
The Finn Factor by Rachel Bailey

rankkaapina's review

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Well, this wasn't super bad. I got to like 60 % even. I just didn't care in the end. The writing was ok, no major issues, but no hooks to keep me reading either. So, lemmed.

charmaineac's review

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I'm such a sucker for best friends who become more (seriously, that trope is so common yet so effective). I felt like there wasn't too much substance in this one, unfortunately. It definitely had me feeling some kind of way though — I definitely cried at the end, even though there was a happy ending. What if there wasn't? I honestly think it would have been more impactful that way... and with them coming together again years later, having done all they needed to do and in a totally different place in life. That's a lot less realistic though. If it got to that point, they'd probably be strangers again (and it'd be so TRAGIC).

bookishanjali's review against another edition

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2.5 Stars

I'll jump at the chance at reading a friend to lovers trope which is what The Finn Factor is, but I wasn't really feeling the characters or their story much and actually found myself a bit bored for the most part.

Scarlet and Finn are best friends and have been living together for a few years. There has never been any sexual tension etc between them but one day they kiss due to the fact that Scarlett has been having bad luck in guys sticking around and she thinks it has something to do with her kissing so Finn jumps in and says she can practice kissing with him next thing you know the two can't stop thinking about it each other and the rest of the book is about them sorting their feelings out and moving from friends to lovers.

Even though the two have been friends and have been living together for so long I just wasn't feeling the chemistry between the two, it seemed more like lust than anything else. Also there was two point of views which I'm always a fan of but I just didn't connect with either one of the main characters, Finn was still very heavily guarded and Scarlett just came across a little too immature for my likes.

I did find myself caring a bit more about what happened between the two towards the end which is why I'll say this was an okay read for me.

Memorable Quotes:

~"We played with fire."
"And we both got burned."

~"The right person is worth the possibility of being hurt, because being with them is everything."

jaime_fiction_fangirl's review against another edition

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The only thing I love better than a friends to lovers story is a BEST friends to lovers story.

Finn and Scarlett have been best friends for years and all it takes is one kiss to change everything they thought they knew about their feelings for each other. The sexual tension between them was off the charts hot and when it all came to a head...fireworks! Outside of those fireworks, the connection they share is rare and precious and they are both afraid to mess it up by risking taking the relationship further.

My heart broke for them as they struggled to reconcile their fears about losing each other with their feelings that go well beyond just friendship. The thing is, once you cross that line, you can't ever go back.

I really enjoyed this story. It was sweet and fun, with just enough angst to tug at my heartstrings. This is definitely a book worth picking up.

*I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

nononanette's review against another edition

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It was a cute premise. very light and sweet. I liked all the characters and her style.

jaimereadsromance's review

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The only thing I love better than a friends to lovers story is a BEST friends to lovers story.

Finn and Scarlett have been best friends for years and all it takes is one kiss to change everything they thought they knew about their feelings for each other. The sexual tension between them was off the charts hot and when it all came to a head...fireworks! Outside of those fireworks, the connection they share is rare and precious and they are both afraid to mess it up by risking taking the relationship further.

My heart broke for them as they struggled to reconcile their fears about losing each other with their feelings that go well beyond just friendship. The thing is, once you cross that line, you can't ever go back.

I really enjoyed this story. It was sweet and fun, with just enough angst to tug at my heartstrings. This is definitely a book worth picking up.

*I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

theestherhadassah's review

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This book was brilliant! I was going a little nutty for something like this, and it hit the spot. Full review

dwarner's review

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4.0 stars. These kinds of books are addicting. I've been exploring the new adult realm recently and I can't decide if I like it or not but I'm most probably certain I do because I can't stop reading them.

malissac's review

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I adored this book. This was my first time reading Rachel Bailey but I can guarantee you it will not be the last. The Finn Factor is a fun, sweet, swoon-worthy, quick read.

Scarlett Logan, can't seem to keep a date interested. It's been over a year since she's made it past the critical second date. Guys just won't let her in and she can't figure out what she's missing that keeps them from coming back for more. One night after a number of her 'famous mojitos' and some series best friend talk with well, her best friend, Scarlett concludes, through graphs mind you, that her inability to keep a guy around is her lack of experience with kissing. She must simply be a terrible kisser and decides on a course of action to rectify this. Of course after numerous mojitos Scarlett determines that there is only one way to go about this...practice. She's going to contact Cole Jericho, a client at work and a well known actor...who will clearly having his kissing game down.

