
Tales from Foster High by John Goode

_veelox's review against another edition

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Ok first of all, I’m really bad at doing reviews. Usually I just read the book and move on to the next one. If I like the book it usually gets 5 starts, if I didn’t it gets 3 stars because if I finished it deserve 3 stars, and if I don’t finish a books it gets 1 star. Also I’m not one to over analyze the story, background, characters, etc. I think I’ll review this with my thoughts and some quotes that I really enjoyed during this book.

The first thing that I loved about this book was the main character, Kyle. He's such a believable character. There’s one thing that confused me was the switch of perspective between parts. After the first one I was in the state of mind of Kyle, and we I switched to part two I had a hard time thinking it was not Kyle, but Brad.

Even though I don't come from the same background as Kyle or Brad, I still felt like I could relate to them. The situations they were living were believable, because some of them happened to me, not exactly alike but similar. The author really understood the hard times for a gay kid in high school and wrote them down perfectly.

When I read a book, I usually live it. If the character is sad, I’m sad. If he's angry, I’m angry. I was living Kyle and Brad's life for a few days.

SpoilerFrom the start, the first lines, I knew I would love this story:

"I don't remember the moment I knew I was broken. I was seventeen and on the … I knew I liked guys but was still under the delusion that an attraction to guys didn't make you gay…"

THIS!. This phrase/part summed up my entire high school life. I never knew one phrase could mean so much. John was able to grasp my entire hell of emotions from that time in my life in one phrase.

Then he founds Brad, or rather Brad found him. The one person that he never thought could be like him. Brad is the one that made the first contact. Kyle would have never attempt this.

The first part goes on with the secret of brad and Kyle. Then at the end Kyle braves up and confront the school bully who was bullying him calling him gay slurs. Kyle stands up to him and tells him that he is indeed gay. The book ends with Brad standing up for Kyle, revealing his secret as well.

For part two we switch to Brad's point of view. We learn more about his family and his struggles. He thinks he made a mistake saying that he was gay. He tries to be true to himself and be with Kyle, but there's an uncertainty. Which breaks them apart. Fighting with Kyle really confuses him more, and he goes to the theater to think things through. He later meets with the guy who sells sport equipment and clothes. He knew him through his dad (If I remember correctly) and learns that he is gay too, and they talk about it. This give courage to Brand and he later admits to his parent his homosexuality and patches things up with Kyle.

Part three, Kyle and Brad faces their schoolmate. I liked that Kyle wasn't shy about who he was. Where I come from, the schools are really more open mind about homosexuality, so I was really frustrate about the principal and his ways, the bullies, and the coach kicking Brad off the team.

One thing I didn't suspect was the support of Brad's father. I knew his mom would be more accepting, but being that his father had already physically abused him in the past, this was a complete turn around. In the end, Kyle and Brad are together for good. Their parents rallied against the school board with great legal arguments about why what they were doing to their kids was wrong and that they could do something about it. But what topped it off was brad beautiful speech.

I remembered the first part in more detail because I had highlighted a lot of things, part 2 and 3, I was too in to it, and so I forgot to highlight my favorites parts. But that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it just the same. All three parts were fantastic and I recommended these books to my friends.

I can’t wait to re-read it and do more annotation this time around. I might wait to buy the hardcopy to that I can write in the margins (I NEVER write in my books, so that means that I really liked this one). This way I twill be a permanent reminding of my thought while reading it.

niegle's review against another edition

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Good book. Bad proof reading

The story is well thought out and the characters are likable. The proofreading and editing are lacking. It is shame no one takes pride in their work anymore. Still worth reading.

nicola949's review against another edition

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I 'read' this via audio book and LOVED it. See the review of the first book Maybe With A Chance Of Certainty where I focus a little more on the narration. I cannot speak more highly of Michael Stellman. He did a wonderful job of narrating Tales from Foster High and I believe his voice is perfectly suited to the telling of a YA story.

skye16's review against another edition

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I have very fond memories of this book. I gotta say with its derogatory, ableist, and sexist language it doesn't quite hold up. But Florida's discriminatory anti-gay laws make the main message of the book quite relevant once again. 

shile87's review against another edition

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5 ++++++++ stars

This book, this book .. is the best YA/NA that I have ever read, better than any high school series/ movie that I have watched , and I have watched a lot.. probably every Tv series and movies known to man.


The writing was on point. While reading this I felt like I was back in high school which like Kyle I Hated with a passion, you would not pay me any amount of money to go back.


