
Au-delà by Tara Hudson

cjyu's review against another edition

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3.5 stars

Not a a bad concept, but could use more depth in the story.

trisha_thomas's review against another edition

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Ugh, I thought this was awful.

The story didn't seem to hold any fresh new ideas. It had the same old tired cardboard cut out of kids. They were perfectly polite to their parents, never had a bad thought in their head. They blushed and grinned and...just the usual stuff. There wasn't anything new here. I think most frustrating was that the kids didn't act like kids. They were either extremely immature or made these grown up mature decisions. There was no middle ground.

And the villain saying that Amelia was "special" and he wanted her. It was so comical I could almost see him twirling his mustache and laughing manically.

I think teenagers can read more mature and complex characters than this. And I think there should be a huge plot twist that makes sense. This one was such a nonsensical let down that I actually re-read the whole section, thinking I'd misread it the first time.

I had hoped for so much more.

tainted_words's review against another edition

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This book totally left me speechless. I was shocked.

The details, love story, Amelia's life, Eli, hereafter. Amazingly one of the best books I have ever read.

And one of the amazing things, is that the book ends, and you don't get that yearning feeling, 'cause the book ended like a cliff hanger. It's really a book that you can't read as one book, without installments, which will come.

carteremma's review against another edition

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This is the story of Amelia after her death. When we meet Amelia all she really know is that she is dead. Slowly Amelia begins to remember things like her name and where she is. I like going into a book where the character has about as much knowledge as we do and as they find things out we slowly begin to learn about the character. Amelia is minding her own business one day when a car flies off the bridge, where Amelia knows she died. The driver of the car, Joshua, is drowning and Amelia manages to save him. From this moment on the only person in the living world who can see Amelia is Joshua and they begin to form a bond.

I loved this book. It took a couple of chapters for me to be really invested, but once I was I could not put it down. I liked how the story started off really slowly. It begins with only one character with little memory and very little going on and then another character is introduced and they interact for a while. This builds up to a handful of characters and some good otherworldly action and adventure. I really liked the character of Amelia and thought it was sweet that she suddenly worried about how she looked when she met Joshua. Hello your dead, you have probably looked better!

Joshua was a great character and I liked how he interacted with Amelia. However I would like to have known more about his family and his destiny but this will probably be covered in the next book. I thought this was a really charming and sweet story tinged with an underlying sadness that at times made me want to weep for them. The tragedy of love after death!!

poorashleu's review against another edition

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Originally reviewed at Nose in a Book

Tara Hudson is a debut author with Hereafter, but it is nearly impossible to tell that fact. Even though this is another book that took me quite some time to get into and I’m not exactly sure why. (I blame school making me feel guilty, not the book.)

This is the story of Amelia. She’s a ghost who believes her afterlife has no purpose. She has no idea how she became a ghost, she just knows she’s a ghost and no one can see her. Wait. Someone can see her and his name is Joshua. Amelia saves Joshua’s life at the beginning of the book, when he accidentally drives his car off a bridge.

But this is not typical YA, promise. I don’t want you going into this believing she begins to ‘live’ for him. She just begins to see that there may be a point to this afterlife business after all. Joshua, by the way, is not even remotely bothered by the fact that she is a ghost. Joshua also helps Amelia figure out how she died and helps her remember and helps her, in her own way, move on. Plus Joshua has his own story in the book and Amelia helps him, which is nice to see.

Of course this book isn’t perfect, and that’s okay. There are many complaints on GoodReads about how the book was rushed and sure, you can say it was rushed, but I enjoyed it. I enjoyed the fact that the book was not drawn out for the sake of drama. Do you know how many books I’ve read where it seemed the author introduced drama just to introduce it? Here’s a hint: too many.

Here’s the other thing, the book ended nicely. This could be a standalone book and end here and I’d be fine. Yes, there are a few questions I have still but nothing that I need to know and I throughly enjoy the fact that this could be a standalone. It’s refreshing to read in YA.

caszriel's review against another edition

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Just amazing. I loved this tale of love and loyalty. Loyalty was tested to the limits, and what would you choose? The one you love, a ghost, or your family? Josh has to make that terrible choice.

jennifervu's review against another edition

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This book passed by fast. This book left such a huge impact on me. I remember just staring at the wall afterwards thinking about... everything.
Everything was really good!!

mdettmann's review against another edition

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3.5. An exciting paranormal romance that even though those aren't usually my thing, I really liked this one. An easy sell to teen fans of this genre.

bungleboo's review against another edition

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Best ghost story I've read!!

Existing as a ghost Amelia can't remember anything about herself other than her name and small parts of her death. She had no memory of how she died or why she died. She is wondering aimlessly in the afterlife believing she has no purpose, that is until she meets Joshua, or should I say until she saves Joshua.
After an accident that causes Joshua's car to drive over the bridge Amelia has some kind of connection with him that allows him to live.
After saving Joshua's life the two soon become friends and the relationship grows as they try to find out who Amelia was when she was alive. But this new relationship is not without it's problems which includes Joshua's grandmother and his own destiny as well as Eli who is trying to make Amelia his apprentice in the afterlife.

I really enjoyed this book. Hudson is a great new edition to the world of paranormal romance.
I really warmed to Amelia and loved how her story unfolded as she and Joshua worked together to piece her 'life' together. As her story is revealed she begins to feel emotions again which is something she didn't think she was capable of any longer.
As the two learn more about Amelia Joshua's own destiny is revealed to him which is a shock to say the least. But it seems Joshua's grandmother wasn't just telling ghost stories after all.

Hereafter is the perfect start to a new paranormal series and Hudson sure knows how to keep reading and wanting more. I'm looking forward to seeing what lies in store for Amelia and Joshua

booknerd777's review against another edition

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Wow, I really loved this book! Stay tuned for reviews on my blog and youtube channel :)