
Club Nexus by E.J. Stevens, Traci Odom

mad_about_books's review

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CLUB NEXUS presents four tales that take place in the eponymous nightclub in Harborsmouth, at least when you pick up the book, that's what you are supposed to think. In fact, they are a single tale told from four, distinct points of view. One tale, many points of view is not a new idea - Jack L. Chalker did it in his series "Four Lords of the Diamond," and Piers Anthony did it with his "Incarnations of Immortality." If you are a long-time reader of genre fiction like me, you probably read one or both of these series.

I find that telling a single story in this way provides an excellent vehicle for expanding understanding of particular characters, and their interactions with each other. CLUB NEXUS is a perfect interlude between novels.

As you progress from story to story, each one gets a little longer and far more detailed than its predecessor. Not surprising in these tellings, Ivy Granger is not the focus. E. J. Stevens has chosen to let us in on the thoughts and actions of some of the beings in Ivy's circle of friends and clients.

It is also an exercise in world-building. Although Club Nexus is a known quantity that has been visited before, after reading this collection it becomes a more nuanced place in Harborsmouth's paranormal world.

As I write this, I am already five chapters into the next book, BURNING BRIGHT. When I find a series that I truly enjoy, it is always a pleasure to move from one to the next without a break.

audiobookmel's review

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My review and an extended sample of the audiobook are posted at

This is a very interesting short story. It is the story of a single event that happens Club Nexus, but it is told from four different points of view from start to finish. It is a very interesting way to tell a story. This is the first story in the Ivy Granger series that isn’t told from Ivy’s POV, so it was interesting to get all the different aspects.

First part of the story is told by a Unseelie Fae who has been working as a bartender in Club Nexus for several years. She made a bad deal with Puck (yes, that Puck, from Shakespeare fame) who is also the manager of the club. She decides that she is no longer going to be a slave to Puck and she is going to get out from under that bargain.

Then we move to the next part where we are told the story from a vampire. This southern vampire has come to “Bite Club” where he could break the vampire rules. This keeps things from getting too boring. The traveling location helps prevent them from getting caught.

Up next is Jinx. How great is it that we get to see this scene from her point of view. I love Jinx and I love that we finally get to see inside her head.

The last part is told by Forneus, the demonic lawyer. I liked this part of the story most of all. Seeing things from his point of view was very interesting. I actually felt sorry for him in this story. Now, I’m even more interested to see him in the next book.

This was a very quick read and the four points of view were fun. You would think it would be boring to listen to the same event four times, but seeing it from a different set of eyes each time adding a high level of interest.

Traci Odom did a great job with the narration with this story. She has to talk from all four point of views. I liked the Southern accent of the vampire. She really made it easy to know you were changing from the different POV.

I like to thank E.J. Stevens for providing me with a copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

tanyad74's review

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At first, I thought I wasn't going to be up for reading the same story just told from different viewpoints. I was wrong. The thing that I did enjoy was that with each person, you learned a little more of the story. I found I would skim the first bit, as it was so close to the previous section, but then I could dig in when it picked up in the meat of the story.

This is a short compilation of even shorter stories so you can fly through it in no time. My favorite part is that my fascination for a certain demon is stimulated even more in this installment. Horns and scary form too. I think Ivy's plan in the end for him really sucks. I think she needs to butt out. Her protectiveness is great and all, but sometimes I think Ivy just goes a bit overboard.

The events in this book will be mentioned a few times in Burning Bright, so if you are obsessive like me about reading everything in order, you will probably want to read this first.

This review was originally posted on Rantings of a Reading Addict

mardr216's review

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I really enjoyed it! I liked that it continued right where we left in the club scene. The way it was written was also great because we get the different points of views from each character. I found it interesting and really captures your attention considering three different things are napping at the same time. I won't give it away but a certain unseelie twist leaves me thinking of great things to come in the next installment. I like that we also get a story with yet another infamous fearie the good old Puck. Once again he's up to no good although I'm surprised at how his mischiev ends, very surprised.

Forneus, Forneus.... Is it wrong that I like this arrogant yet charming little demon. I really liked getting his side of the story because we get to see the good guy in him. The softer more gentler side that has fallen into the deep end for Jinx. I actually felt sad for him with that twist in the end after all he did. I really hope something comes about between him and Jinx because from the looks of it that's something that sure as hell will be smoldering.

Overall great short story that leaves you ready for the next book. Can't wait!

traditionson's review

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I really enjoyed this book. I loved the exchange of views and how the picture builds in itself from so many different angles throughout. You see so many different sides to it throughout the book. It is a shame that Forneus doesn't get what he so much desires at the end but at the same time I think he will enjoy the hunt all the more. It builds some complexity to the world around Ivy without all her constant paranoia of visions and self doubt. It was a refreshing breath of fresh air that really allows the world to come into its own.

bookbitereviews's review

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I completely loved this edition to the Ivy Granger series. It was such a good fix for my withdrawals on waiting for book 3, but then that ending happens and now I'm craving to read it even more! I highly recommend this for those who love the Ivy Granger series and I highly recommend you read the short stories in the order that E.J. Stevens has set them up, in order to get the full effect.