“So I sat there and thought about faking a heart attack so I could skip school for a few months. I mean, they wouldn’t let a kid with a weak heart deal with something as harsh as high school, would they?”


Kyle ..oh my I loved him. He was the invisible student, a loner did not want to be noticed, just wanted to finish high school, little did he know he caught the attention of the high school popular Jock named Brad, and from there everything changes. I loved the character growth of Kyle, he goes being the invisible nobody to an amazing man of strength. He was not a doormat and did not back down from a fight an I loved that.

“I didn’t want to be a victim, some princess locked away in a tower, waiting to be saved. I wanted to be the hero of my story; I didn’t need to be saved. At least I didn’t want to be.”



Brad.. let’s just say he is not your typical jock, yes he is popular, but its all just a façade. I liked that when he found out he liked Kyle he just went for it consequences be damned.

“I didn’t have a life before you. All of that was… was just a waste of time.” I put my hand over his heart. “This, this is the first real thing I have ever felt.”

The secondary characters were well written. I liked that even though the parents were shitty parents, when it came to their boys they fought for them.

Kelly.... uummmm! I don't like at all.

I Loved it. Thank God there are 7 more books.


“I don’t remember the moment I knew I was broken… but I do recall when I started to understand that it might be okay. It was the moment I fell in love with the boy with the green eyes.”


The pop culture reference had me grinning throughout and I realized I have watched every movie and Tv series mentioned

“Your dad said you guys got into a fight.” Which was like saying that Voldemort and Harry Potter had strong words with each other.”


The steam was low its YA so it did not bother me, but there was a lot of kissing which i liked.



John Hughes would have been proud.

valerie_lostmylifetobooks's review against another edition

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Everything about this book was very good, exept that Brad sometimes has this monologue that goes on and on, but it was just a minor thing to me.
Everything about this book was very good, eve the romance wasn't exagerrated.
One thing was exellent; Kyle is one of the most hylarious characters I've ever read about. Love his dry humor.

4.5 stars. Definitely.

rekluse's review against another edition

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I really wanted to like this book, it had a lot of good reviews and it did show promise, but it just fell way short of what it could have been.

The book wasn't all bad, I didn't hate it but there wasn't anything special to hold on to and in the end i was left disappointed, disappointed in the characters which were very "cookie cutter", they didn't really have their own personalities that stood out. In the over all plot which again was cliche but i could have looked past that with better story telling, I mean honestly I kept thinking to myself "is this a story, or a collection of metaphors\analogies that are being loosely tied together with a plot?".

But the one thing that annoyed me the most was there wasn't any real display that the two main characters even liked each other let alone loved each other. I mean yes there was the big coming out in school but up until then they had spent more time arguing with each other then developing a relationship, a relationship and love that was supposed to be amazing enough to make it worth upending their whole lives for.

I would have liked to have seen the author take a bit more time in fleshing out the main characters and showing more of them together intimately and I dont mean sex, but just those private moments that display a growing connection between two people.

To sum it up quickly the book felt rushed, like an overly long short story.

Would I recommend this series? At this point no, in my personal opinion there are better books out there but I haven't completed this series yet and hopefully it gets better.

lmcc's review against another edition

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Overall a good story, but I found it a bit too preachy. While I'm sure that the traumatic experience of coming out of the closet as a teenage boy is very real and that this story depicts some of the worst aspects of such an event, the soap-box tone of the story left a bad feeling about it. More than once characters launched into monologues that felt like they'd been lifted straight from an After School Special. This kept the story from being a raw, honest depiction of this life-defining experience and made it into a bull horn for the author's obvious agenda. Perhaps because I agree with the author's assertion that bullying and homophobia are to be condemned that I felt like he was preaching to the choir.

alisonalisonalison's review against another edition

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This was okay. This series is super popular, but I think it's not for me. I enjoyed this enough to read it through to the end, but I never really connected with the characters or the story. I was surprised at how dark and melancholy this story is; I wasn't quite expecting that. The writing is good, but this just didn't really grab me.

scarlett_r_90's review against another edition

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Lovely first introduction to the series :) The initial get together was a bit easy, and then the angst when Brad was deciding 'should he' 'shouldn't he' 'should he' was a bit frustrating, but the story was sweet. The bullying is awful and horrifying, but it doesn't delve into unbelieveable at all. The randomness of their mothers' suddenly sticking up for them, literally changing the habit of a lifetime, was a bit odd, but it was nice to see people on their side :) .
I will definitely continue with this series!