
Everblue, by Brenda Pandos

zoet's review

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I really wanted to read this book years ago, and I wish I'd read it then, to satisfy my desires. I would have gotten this train wreck out of the way and then I could have easily forgotten about it.

But no. The only thing that I can honestly congratulate this book on is the amazing feat that it's the worst book I've read in so long for SO MANY REASONS all at once.

Like it seems like it takes more energy to have horrible characters, plot, reasoning, and writing, all at the same time, than to just mess up on at least a few of them, save for the work's few redeeming qualities.

Now, I happily put this book on the shelf of horrible- should-not-have-been-written-mermaid-YA-novels along with [bc:Siren|6970490|Siren (Siren, #1)|Tricia Rayburn||7209895] and [bc:Lost Voices|7656222|Lost Voices (Lost Voices, #1)|Sarah Porter||10230258]

I would also like to note that the author messed up so bad that she named both the father figures in this book the same name, she gave the heroine siblings who were actually nonexistent book or just put in ambiguous characters almost every other chapter, and she pushed the whole "christianity/religion" thing way too much that it was overbearing and distasteful.

lcalbie's review

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Couldn't finish this one - it didn't have enough interest...

yvo_about_books's review

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Finished reading: July 30th 2015

"Stars pebbled the heavens and I vowed to never take the beauty for granted once we were back home, guarding the gate like it should be."


I have to be honest and say I wasn't really sure this novel would be for me back when I downloaded it at Amazon. But since I could get it for free and the cover intrigued me, I decided to give Everblue a go anyway. Unfortunately, my instinct was more than right. I came really close to actually DNF this read, and that doesn't happen often. The main characters were seriously frustrating; especially Ash; she goes from wanting Fin to Callahan to even Collin... Up to the point that I wish I could have slapped her and say: 'make up your mind already'! A lot of YA authors seem to feel their novels need a love triangle and Brenda Pandos is not an exception. The worst part: there are actually various love triangles in Everblue! I wasn't a big fan of the prose either and I felt the story dragged at some points. I guess this story might have worked better as a novella... But even then I wouldn't recommend reading it.


Ashlyn and Tatiana are best friends, but Tatiana has a secret. Ash thinks she just has very strict parents, but there is actually a whole different reason why Tatchi and her brother Fin can't go outside at night. It turns out they aren't exactly human; they have to hide their secret and tails so humans don't find out. When Tatchi and Fin suddenly disappear, Ash is more than worried. She just lost her best friend and she actually has a huge crush on Fin... But she doesn't know what to do to find them. Will she be able to find them again? And what about the secret?


Everblue is about mermaids, which is quite interesting since these creatures are mostly ignored in YA literature. I liked the descriptions of Natatoria, but that was about it. The prose was actually quite annoying at points and the characters bland and irritating. Still, I think the worst part of this novel is the fact that it has various (unnecessary) love triangles. The romance scenes are cheesy and it seems that Ash changes who she wants to be with with every single heartbeart. Irritating and not exactly believable. In other words, I would definitely not recommend reading this one.

P.S. Find more of my reviews here.

gabs_myfullbookshelf's review

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3.5 stars

My main complaint with mermaid books is that they are nearly always very similar to each other. However, Everblue is actually pretty original, in my opininon. Yeah, there are a couple cliches; but for the most part, I thought it was its own unique story, and that is what I liked most about the book. It's not just about someone finding out they're an illegitimate child of a mermaid; it actually isn't like that at all! And the romance was subdued until near the end, which I also appreciated. I am not a big fan of when the relationship takes place over the fact that the main character has fins, wings, super powers, etc.

I loved the multiple points of view. I know some people can't stand these, but when they are done right, I absolutely adore them. And this one was done right. It really added depth to the story knowing what both Fin and Ashlyn were thinking.

I think this is a series I will continue. I want to know how this all gets resolved, and I kind of want to know how the relationship between Ashlyn and Fin grows. (I'm a bit afraid that it will get really romance heavy, but I'm willing to take the risk!)

Now, what I didn't like.

Oh, it wasn't anything specific. My main complaint is that it took a while for this book to grab me. I wasn't invested in the story until maybe about a third of the way through. Another thing is, as much
SpoilerI don't really see what the point of introducing Callahan to the story was. Now, this is a small point, and it's not really a point I'm too annoyed on; but he played such a miniscule part in the overall plot that I am left to wonder if it was truly necessary to introduce him. I just ended up feeling kind of bad for him in the end.

If you are a fan of Mermaid stories, I would definitely recommend this book. It's a bit slow at the start, but by the end I was dying to know what would happen next!

foxy_roxy's review

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I think I fell in love with this book from the very first page - or the minute that Finn was introduced. I enjoyed that the book is narrated by 2 different characters. I feel that it gives it more personality.
The world that is created in this book is pretty interesting. I never thought that I would be interested in "Mer People", but Brenda Pandos has definitely succeeded in gaining my interest.
I enjoyed this book very much and am looking forward to reading the second book in this series. Can't wait for it.

*Author Brenda Pandos has a way of writing that captures her readers. She creates awesome worlds where anything is possible and where you can "insert" yourself into the book. After reading her books, I tend to find myself thinking about them, picturing them for several days. I can't get them out of my mind. I usually wonder what will happen next. I say, if an author can stir something like that, then they must be pretty good.

lovesfromlindsey's review

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Brenda Pandos has done it again. I read her book The Emerald Talisman earlier this year and I loved it. When I decided to buy Everblue, I already had high expectations but my expectations were blown away.

As of right now, Everblue is one of my favorite books. I was pulled into Ash, Tatchi, and Fin's story so quickly and I couldn't put it down. The ending left me wanting more so badly that the sequel will probably be the first book I buy after the holidays. This book was incredible. I can't wait to read more of her books!

sweetcreature89's review

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I've wanted to read this book since I first heard about it. I've always been a mermaid fan, from The Little Mermaid to Splash (which is mentioned in the book!). Even when I was a little girl, I would swirl my long red hair in the bathtub, pretending to be Ariel.

This was, believe it or not, my very first "mer" book. It was pretty good, but I wasn't entirely impressed with it. It seemed like it went really slow at some points and then it would speed up and go really fast. I liked the story and the characters, bit took me a long time to read Everblue. most of the time I was into it, but sometimes, it didn't hold my interest at all.

This book was kind of back and forth for me. I ended up pretty disappointed with it, overall.

bookcub's review

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I can't begin to count the reasons why this book sucked. Maybe I'll update in the future.

jackjackstone's review

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I didn't even finish it. That was unbearably boring.

literarykate616's review

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When I first started blogging I had the opportunity to review Brenda's debut novel, The Emerald Talisman. It was truly refreshing to read a book about vampires that was a balance of stolen kisses and dark secrets. When I heard she wrote a book about mermaids, I knew it would be just as unique. Despite it's 200 pages, Everblue is chock full of drama, forbidden romance and evil mermaids. It's super dark at times and has more Ursula than Ariel. I enjoyed the switching point of views between Fin and Ashlyn because it really helped me understand their personalities individually, in addition to their feelings for one another. The ending was totally out of left field and seriously crushed me. I think I like mermaid books now and hope that book 2 will be out soon.