
Always and Forever by Soraya M. Lane

cjsjellybean's review

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I had a really hard time choosing a star rating for this title. I did enjoy the book, but it was just lacking a certain something that would make it great. I can't even pinpoint what it is it was missing but something just didn't do it for me. This was a heart wrenching story to read and although I have never been 100% in their shoes, I know what it's like to want a baby so badly and not be able to have one. Thankfully, my story ended differently but it still hit close to home reading about them living through it. I loved Matt's character so much and was rooting for him the entire time. Lisa was a little frustrating but I can kind of see where she was coming from in dealing with her grief. Even with a 3 star rating, I would still recommend this book to anyone wanting a good quick read.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read an advanced reader copy in exchange for my honest review.

saarahn's review

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This book wasn't all that good. There was an excellent storyline with the plot involving a hugely difficult issue: abortion. The characters had my sympathies, as would anyone having to make such an overwhelming choice, but aside from that, the book was quite dull. But I admit that the first page was wonderful: the way the story began had me thinking the book would make it to my favourites.

Matt and Lisa are the blissfully happy couple at the centre of this story and they have it all: a wonderful marriage, ten years of being together, a house of their own, their own independent lifestyles, a dog... All, except for children. They had been trying for so long to have a child, and had begun to use IVF. Finally, they are rewarded for their efforts. Lisa is pregnant! Of course, she's fearful of a miscarriage, as would any pregnant women be. But things quickly take a turn for the worst... And she and Matt have to choose between her life and the life of her unborn child.

A difficult choice, obviously, and I am not discrediting that at all. I just took issue with how Lisa began to resent her husband for his choice- when they had made the choice together! And then, I resented Matt for not allowing Lisa to grieve. I understood that they were a couple who had never faced hard times, being childhood sweethearts, but this was purely ridiculous.

And I felt as though all the other characters were perfect, there was nothing real-life about them. Your sister can't always be at your beck and call like that. And she can't always remain calm and collected- I wanted screaming matches, rants, heated arguments. Something real. I know you are all thinking I'm probably hosting screaming fests at my house... I'm not. It's just that the emotion in this book was not real enough: they were either incredibly happy or mourning. There was no in between. Unless you count the one time when their feelings, after having been so tightly repressed, are let loose and wreak havoc. Note that this was one time, and my second favourite page.

I also took issue with Matt's unwavering optimism, maybe this is because I'm English. But, it was as if he was almost testing the universe to be horrible to him and his family. For one thing, no man should ever promise something he has no control over. The fool went and promised his wife that the pregnancy would go smoothly. Why would he do that? He also made countless other promises. I hate stupid promises. Just plain stupid.

The rest of the book was flashbacks of Matt and Lisa's first years of marriage, their years before marriage and Matt's run in with cancer. Then, we had Matt and Lisa speaking about their grief, declaring their love for one another. There wasn't much else: no suspense, betrayal, questions, vengeful conflict. It just wasn't my kind of story.

I received this book through NetGalley.

hinalovestoread's review

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Where do I even begin with one?

I totally loved it!

This story is not about how people find their Happily Ever After but how they keep the Happily Ever After to stay that way.

Lisa and Matt were childhood (teenage) sweethearts and they have been true to each other in all the ups and downs of life. They think about themselves but they think of each other as well.

Their life is not all a joy ride but they try to find their joy in each other.

This is the type of relationship where people find reasons for making their relationships work. This is TRUE LOVE!