
Never Miss by Melissa Koslin

gardeningreader's review

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Loved this book. Wasn't sure during the first couple of chapters but as it all came together and I found myself invested in the characters I couldn't put it down.

Plenty of expertise and action in this book and I always enjoy CIA type books.

The love story is fun and I found myself wishing it went a couple more chapters. God plays a role for one of the characters but not the role you see in some Christian fiction. I wanted to see him rely on him more. I would definitely read more books with these characters and by this author.
I received a free book with the hopes of an honest review. I only give 5 stars to my most favorite books. 4 stars to ones I liked a lot and would recommend.

abigailkayharris's review

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Unexpectedly powerful!

Okay, wow, wow, wow! I did not expect to find a nerdy guy who is very much not only a nerd and is actually a perfect hero. I didn't expect to find such a beautifully broken heroine with an extremely hard past.

This is the first book I've read of Koslin's and I'm glad I did! The plot was not anything like I expected though I wasn't sure WHAT to expect.

Kadance's and Lyndon's thrilling ride to outrun killers while trying to stop a horrific attack is one that you won't want to miss.

Warnings: Mature content that is shown in a good way however I recommend this book for 18 and older.

I voluntarily received and reviewed a complimentary e/copy of this book which I received from the author/publisher. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

melmo2610's review

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What an unusual story "Never Miss" is. This book surprised me with lots of twists and turns and a bit of a surprising ending. The characters fit the storyline very well and I really liked Lyndon. Mac the cat kind of stole the story for me too. He is quite the emotional support animal. The storyline is exciting and kept me guessing as to what the outcome was going to be. The story also moved well and was a quick easy listen. All in all, an interesting read.

I received this book from the publisher and was not required to post a positive review. All thoughts are my own.

sassybookishmama's review

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What a great debut novel by Melissa Koslin!! It grabs you right from the start and takes you in an adventure for sure. I mean it definitely kept me guessing on who the culprit could be and you want to know more about these characters who have some past stories that aren't just given to you from the start.

We meet Kadance and Lyndon right from the start and they are the most alike yet opposite people that you could ever encounter. I say alike because they both seem like huge introverts. You can tell that they are a bit awkward in society but yet know how to handle themselves. That is the only thing that they really have in common though. Kadance is a former sniper with a peculiar childhood and past. She tends to keep her feelings inside and doesn't reveal much of herself. Lyndon on the other hand is extremely bright (i mean the guy has 3 doctorates and is only 30!!), is one of those people with a photographic memory and can read people very well so he understands Kadance better than anyone ever has. I found these characters to be truly fascinating and so unlike anything I have ever read before.

The action and suspense were great as well. It keeps you guessing on who it could be and it truly is non-stop. They are going from place to place trying to find clues as to why someone wants Lyndon and why do they want him? There was a surprising twist that I didn't fully expect and I was all for it. It keeps you at the edge of your seat or for me up all night trying to finish it! My only complaint is the ending. I felt like it was a bit rushed and abrupt. I think there could be a bit more and who knows maybe we can see these characters again? After all this is only her first book!

Overall I thought this story was great and I can't wait to see what other stories Koslin comes up with. This story didn't have an "in your face" aspect of God's word but you can read in between the lines the message of forgiveness throughout it. If you are a fan of Christian Suspense then I recommend you pick this one up!

I received this book from the publisher. I was not required to post a positive review. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

esthery_rn's review

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Engaging and a good read. But it’s a morally-good book, not a Christian book. Jesus is portrayed as a good person and someone just has to pay attention to feelings to follow Him. (2-stars for that reason.) I’d read more from this author, but it wasn’t what I expected from Revell Publishing.

belovedbrat's review

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first reviewed here:

Title: Never Miss
Author: Melissa Koslin

Ch: 43

Pg: 368

Genre: Christian Suspense

Rating: 5 stars

Publisher: 5 stars

I was hooked from page one of Never Miss the debut novel from Melissa Koslin. Though the publisher says it’s suspense to me it reads more like a psychological thriller. Kadance Tolle is a former CIA sniper Lyndon Vaile is a researcher studying possible man made virus. After saving him Kadance is determined to not only keep him alive but help him.

This book had some of my favorite things in literature a strong and compatible heroine and a slightly nerdy hero who is more than meets the eye. Who knows the heroine can take care of herself and just wants to help and support her in whatever way she needs.

Kadance was an easy character to relate to because like Kadance my father also taught me how to shoot but unlike characters in the book he never went against the oath. A favorite part was when Kadance was technically hustling the guys at the shooting range but hey it wasn’t her fault they didn’t think she could shoot just because she was a woman she didn’t lie she just didn’t correct them.

Keep in mind if you want to read this one keep in mind it’s more of psychological thriller than suspense. But I am looking forward to the next book from Melissa Koslin

I received a complimentary copy from the publishers as part of a blog tour. I was not required to provide a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher through netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

bestinsuspense's review

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Never Miss starts off with an intriguing premise. Ex-CIA sniper Kadence Tolle lives her life on the run. She saves Lyndon Vaile’s life, and then becomes embroiled in a dangerous conspiracy. Kadence and Lyndon team up to stop a bioterrorism plot and find their lives are instantly intertwined. Lyndon is a scientist, and his research has made him a target while Kadence’s past comes back to haunt her.

I thought this story would be more of a CIA spy thriller based on the back cover blurb, but the romance takes center stage. The two main characters spend much of the novel reacting to their feelings of attraction. Both have struggles in their past that make it hard to have a relationship. The plot seemed to focus more on the internal ramifications of Kadence’s life as a sniper/assassin and how she struggles to come to terms with things she did in the past.

I wished the action and suspense had a better balance with the romance and emotional scenes. Even with some great action scenes in place, the internal and external dialogue of the characters slowed down the pace a bit too much for me.

Overall Rating:
3 stars (good story, maybe not my favorite but an enjoyable read)

Suspense Rating:
3 stars (some suspenseful moments)

I received an ebook review copy of this book through Revell and NetGalley. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.

modern_miss_granger's review

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A really interesting read. It had all the elements of an action packed story and overall, it was. The MCs felt real and their development across the story was realistic and sweet. They each had skeletons that they were trying to outrun. The threat of an Ebola virus outbreak added a whole level of intensity that I liked.

What fell flat to me was sometimes the technical stuff (sniper speech, reading expressions, spy stuff

linneahbt's review

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I enjoyed this read! Not what I expected of the genre in a good way. The characters were complex and interesting and while I didn't LOVE the central conflict I was interested in seeing the story play out. The end was a little anti-climactic for me but great tension until then.

mjsh's review against another edition

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mysterious fast-paced


This debut novel by Melissa Koslin is definitely memorable with a great plot and unique characters. The storyline has plenty of twists and turns that are completely unexpected and makes for an excellent suspenseful atmosphere. Lyndon, a gifted researcher, and Kadance, a gifted sniper, are unusual main characters with unusual talents who make a fantastic team as they struggle to figure out who is targeting them and who is trying to unleash a deadly virus. Their friendship is fun but the emphasis on physical attraction felt a bit excessive, particularly on Lyndon’s part. Dialogue felt stilted (but perhaps that was a reflection of the characters’ personalities?) and writing was somewhat choppy at parts but the plot still moved at a good pace. I loved Mac, Kadance’s cat, who was like another main character. 

If you enjoy romantic suspense, you will enjoy this book. I received the book from Revell/Baker Publishing Group via Interview & Reviews and was under no obligation to post a positive comment. All opinions are solely my own.