
The Angels Are Here by Patti Roberts

jscarpa14's review

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RECEIVED FROM: The Author For Review


Paradox: The Angels Are Here is an introduction to many characters, Abaddon, an angel vampire creature, second in command of the Grigorian Angel Demon creatures, only second to his brother Cerebrus. Juliette, an angel who sort of serves as an introductory narrator. And Grace, a human child with strange nightmares and angels constantly flocking to her who serves as the main character in this tale. Grace is unaware of the many angels around her and the reason for this isn't even revealed to the reader in the course of this novel. Her father is aware of what's going on though that's not completely explained either and the angels become even more prevalent in Grace's life when he passes on in what's she's told is a mining accident.

I know that's not the best summary of a book, however it's the best one I can put together with so many things going on in this novel, hopefully my explanations in the review will better serve for an explanation of the book.

Have you ever read a book where a good editor would have made all the difference? Paradox: The Angels Are Here is one such novel in my personal opinion. The synopsis listed for this book focuses on Juliette, a character who had an entire two pages of presence in the novel. Her entering voice is a compelling opening, but after that she just disappears, lost in the tale of the strange fantasy read that follows.

Scene changes in the novel are abrupt and confusing, especially toward the beginning. It does smooth out a little later in the novel, but I often found myself stopping and asking what is going on and where did this character come from before realizing the author had transitioned into a different scene.

The writing jumps between past and present tense, which is extremely confusing and changes point of views so often it's almost whiplash like in it's effect. She head hops within the third person, which while I know this point of view opens the ability to jump into a variety of minds, it's not meant to be jumping every other sentence. In addition to this she jumps back and forth between first and third person point of view and at one point even includes the rarely used second person point of view. I understand that most of the time when she moves to the first person she's trying to show a dream sequence but unless that dream sequence is a part of a conversation it would be better identified with the use of italic font than a point of view switch. And honestly I don't think she meant to include the small section of second person point of view. It wasn't long enough to come across as something she planned when writing. It's more just there.

She begins multiple plots in the course of this story, a baby being born on the night of his grandfather's death, the birth being strange with the medical staff being even stranger. The little girl growing up with only an angel she thinks is imaginary for a friend, losing her father, befriending hidden angels. The odd war and the politics within the Griogorian family. Unfortunately for the reader she never fully explains any of these plots and they don't quite blend together right, so I spent most of the novel wonder what was going on. I think the plots have something to do with each other of course, but the lack of explanation in each plot and subplot is probably what causes the lack of these stories really weaving together. Also none of the plot lines encompass a full story arc, therefore the book is more of an introduction to this vast cast of characters leaving the reader curious as to exactly what they have to do with each other. As there are further novels planned for the series I believe the writer intends to explain this at a further date, however I truly to believe she needed to do a little more explaining in the first novels to better encourage readers to read the second.

The quick jumps from plot to plot also make it close to impossible to get to know any of the characters and really relate to them.

While her descriptions are well written and almost prose like at points, especially in the beginning the sections of them are so long it distracts the reader from the actual plot and by the time she comes back from the descriptions to the story you can't remember what was going on. She needs to find a way to weave these well written descriptions into the text without putting them in giant block that don't serve to move her story forward in anyway.

What saves this book is two things. One the writer is actually very talented, she can weave together a well written sentence and has a very strong voice. Two she's got some great plot lines going on, though they are extremely unorganized when presented in this story. If she'd expanded and explained more on any of the plots connecting them better, lengthening the time spent in each story line the book really would have been a page turner. Her ideas are excellent, it's her follow through that's not quite there yet. What Roberts really needs is to be paired up with a shrewd and experienced editor who can help her with transitioning and point of view. Someone who will point out the writing issues that make her story hard to follow before she publishes the story and an editor strong enough to make her voice heard. The combination of Robert's talent and imagination with a shrewd and experienced editor would make an unstoppable pair. However I will mention that this is a debut novel, her only other release being a book that she felt wasn't actually ready for publishing, and many writers are shaky on form and organization on their first novels. I can only hope that with experience her style will become more organized and easier to follow.

its_tara's review

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This book has two aspects to the story – one focusing on Angels in their own dimension, and the other focusing on the events down here on Earth, and especially those events pertinent to a young girl named Grace, who is clearly important to the angels, though this book doesn’t give away how.

Grace’s story is very moving – a young girl whose world is changing, especially when her father, whom she idolizes, dies in an accident. One thing that I noticed about this is that the grief Grace feels is almost tangible – it’s written about so realistically. There’s nothing over the top, and as a reader, I really felt for Grace and her mother in their joint struggle to get through a difficult time.

The progression is good throughout, and the reader sees Grace change from somewhat of a loner into a normal, happy, social young girl. It’s obvious, though, that Grace is special, because her ‘imaginary’ friend as a child comes in the form of an Angel called Hope, who tells her not to speak of her to anyone else, though somehow her father knows of the connection. Then, when she does make a ‘flesh-and-blood’ friend, it’s clear that the girl isn’t ‘normal’, and it will be interesting in the second book to see how this progresses.

In terms of the warring Angels aspect to the story, the idea in this book is that there are two warring families, and the events which occur in their war directly effect things on Earth – for instance, natural disasters. The characters in the Angel dimension were interesting, and slightly disturbing – an aspect I really enjoyed. Again, I’m interested to see where this goes in the next book.

