
Night Vision by Yasmine Galenorn

athenaevarinya's review against another edition

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I find the whole scene with Lannon to be unnecessary and was simply put in because the author has a thing for the vampire or to appease what has to be the small minority of fangirls who want a Cecily and Lannon to be together even though it's clear that it's not a love match and completely unhealthy relationship.

My memory of the event in an earlier book when Cecily was forced to drink Lannon's blood to save her life is a bit hazy, but I remember enough that she DID NOT have to have sex with him to get over the Blood Fever. It was my understanding that a non-vampire under the influence of Blood Fever just required to have sex and Cecily got her fix with her true love Grieve that time. So I do not understand why this time she had to have sex with Lannon, when she could have again had sex with her one true love.

Also the whole aftermath where the author tries to justify the reason why Cecily wanted Lannon was because a part of her is still Cherish, the Vampire Fae Princess who liked rough sex is a poor excuse. Cherish was completely okay with being with past life Grieve, Shy who was just a normal Summer Fae Prince and secondly he is now Grieve, a Vampire Fae. Even if he has his more violent nature under control now, he could still give Cecily what she needed to fulfill the part of that is still like Cherish.

So while I enjoy parts of the book about becoming Queens, the part with Lannon and the stupidity of running around with proper guards when you have a whole bunch of enemies, annoys the hell out of me.

renpuspita's review

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3 stars

I plan to give this book higher if only I don't come into part that turn my mood sour. We already into 4th installment, so I guess all I write from here will be spoiler of sort, but I'll do my best to make it less spoilery.

TW first, there's sexual assault, rape (happen off-screen), cheating, violence toward women.

Let's address what I think is bad. I already stated from book 1 to 3 that I dislike Lannan and my opinion still didn't change. I think Galenorn maybe write him as anti-hero of sort, but all I read is how he like to humiliate Cicely over and over. I assume Galenorn write him as a character with dark trait that means he's unapologetic of his action and he admit that he desire Cicely to the point it comes as unhealthy obsession. That doesn't mean I want to like it. I dislike the part when he sexually assault Cicely, when she is sexually high because of Blood Fever in book 2, Night's Veil. What make me surprised is, in this book, to make Cicely accept Lannan's sexual offer is...yes, Blood Fever. Again. And to make it worse, Grieve accept it because if not, Cicely will die. I rolled my eyes over and over when read it. What supposedly to be a sexy chapter, I find myself skimmed. ME! Skimmed over sex scenes. THE SHOOK!

I feel sorry for Grieve, to get cuckolded like that *facepalm. He know it, Cicely know the consequences and she repeat to Grieve that her heart always belonged to him. I called it as BS, like, OMG, if you want Lannan from the first there's no need to make excuses. If Galenorn want to write about throuple or polyamorous relationship and I know she's no stranger to this like what she did with her Otherworld series, I will..okay, okay. I just hope, she didn't half-assed write it. Make it believable, make it TRULY work. Cicely herself said that lucky for her that Lannan didn't rape her, didn't sexually assault her, only abused. I said, WTH, because he totally did that in book 2, Night's Veil!! Goodness, the amount of excuse to make what Lannan and Cicely do to work even Cicely said that it's just a release make me almost throw up. She said that Lannan will deliver what her darkest desire craving, because in the past she's connected to Myst. Girl, supposed that Grieve can do that because he's also part vampire since he's Indigo Fae? Is he supposed to be your One True Love?? To think that in the next book, Cicely might having sex with Lannan again and have polyamorous relationship since for Fae, sexual fidelity is non-existent as long the heart remain true. OMG, I can't even. I can accept infidelity, cheating as long there's believable story behind that, that can convince me to consider my value. As long as I know, there's none in this book. Well, maybe the part when Cicely's father did it, but it's not cheating at my book per se, because his wife, Lainule know that what he did is necessary. Because if not, Cicely won't born. I read another review and I'm glad I'm not the only one that got bothered with this Cicely-Lannan fiasco. Heh.

I want to DNF'd the book, but I want to know if Geoffrey and Leo (that little SOB) got their comeuppance. They kinda did, but to my disappointment, it feel flat. At least Galenorn did right to Leo, what she half-heartedly try to make Lannan as anti-hero. Leo is a truly antagonist, a 2D evil character, but at least he lived (or undead, since he's vampire now) to his jerkiness. I just hope, he got tortured over and over because what he did to Rhiannon, as really raped and sexually tortured her, but it kinda didn't happen. Hence, the disappointment. I also hope that, it's unnecessary for make a woman character come back stronger because she had been sexually assaulted. Poor Rhiannon.

Anyhow, despite my annoyance, I do enjoy large sum of the story. Like, truly enjoy (after my mood turn sour after the Lannan-Cicely scenes). In book 1 to 3, the story is very action packed and seems like our girls can't catch a breath. In Night Vision, I liked the part when Cicely embraced her new roles as Queen of Winter Court. The magical atmosphere work wonders, it's feel solemn and heartwarming despite the icy settings. I also like how the sisterhood still going strong and liked that Galenorn insert the way behind Fae naming system, because, like Cicely, I find it odd that some Fae have nouns or adjectives as their names (like Grieve, Chatter, etc) while others have otherworldly name like Lainule. Also, poor Peyton, girl have going through SO MUCH, I want to hug her.

