
Darkside Sun, by Jocelyn Adams

nogenreleftbehind's review against another edition

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The world of Mortal Machine is amazing. I loved the concept of the rifts, the secret society, their abilities, and the strange creatures that hung Addison. She started seeing rifts when she was young, but never imagined just what they really were and why they seemed to follow her. She's a great character, full of emotion and reality. So when that reality cracks (literally) she goes into a strange spiral, and only her stubborn streak seems to keep her sane and moving forward.

Asher is a dick. Even when he's being nice he's a dick. He seems to have his reasons and we get a glimpse of these near the end. I've seen this labeled a romance, and perhaps it turns into one, but right now it definitely isn't. Lots of romantic elements floating around, but definitely not what I would call a HEA or HFN ending.

The members of Mortal Machine are all quite unique in their own ways. From the outfitter to the soldiers, each personality adds a little something to the world and Addison's perception of what is going on. One of them is up to no good though - some serious no good. And when Addison tries to find out who it is, she finds out all sorts of crazy stuff about herself.

I love how Jocelyn Adams revealed new aspects of the characters. It had such a natural flow and while much of it was a surprise, it all made sense and really clicked together as soon as it happened. Her trail of breadcrumbs was impeccable. I need to find out what happens next now!

*This book was received in exchange for an honest review*

lynseyt's review against another edition

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Come over to the dark side.

This was soooo much fun! It's got to be one of the most entertaining YA/NAs I've read in a long time. It had a heroine I loved who managed to find her inner badass, even surrounded by people who were determined to bring her down. It had a new supernatural twist with wraiths being enemy number one, and a league of enforcers called The Mortal Machine tasked with keeping them under control. It had a forbidden and complicated romance that was just gah! *dies* Seriously, if you're looking to escape into a book for a few hours, one that will put a grin on your face and entertain the heck out of you, this might just be it!

I really loved the worldbuilding used in Darkside Sun. It's always nice to see new ideas being used instead of the same old same old, and wraiths coming from an alternate dimension attempting to posses human hosts is definitely a new spin for me! One I really enjoyed. Another really great aspect was the interplay between all the members of The Machine. There were some twisty, untrustworthy ones in there, some blatantly bitchy ones, but also a few who were kind of adorable. But the best part of all has to be main characters (and love interests) Addison and Asher!

Addison's personality jumps right off the page. She's just so endearing and likeable. Asher is a little more complicated and closed off, but I absolutely loved the snippets of his back story that we got which showed some of the reasons why he is the way he is. Of course, Asher is also a bit of a butthead for much of the book, and continually makes bad decisions, ignoring all advice to the contrary. Never more so than at the end! I guarantee, the ending of this book will have you SCREAMING for more! I need need need need need need to know what's going to happen next!

A highly recommended, highly entertaining read. - 5 Stars ★★★★★

A copy of this book was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

cheryls's review against another edition

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Out of 5-stars, I give this one 10!!!

BRILLIANT! This book encompasses everything I love to read. There's an amazing love story, forbidden love and so much angst it's chokingly real. There's mystery, suspense and a fantastic dose of paranormal sci-fi as a base behind it all. Once I started, I couldn't stop. The writing is FANTASTIC! . As the story progresses everything falls into place and every character has his/her/its role. It's beautiful and heartbreaking. The ending is a semi cliffhanger and left me breathless with my heart aching. I am left with a tremendous compulsion to continue on to the next book that is IMPOSSIBLE to ignore.

Received a copy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
I was not compensated for my review.
I was not required to write a positive review.
The opinion expressed is my own.

velvetpoison's review against another edition

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* Many thanks to Entangled Publishing for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review. *

Sexual Tension, Sexual Tension! SEXUAL TENSION.

...Would be my word of choice to describe this book. Although there is a lot more to the book, including weird bug men, shifting dimensions, and pulling wraiths out of humans. But the sexual tension in this book, seriously, almost killed me. The book focuses on Addison, who has been able to see between dimensions, and the things that are trying escape into ‘our’ world from other places, since she was 6. Fast forward, Addison is in college and has learnt to block out the weird things she see’s, that is until her professor (her very hot, professor!) clues in to what she is seeing and initiates her into his secret society, the Mortal Machine.

The Mortal Machine works to make sure that nothing gets through the ‘shift’ into our dimension, and that if it does, it is dealt with swiftly. But a traiter among the group may be their downfall, and Addison is the only one who can save them by harnessing her new powers and kicking some ass.

So, Addison is a pretty kickass heroine. She’s a bit of a smart mouth, and tends to have some pretty witty retorts for her oh so hot, but definitely high and mighty professor, Asher. As for Asher, he’s a pretty complex character. Most of the time he acts like a complete jerk, with his cold and calculating manner, but then there are moments that make your heart melt....and then he ruins it by acting like an ass again. But once you get to see into his past you can understand why he is the way he is and especially why he’s trying to keep Addison at a distance despite the electric chemistry between the two.
The story line, at times was a little confusing. But parallel universes, and multiple dimensions have never been easy for me to get my head around, and the way the author explained everything, actually gave me a pretty good understanding of it all. Jocelyn Adams, creates such a vivid picture of the Mortal Machine, and everything that encompasses it.

Overall I immensely enjoyed this book. The writing was superb, and kept me turning page after page long after I should have been asleep. Even though the story didn’t leave on a cliff-hanger and everything was more or less resolved, I still can’t wait to know where the story goes next, and I will be waiting patiently for the next one!