Overall, there are a few small typing errors I noticed in this, but nothing so major that it detracts from the story. I enjoyed the book – and one of my only complaints is that I could have kept on reading! I’d like to have heard more about the war between the Angels, and been more clued in as to how exactly it affects things on Earth. That said, it might just be my own curiosity! Definitely a good read, and I’ll be keeping my eyes open for the second.

danicapage's review

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My Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars.

Disclaimers: I received a electronic version of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

My Overall Thoughts/Impressions: I went into this book not knowing what to expect. I had heard some good things about this series, but other than that I didn't know much.

This story left me thoroughly intrigued. I was expecting this novel to be similar to all the other paranormal novels I've read. I expected to read this and think to myself have I already read this?

Instead, I was blown away by Patti's creativity. This novel was unlike anything I've ever read. Patti created at world that drew me in from the beginning. I did find myself struggling to keep track of exactly what was going on sometimes. However, on the whole, this novel was brilliantly crafted and so original that I had to love it.

Patti also did an incredible job with character development. Patti didn't create stock characters, but instead created characters who intrigued me from the very beginning.

I'm very excited to see what Patti does with the sequel. She had created a compelling world that definitely has me asking a lot of questions. I can't wait to see what she does with the sequel.

Even if you don't like paranormal novels, check this one out. It's so different from anything I've read and that makes this worth reading.

In Summary: Unlike anything I've ever read. A brilliant novel that is bound to grab your attention.

Warnings/Side-notes: Vague sexual references and scenes. Overall, this novel is fairly clean though.

The Wrap-up: There were some technical issues with this novel, but on the whole I enjoyed it. A great read that is worth reading. Check this one out.


Danica Page

This review also appeared on my blog Taking It One Page at a Time

thevantom605's review

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Badly written 

booksenvogue's review

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I've should have done my homework first!

I was requested to review this book and give a honest review. I noticed it was only a little over one hundred pages, so I figured this will be a quick and fun read.

Ummm, about fifty pages in, I was so utterly confused. There were beings with mystical powers, Angels(??) I think, humans, previous incarnation flashbacks. All seemingly interesting but not composed systematically. I found myself questioning my motivation to finish this book. I had no idea how all this tied together or where the story was headed.

I'm not into mindless reading for the sake of giving some kind of review; so there was no way I was going to force myself to go through the motions of reading a story I wasn't feeling. Then I decided to read the synopsis. I don't normally read the whole synopsis prior; for fear that it'll contain spoilers. READ THE SYNOPSIS BEFORE READING THIS BOOK. It is seriously a must. The synopsis is the legend for the entire book.

Needless to say, I had an "AHA" moment and decided to start over from the beginning. NOW it makes sense. This completely changed my view on the story. It's actually pretty good concept and over all story. However nothing is straight forward and in the end you're still left with a lot of questions.

insen0's review

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I liked the story line but the characters and the occurence of events were a bit confusing. The events just didn't connect with each other. The best thing about the book was the writing style of Patti Roberts. I loved the way she described Grace's emotions after her fathers death. The author didn't clearly portay the characters of Angela and Wade. The book left me with a lot of questions. Hopefully we will find out the answers in the next book.


bookbitereviews's review

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I really did like this novel, but found that it still fell short, because there wasn't enough background on the angels to hammer in what was going on in the novel. I also found that there is only one big event that takes place which makes the novel seem like just a bunch of dialogue and build up before something happens in the next book. The only thing that could have made it better is if Patti would have added more history behind the angels to make you understand what is really going on in their world and what this war is about, and also if more events took place in the first book. Even though it fell a little bit short of my expectations it was still a really good novel and i recommend anyone who likes angel YA paranormals to give this one a try.

jeanz's review

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Really liked this book with the especially where Grace had past life flash backs as past life regression and the notion of past lives does interest me. The book is well written though does contain the odd typo error not that it spoils the book at all. The ending leaves you eagerly wanting to read more. The concept of a higher force ie "bad angels being responsible for earthquakes ans tsunamis is a interesting one too. As you will see i read the book in one day as I didn't want to put it down. The book is available as a book or on kindle at 70p so well worth the price. it does remind me of another book with the name Abbadon (being the angel of destruction) but at the moment a can't think of the name of the series. Will definitely be on the lookout for book 2 etc

liz_lyles's review

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Reads like a stream of conscious. Hard to follow

ltg584's review

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3.5 stars

Paradox: The Angels Are Here is merely the beginning. I can only now, at the end of the first book, truly begin to feel the immensity of the whole story. Although it begins in the past on a distant planet, it largely follows the story of Grace, a pre-teen living in present-day Australia. Although she believes that she is just a normal girl, all evidence is pointing to the contrary.
I was skeptical in the beginning. I found the prologue and first chapter to be difficult to follow, with characters I really couldn't even enjoy hating. I was greatly relieved to find the rest of the story to be wonderfully compelling.
Although I use the word compelling, please don't take that to mean that you'll have your socks thrilled right off. I found the story full of interesting clues to what is still to come in later books, but not one part of the book felt like the climax. The entire book was more of an introduction. I look forward to see what the second book brings to the overall story.