Cicely...sigh, I don't know what to said about her. I still pissed off to read her back-and-fro feelings to Lannan, while in the other side she assured Grieve that she only love him. If you really love romance, I can't said that Indigo Court truly romance. The romance just a lil bit aspect of what I said as an urban fantasy series, and if you dislike potentially polyamorous relationship, maybe it's will be hard to read. Although, Cicely kinda grow a bit and she come to know how to be responsible (hey, she's a Queen now!) and how to restraint her power so it didn't overwhelm her.

One book left to the final showdown between Cicely and Myst. One book left to read about...sigh, Lannan. Not that I hated him, I just hope if only he didn't come as sadistic person that love to humiliate our heroine, maybe I will looking forward to read his relationship. All I get from him is just this bully-vibes. And how Galenorn, via Cicely, insist to reader that Grieve is really the end-game.

Oh well, I can still live and we will see what my last opinion will bring after I read the last book.

dreamerfreak's review

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The fourth book of the Indigo Court shows the rise of Cicely and Rhiannon as queens, and the final downfall of Geoffrey and Leo, but also introduces some new problems and brand new creatures.

If you've been reading this series, you know how chaotic Cicely's life has been up until this point. It's not about to get any better. With enemies on all sides and everything a priority, things are going to hell really fast. Galenorn's usual darkly sensual writing is paired with a pace that just won't let up.

With the cousin's coronation coming up, we delve deeper into the world of the Fae, and a fascinating world it is. I was so excited to find out more about this mysterious side of Cicely's heritage. Watching both Cicely and Rhia grow into the queens they're meant to be is quite the journey.

Myst is still lurking in the background, but for the moment she's still quietly gathering her forces, so in Night Vision, the time has come to focus on Geoffrey, former Regent, and Leo, former ally. They've been hiding and fighting dirty for some time, but Cicely and crew are going after them with a vengeance now. While hunting them down they discover some more secrets of the town of New Forest that I sincerely hope are explored a little more in the next book!

There's only one more book left in the Indigo Court series. I can't wait to see how Galenorn wraps things up for good. Cicely, Grieve, Rhiannon and Chatter all deserve their happy ending, even if it isn't an easy one. Myst is going down, and I'm going to have a ringside seat for that.

[I received this book for free through First Reads and was not required to write a positive or any other type of review. All opinions stated herein are solely my own.]

aly36's review against another edition

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I love Cicely and all her friends this series is great!

lilyelement's review against another edition

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Night's Vision is book four in the Indigo Court series. This is a dark Urban Fantasy series, that I highly enjoy. There is always a ton of fighting, and the villains are truly wicked, they're fae vampires. The book's main character is Cicely, she's a owl shifter that also controls wind. In this book, Cicely and her cousin Rhiannon are finally crowned the Fae Queens of Winter and Summer. Every Queen needs their King, so they are also marrying their loves since childhood. Most of the book is showing Cicely learning how to be Queen and making decisions on how best to protect her people.

Nothing is that easy though, there are always challenges for the main characters in YGalenorn's books. Myst, the Queen of the Indigo Court is out to get Cicely, but while she doesn't play a huge part in this book the threat is still there. This time around the major case of cat and mouse is with the vampires that Cicely has dealt with in the past. Geoffrey and Leo free an insane vampire that is older than dirt and they wreak havoc in the city. Leo kidnaps Rhiannon, the Fae Queen of Summer, which lead to several quite dark scenes.

The Indigo Court series is a darker Urban Fantasy that revolves around the fae and also includes some of the many types of paranormal characters we love. As I mentioned above, there are fae, shifters, vampires and witches, so pretty much a bit of everything you could ask for. YGalenorn's world building is always excellent, and Night's Vision gives more depth in the changes the series is taking. I'll be reviewing Night's End, the last book in the series very soon and suggest the Indigo Court series if you're looking for a dark Urban Fantasy.

saltyred's review against another edition

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I think this is my favorite book in the series so far. A great mixture of fantasy and real life. I absolutely LOVED it!

shells's review against another edition

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I make it a point to read every Yasmine Galenorn book (fiction) that is released as soon as I'm able to get my hands on a copy. And while I enjoy her Otherworld series very much, the Indigo Court is my favorite. This newest installment, Night Vision, did not disappoint me.
Life handed me a crappy event earlier this week, so I was very happy to finally get this book as it allowed me to escape from life for a while.
Cicely and Rhia are on the fast track to becoming the queens of Winter and Summer and have to contend with some heavy stuff in Night Vision. Galenorn is great at handling the darker side of her characters lives, and does not pull any punches with her writing. She doesn't gloss over the messy ugliness of things in her worlds, but still manages to entertain her readers very well, in every aspect.
Myst takes a backseat in this installment, but we never forget that she is out there, regrouping after the events of the previous book. Instead, the cousins and their friends, have to deal with some other leftovers, Geoffrey and Leo.
Unwilling to stay locked away in their new realms, they head out into the town to choose wedding dresses. Caught up in the excitement of the moment, they drop their guard and things become very bad, very quickly. Leo is after Rhiannon, Geoffrey and Crawl (eep! Yup, someone let Crawl loose!) are after Cicely and in the maelstrom, the group learns that some of the people they depend on aren't dependable after all and others become more important to them.
There is a large cast of characters, but I had no trouble keeping them all straight. Some new developments have left me thinking that summer of next year is a long time to wait for the next book! I can't wait to see how Rhia and Cicely grow into their new roles as Queens and Wives.

eloiseinparis's review

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The Otherworld Series is much better. I wish this series stood more on its own instead of taking so many elements from OW. I also wish Cicely and Rhiannon gained more powers. Even with them becoming Queens they still seemed to be at the mercy of all those around them.