by Sheila O'Flanagan

pattyspages's review against another edition

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This was a reread of a very old book that I picked up in WHSmith back in the day.

I loved it just as much as the first time I read it. 
Thanks, Management 

itchyfingers's review against another edition

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Darcey and Nieve were the closest and best of friends, through school, as neighbours, travelling round Europe: this was a friendship for life. Until Nieve, returning from Europe a little later than her friend, stole the heart of Aidan, the boy Darcey had fallen in love with in her absence. Aidan was going to propose the very night Nieve caught his eye, and Darcey knew it. For the next ten years she's haunted by the memory of her humiliation. No business success - and there are many - no comfort her warm if eccentric family can offer, not even marriage to Neil, can console her. And then the invitation comes: to the wedding of Aidan and Nieve, neither of whom she's seen since they left Ireland for life in the USA. They're coming home to have the wedding of a lifetime at Ireland's most expensive hotel. Will Darcey be there? Will there be fireworks? And can the past be put to rest at last?

I thought the story was a nice one from Sheila O'Flanagan. A story about the betrayal of friendship and those considered loved ones, yet it emphasizes on the greatness and importance of forgiveness and closure. I liked the ending where Darcey finally falls in love, with the man she used to think she did not love. Also the book goes to reiterate the thin line between being the career driven woman, and the simpleness of happiness of a family. I loved it. Oh, happy endings!

shahrun's review

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I think I may have read this book before? Because I found I could guess how certain things would end. I still enjoyed reading it though

I found it a quick to get into and easy to read book. Nieve stealing Aiden didn't sit well with me. Even though it worked out for the charachters in the end. Which, I guess was the whole point of the book.

shelleyrae's review against another edition

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Iv'e liked other of O'Flanagan's novels better but this makes an enjoyable read if a little bland.

goldiefan's review against another edition

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I liked this book , Darcey was a very sympathetic character but unfortunately I feel Shelia tried to get us to sympathise with someone who to frank , was a shit. Nieve is everything I hate in a person; she made Darcey feel inadequate for years , stole her boyfriend and yet because Darcey forgives we are expected to look beyond the selfishness and horrific actions Nieve displays? No thank you. I didn’t like how some of the story was from Nieve’s point of view and I didn’t like how she got a happy ending. Despite this I will give it four stars for the Darcey and Neil arc. But no , i refuse to believe Aidan and Nieve will work because for all Aidan loves Nieve she never stops being selfish and money oriented.

justenjoy's review against another edition

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This was a fun read. A mix of very different personalities, switching point of views… The storyline might not be very original, but it was well-written nevertheless. I liked that the financial and economical world was dragged into this. This book mainly follows Darcey throughout her life.

Best friends with Nieve in high school, travelling around Europe…but all of that falls apart when Nieve steals the heart of the boy Darcey was supposed to marry. For the next ten years, Darcey is struggling with trust, friendship and getting close to anyone in general. But what happens when ten years after the event, she gets a wedding invitation of her former best friend and the guy that was supposed to be hers? Sparks will fly.

bambhee's review against another edition

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Non mi capitava di completare un libro così velocemente da ormai fin troppo tempo, per i miei gusti. Sono davvero felicissima di averci riprovato, e spero con tutta me stessa questo fosse ciò che mi serviva per superare alla grande il mio "blocco del lettore".
La verità è che, con questo libro, non poteva proprio essere altrimenti. La storia ha saputo prendermi fin da subito, con tutti i suoi colpi di scena - che mi hanno tenuta col fiato sospeso davvero fino all'ultimo - e, soprattutto, con la curiosità bruciante di voler sapere a tutti i costi con chi si sarebbe messa infine la protagonista * LMFAO *. Ammetto, infatti, di non aver resistito a farmi qualche spoiler...
Ma sono stata felicissima anche di questo, perché davvero non avrei potuto immaginare finale migliore per questo libro. Sulla scia di positività che è riuscito a lasciarmi, ne ho già cominciato un altro e - come già detto - spero proprio di poter continuare così. Ho davvero / fin troppa / roba ancora in sospeso per fermarmi adesso, aha.

nennymay's review against another edition

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It turned out to be a romance! Didn't see that coming, Nieve got what she deserved, Darcy became a success! And she ended up with Neil Lomond! Anna was well... Anna! Aidan was scummmm! Minett is the perfect mother, Martin was and still is trash. The twins weren't noticeable, I didn't care for Nieve's family, and Max Christie deserved to crash. And Darcy changed soooo much!

prisoner24601's review

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This was the thickest book I've ever read next to [b:Eragon, Eldest & Brisingr|2479827|Eragon, Eldest & Brisingr (Inheritance, #1-3)|Christopher Paolini||2487028] and the Harry Potter Series. It was very interesting. A story about a long held grudge and lost love. I thought the plot was much to develop on but really enjoyable.

Great ending: letting bygones be bygones and finding a love once lost. Excellent read.

jaii's review

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4.5 actually.