"Well, he's been on TV most of his life, so he's had to kiss a lot of girls on camera." With the roles he'd been playing in the last few years, it had been a LOT of girls."" - Scarlett

Finn MacKenzie, never saw it coming. He's been working behind the scenes for years keeping Scarlett's un-worthy dates at bay

"It had been more complicated to track down her dates in the first few years of our friendship, and sometimes they'd get to four or five dates before I could find the latest guy, assess him, and send him packing. Luckily things had become much more streamlined since she'd moved in......She really needed to start picking a better class of guy." -Finn

then boom, she practically smacks him straight in the heart with this talk of being a bad kisser and wanting to practice; practice with some random, rich, handsome actor. He's not worked this hard to keep guys who could appreciate all that was Scarlett away for the past four years to be undermined by some silly notion (brought on through no fault of her own, ahem) that she's a bad kisser. There is only one way to fix this...It has to be him, Finn has to fall on his sword (so to speak) for the cause.

Can Finn's and Scarlett's friendship survive kissing lessons or will it doom them to a life without each other? I have to say, that first kissing think it's going to be all awkward and well, awkward but if you couldn't feel this couple's chemistry before then, you got a load of it during that kiss!

(Gratuitous Chris Pratt moment, don't judge)

It was hot and I think I may have even fallen in love with Finn by then. The guy does some shady stuff all in the name of friendship, but he truly does it out of a love that he doesn't even recognize and Scarlett isn't exactly clear of conscious either. I loved their back and forth, I loved the friends to lovers aspect, it works beautifully in this story. Finn is going to have your heart fluttering in no time, he is really such a great guy. He's dedicated, hard working, caring, a little bit broken, and a whole lot of sweet. Scarlett, is a great girl. She's the girl you want to be at that age. Working out who she is and where her life is going, surrounded by friends and family, (even if she would like to strangle her parents every now and again, I mean who doesn't right?) she's kind, generous, fun, also a bit broken, and equally as sweet as Finn.

I really enjoyed the rest of the characters as well. They are all a bit unconventional, especially Scarlett's parents, who I adored, the scene where Scarlett and her mother talk sex with Finn's youngest sister still makes me giggle. I could totally feel the heat crawling up my chest and put myself right into Scarlett's place. I am hopeful that we will perhaps see Finn's oldest sister in a upcoming book, although this is a stand alone. Maybe if we beg enough? :-)

This is a sweet, funny, moving book about family, friendship, and love. If you are a New Adult, Contemporary Romance, or Adult Romance fan you will enjoy this sweet story .


bookishzelda's review

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I really wanted to read The Finn Factor because I love this kind of plot. Friends becoming romantically involved. I loved The Finn Factor even more because it felt different than other ones I have read. It had a little bit more unique feel.

The thing that I thought is unique about The Finn Factor is the fact that Scarlett and Finn are best friends and have been for four years. Neither of them has been lusting after the other. They have had a solid friendship and both have dated many other people. That’s not to say that subconsciously they fell for eachother early on but neither of them knew that. So you don’t have that pining from one character to the other. It made me really like the book. When they have the “kissing lesson” it’s almost like unlocking a Pandora’s box for them. I like how things play out from that point on.

Finn and Scarlet both have issues but the issues are not too heavy. It allows you to keep interest in the book by creating drama for the plot but also let’s you really enjoy the romance.

Family is a really strong element of the book, which is also something that I really like to see. We have Scarlett who have parents, that might be a little on the eccentric end but really do love their kids. Then there is Finn who is the caretaker for his sisters, which let’s you see a different side of him. Which also brings in some great side characters.

I loved both Scarlet and Finn. Fin definitely has that adorable nerd thing going for him and Scarlet is the artist one who can rock glasses.

I loved The Finn Factor and the fact that it has romance but not to heavy on the issues. It’s a great read for when you just need a break and want something fun to make you smile.