
My Life From Hell by Tellulah Darling

erinarkin20's review

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Great end to the series!

My Life From Hell is the third (and final) book in The Blooming Goddess series by Tellulah Darling. I am a bit sad to be saying goodbye to these characters. This series has a great mix of snarky characters, serious challenges, and swoony boys….all my favorite things. If you haven’t started this series yet, definitely check it out. Darling mixes in the trials of being a teenager alongside the issues one would face if they suddenly found out they were a Greek Goddess living in a human body.

Book three dives right back into the story and if you remember, My Date From Hell ended with a bang….or knife to the stomach (literally). Sophie has been living with Festos while recuperating from the wound that Bethany gave her since she can’t go back to Hope Park. Another piece to this is now that Sophie remembers everything Persephone did; she is also having visions and doesn’t really know what they mean. Things begin to click as the story progresses but they are just adding to the stress that Sophie is dealing with. Added all together, things are getting really tough for Sophie and I was definitely worried about whether she was going to get through this whole thing.

Along with all that trauma, Sophie has been trying to get Kai to talk to her. Since he found out that Persephone was actually going to betray him the first time they were going to do the ritual he has been closed off and although they have some killer make out sessions, he refuses to discuss anything with Sophie and is still more than a little angry. BUT – Kai is Kai and I do love him. Although he struggles with the past, he really does love Sophie. Trust definitely doesn’t come easy to either of these characters because of how they have grown up but once they get past all the junk, they really are good for each other. I think Sophie says it best “Boys who slay monsters for their friends are dreamy.”

I have to say, Sophie has changed quite a bit since book one and has learned a lot about herself. I liked seeing the growth and seeing her move into being more accepting of who she is and what she can do. I think at the end of this one, with the help of the people around her, she realizes just who is important (Family = Kai, Theo, Fee, and Hannah) and what she values. Her relationships have also changed – throughout this book we see Sophie struggling a bit with the change in the dynamic of her relationship with Hannah as well as Theo.

As usual, this book has quite a bit of action. It also has a few twists I didn’t expect. I won’t give anything away but one of the great parts was getting to see Persephone’s point of view and seeing both Persephone and Sophie together (in a sense). One of the things I like best in all of Darling’s books is the dialogue between the characters and it definitely continues through this final book. It gave me a view of how these characters interact with each other and the dynamic between them. Things have changed throughout but there is always a lot of love with a dose of sarcasm and wit.

The secondary characters definitely shine in this book. With Hannah taking a bit of a back seat in this book, we are introduced to a new character named Oizys and she was a solid fill in. As the goddess of Misery, she is the opposite of everything Persephone is and this created a great dynamic with Sophie. Demeter/Felicia also has a bigger part in this story and we learn more about the relationship she had with Persephone and Persephone’s feelings toward her on top of Sophie coming to some realizations about Demeter/Felicia. When Kiki/Hekate was introduced and put her spin on the story, things started to come together.

I thought Darling did a great job of tying together the past and present as well as giving the reader some insight into all of the different relationships. There were some things that came out in this book (e.g. the friendship between Kai and Festos) that although there was clearly something from their past that impacted their relationships today, we weren’t really aware of and I was happy to get the clarification.

This was a wonderful wrap up to Sophie’s story and although I am sad that her story has ended, I appreciate the way that Darling wrapped it up. If you enjoy Greek mythology, solid characters, and a great story, definitely check this one out.

Thank you to Tellulah Darling and Netgalley for the review copy.

authorkmg's review

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YAY! The Blooming Goddess series ends perfectly. Everything is wrapped up with just enough teasing that our minds can go off into Imaginationland and wonder what's going to happen to all of them in the future. Sophie has transformed into the person she needs to be to defeat the Gods and Goddesses. Her character growth has been continuous over all three novels and it's been an important part of each story and it's in fact how she wins in the end.

The message in this novel is fantastic guys! "All you need is love!" It's a song that Sophie hear's throughout the book and it's an idea that's explored throughout all three novels. We have explored all types of relationships in the previous novels, but in the last book the message of loving yourself and my GAWD, Tellulah, I am just filled with empowerment of this!

Of course, Kai fans, we have plenty of him! More importantly, there is plenty of Theo because hellooooo THEO!!! Things heat up in many ways. We meet many new players and some old ones too. Friendships get tested, secrets are revealed, and Sophie is challenged but that's why we read these right? I fully recommend this, it's my favorite of the entire series. Blooming Goddess fans, you won't be disappointed!

indeanna_jones1327's review

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It was everything I wanted! It reminded me of Percy Jackson with a girls voice. Literally could not stop reading!!! I would recommend this trilogy to anyone who enjoys a captivating story AND Greek mythology!

mel_reviews_in_a_pinch's review

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Full Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from the publisher, Te Da Publishing, via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

My Thoughts: Greek mythology. A topic that quite a few people love learning about, but I find boring, most days. Add in a fictional current day twist and I’m rolling my eyes. I initially requested this book solely based on the cover of the book. I didn’t read the description at all. Stupid right? I would agree in most cases, but I’m pretty happy with my lack of smarts here.

The writing was quite good. There were a few spelling and grammar mistakes, but nothing that wasn’t easily overlooked. It definitely did not hinder the story. The author’s writing style was exactly my cup of tea. It was sarcastic and witty. I was in book heaven.

