
Un disastro perfetto, by Jamie McGuire

grettypop's review against another edition

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Jamie McGuire is an incredible writer. Her talent shines through with every single book, making me fall in love with one Maddox boy after another, and keep coming back for more!
If you've enjoyed her previous books in the series, I think this is a great addition.
I was pulled in, and immersed from the first page until... Well, until the worst fuckup.

To be perfectly honest, my reasoning behind the 4 stars instead of the 5 is the fact that I couldn't like the heroine. She annoyed me more than anything else, not with her constant struggle, but with her attitude. After years of reading about the Maddox boys, I feel particularly protective over them, and when someone doesn't treat them right... Well, I wasn't rooting for her, let's just say that.

Regardless, I am in awe of Ms McGuire's talents, and impatiently waiting to get my hands on her next book!

delena404's review against another edition

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I'm so thoroughly disappointed with this book. Especially being the last in the series.
I felt absolutely no connection with Ellie and her relationship with Tyler just felt so forced. Nothing about their relationship had me excited or hopeful.
Don't get me wrong of course I love Tyler, he's a Maddox. Expect for my Maddox boys and cameos of the other couples, this book was a serious disappoint me and I'm so sad to see it being left off like this.

And it was the final book of the series. How was there no epilogue?!?

el3ctric_queen's review against another edition

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Me acabo de dar cuenta de que no reseñé este libro. Lo termine hace como una semana, y de todos, este es de los que menos me ha gustado (pero no llega a ser un maravilloso desastre).

La relación de Ellison y Tyler es muy distinta a comparación de los libros anteriores. Para empezar, Ellison comienza siendo una drogadicta alcoholica (y sí, va en serio), a lo largo del libro la vemos luchar bastante con su problema de adicciones.

Tyler es la persona más paciente del mundo, aun cuando ella lo lastimaba, él no se rendía porque sabía que más allá de sus adicciones ella era una buena persona.

En cuanto a cómo se abordó, me gustó pero a la veces el principio me pareció precipitado y muy conveniente. Aparentemente de la noche a la mañana, Ellie estaba sobria y con un trabajo estable e ideal (uh, ¿vale?). Me hubiera gustado verla batallar un poco más, no me pareció realista. Y aún cuando su sobriedad no significa que no haya batallado más adelante o sufrido de recaídas, me pareció muy sencilla, no se le dio la magnitud verdader que debió tener.

Pero en fin, al final estoy contenta con ellos y me han encantado los hermanos Maddox (menos Travis “don tóxico”, él no). No puedo creer que un libro más y les diré adiós.

talonvictoria's review against another edition

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Man. I'm one of those people who gets way too excited over a new Maddox brother book. Travis Maddox was my first ever book boyfriend, but these last two books...shake my head.

Ellie was just terrible. All the way through. I don't even think she ever got redemption to me. And in turn, Tyler was terrible because of her. By far my least favorite brother. I didn't spark one single connection or interest to any character in this book. And Paige? Really? I stayed confused and suffering from whiplash for a majority of this book. Ellison was not a character I wanted to read about. I had no desire in her nor did I want to. And that just sucks.

The story has a huge time span but feels like everything happens way too fast and way too soon. The story didn't even give me a chance to digest one thing that was happening at the current time before something else was thrown in the mix very sloppily.

When you read books you're supposed to get lost in them. Lose track of time. I was aware of every single second spent reading this book. Every second.

I'm glad this is done. I'm glad there are no more Maddox brothers books because quite frankly at this rate I don't know they can get any better.

lysha_books's review against another edition

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“Life was a collection of stories, and I couldn’t let her judge me for a few chapters.”

alexandra_0410's review against another edition

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Todos los libros de la saga de los Maddox han sido parecidos, conocen a la chica que tienes problemas profundos, están juntos, pelean, se encuentran de nuevo luego de atravesar una prueba que cambió el destino de sus vidas y normalmente uno de los hermanos es el causante del problema.

Este libro aunque contenía algo de lo que mencioné anterior fue diferente. Esta vez el hermano Maddox fue perfecto y la que tenía problemas era Ellie la mujer de esta historia.

Ella tenía defectos, estaba profundamente dañada y tenía muchos amigos perjudiciales como JoJo y Sterling y Paige. Tyler el hermano más tranquilo de los Maddox, que no necesitaba pelear para dar a entender su punto y no tenía a ese macho cavernícola dentro de el.

De todos los libros e historia de los hermanos Maddox, la historia de Tyler es mi favorita y Elli tiene que una de las cuñadas Maddox favorita también.

sharon_potts's review against another edition

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Much better than the last one, since she didn't try to shoehorn Ellison into Eakins, IL. And I loved that Ellie's journey was more convoluted and not a straight progression of on the wagon-off the wagon-on the wagon-etc.

kirstenleigh's review against another edition

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I love this whole series! Of all of them however, I do feel this one was the choppiest. The pace seemed odd at times. I still couldn't put it down, of course, which is why I still gave it 4 stars. I'm also getting a little bit tired of reading the same exact story from the same exact timeline, just from a different perspective. Overall though, I loved the struggles Ellie went through and definitely saw the change in her character. I also liked that in the end she was able to make the decision to save herself, instead of relying on the male lead to save her.

lemonyond's review against another edition

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sarahfretz's review against another edition

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I LOVE the Maddox family but boy I can’t stand the women.