
The Last Passenger by Andres Alfaro, Manel Loureiro

kazrik's review against another edition

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The 1st part of the book was rather solid, the 2nd part started falling apart rather quickly and the 3rd was just a mess in cramming in everything and trying to tie up all the loose ends. The premise of the book had potential, but it kinda got a little to creative for its own good.

Glad all I lost was time reading this as it was a freebie from the Amazon select program.

frozenoj's review against another edition

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It was okay but I'm a bit confused about the conclusion of the mystery.

h3dakota's review against another edition

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This story is one that will keep you glued to the edge of your seat! Wow. Wasn't terribly pleased with the solution to the big bad, but I kind of saw it coming. Outside of that, the story is most excellent and well written.

ryanjamesburt's review against another edition

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Went on a cruise and wanted a book to read that had a similar theme. Okay this wasn't really that simalar but a old Nazi cruise ship seemed worth a read. It was an okay book but caught me in the right mood. I am usually not one for a horror book but it was a fun read.

pachypedia's review against another edition

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En general me ha gustado bastante: una trama interesante, un buen ritmo, pero el final me decepcionó un poco.

wenwe's review against another edition

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Wow. Just Wow. And needs a final edit.

squirrellygoat's review against another edition

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There were parts that were genuinely scary, other some parts that were otherwise good - I liked how most of the ending wrapped up parts of the beginning (but I felt the actual last paragraph was really lame), but over all I did not enjoy the book.

jerseygrrrl's review

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Ugh. How did this book get so bad so fast?

It started out promising. It had a recently widowed journalist in the throes of grief is becomes wrapped up in a fantastic mystery. In 1939, a Nazi ship was found adrift at sea. A hot meal waited on the dining room tables and Jewish baby rested in the middle of the ballroom floor. Besides the baby, there were no other people. The crew and passengers were never seen again. That's a good enough beginning.

Then it all went wrong. The heroine turned out to be completely useless. The only other female character was a one-dimensional, predatory lesbian. And the ghost of the journalist's dead husband had to come save the day many times over since the heroine couldn't seem to save herself. Oh yes, and the Big Bad hunting the ship turned out to be created by a Jew. So, is all the Jew's fault. Brilliant... trainwreck.

austinstorm's review

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Starts so good and so creepy, but as we learn more it gets more rote. The protagonist starts strong but immediately turns into someone who is constantly being saved in ways we don't understand until they're explained to us after the fact.

Also I set the spoiler tag because this: there's a lot of bow-chicka-bowwow, and not in a good emotionally grounded way. In a 'throbbing member' / 'pink mounds' kind of way.

lethanibooks's review

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Me he llevado una decepción con este libro. Hacía tiempo que no leía algo tan absurdo. Es una pena, porque creo que con la trama inicial se podría haber hecho un desarrollo mucho más creíble...En fin, una vez más, me quedo con Senka, la única que se salva en este revuelto de personajes absurdos.