My Life From Hell is actually the third and final book in The Blooming Goddess trilogy. I have not actually read the other two books (like I said, I didn’t actually read the description for this). It didn’t really matter. The author managed to strike the perfect balance of explanations/descriptions for new readers that pick-up in the middle of a series without boring followers of the trilogy. It’s a hard line to straddle and I thought the author did a fantastic job.

On to the plot. I was completely blown away. I could not believe how interesting every single character was or how quickly I became 100% invested in the story. I cared about the main character, Sophie, from the very first page. The author started My Life From Hell with a top ten list (of ways to die) that appealed to so many different facets of my personality. I really don’t want to gush about a book, but I’m holding myself back from doing exactly that right now.

So, would I recommend it? Let’s put it this way, I already ordered my own paperback copy of My Life From Hell AND the first two books of the trilogy (My Ex From Hell and My Date From Hell). I will be reading the whole trilogy as soon as I get them in the mail and I’m so excited that I’m just beyond words (commence happy dancing and jumping). I would highly recommend My Life From Hell.

For more reviews, check out Reviews in a Pinch today!

merlin_reads's review against another edition

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 Sassy, swoony indeed!

What a fabulous ending to such a great series!

Well, it all comes down to this. The equinox is upon us and Sophie is nowhere close to being ready to take on Zeus and Hades. On top of that, the whole trying to work things out with Kai thing, yeah, Kai's not much of a talker. He really just wants to use his mouth for other things (not that anyone would mind that, I'm just saying).

While most of this series has been light and funny, Life went a little dark side. It's not surprising considering the epic main event that was happening, but it definitely took the playfulness down a notch. This one went more into the lore and myths than the previous two, which I loved, and it also showed just how deep betrayal lies.

Sophie never wanted this life. She just wanted to be a normal high school girl with her friends. And while she may have whined and complained about that in previous books, she steps into her role here and really grows. Walking in Persephone's shoes also helped her see that the Goddess of Spring wasn't all just sunshine and daisies.

This series has always been about finding your true self and being happy. With some strong girl power thrown in. It will remain one of my top series and everyone should read it. I can't wait to see what Darling has in store for us next.

I received an e-copy of this book from the author is exchange for an honest review. 

katsmiao's review

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I'm so sad it's over. This is a brilliant series.
I loved the other books in the series and I had very high expectations of this one. And it surpassed every one of them.

Wow....what a book. The middle and end totally took me by surprise, one wild twist after another. But then I realized: there was simply no other way it could end. It was perfection.

The writing is still fantastic. Great language, so funny, witty and snarky: so intelligently written.

This book (this series) is among the best ever written for YA.

sofiasierra's review

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Loved, loved, LOVED the book. Sophie finally discovered who she was and she didn't doubt about doing the right thing anymore. Kai was super sweet and well, new ships, new OTPs. Loved it!

katrinamarie's review

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I’m so sad to see this series go. I love all of the characters, and was so happy with the ending.

Sophie seems to find herself in crazy situations. I love that she’s set on ending this feud with Zeus and Hades, but sometimes it’s hard to do so without things getting ugly. I think Sophie is the character that grows the most in this trilogy. She has so much to learn about herself, and her place in the world. I love seeing her relationships change with the people closest to her. Some of them are for the better, and some aren’t so great. This is one cast of characters I’ll definitely miss.

I don’t want to say a lot because it could potentially spoil the book. Just know that there is betrayal, shock, heartbreak, tears, and the fight of their life. So much goodness wrapped up into this last installment.

mirificmoxie's review

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2.5 Stars

This review contains some spoilers.

Sadly, [b:My Life From Hell|27353499|My Life From Hell (The Blooming Goddess Trilogy #3)|Tellulah Darling||25739154] is the weakest of the [b:The Blooming Goddess Trilogy|25389347|The Complete Blooming Goddess Trilogy|Tellulah Darling||45139877] which is unfortunate since it is the finale. The setup is much the same as the first two books: Sophie is still trying to harness her goddess powers, deal with her identity crisis, figure out her love life, and still deal with typical teenage drama.

The problem I had with this book was that there are several massive plot holes. Certain things conveniently happen and other things are pushed aside and forgotten about. And then a large portion of the storyline ends up being almost pointless.
SpoilerAt first I thought that Sophie being sent into Persephone's memories was interesting. It seemed like it was going to end up being one of those "go back in time and try to stop events from happening then realize that your interference is what caused those events to happen in the first place" kind of time loop. But Sophie did not actually go back in time. It was just a spell, an illusion. And in the end it meant nothing other than some predicable self acceptance. While this book still had some entertaining moments, it was a bit of a letdown especially considering it was the end of the series. It wasn't terrible. But it wasn't great either.

Ease of Reading: 4 Stars
Writing Style: 3 Stars
Characters and Character Development: 3 Stars
Plot Structure and Development: 2 Stars
Level of Captivation: 3 Stars
Originality: 2 Stars

lpcoolgirl's review

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Oh, this was a fantastic book, great ending to the series, loved the snark, and yeah, sad to say goodbye to the characters, but maybe there might be a spin off series?