
When Dreams Come True by Rebecca Emin

ljrinaldi's review

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You know how when friends tell you their dreams, and they kind of ramble on, and then come to a conclusion, sort of.

That is what this book reminded me of. I think all the other reviews that gave it four and five stars must have read another book. I kept almost not finishing it, but towards the 75% point a plot, of such, emerged, so I thought, well, might as well see what the whole point of this piece of drivel is.

And then the book ended, and it made no sense.

Just like a dream.
SpoilerThe plot, such as it is, is that Charlie's Aunt Jenny might be dying, nad Charlie discovers that the reason she lives in the old mansion was because her parents didn't like her boyfriend Andrew, and so said if she married him, the estate would be sold, and she would have to find somewhere else to live. So, what happens? Jenny marries Andrew. Odd, because I would think the will stipulation would still be in effect, and she would lose the house, although that is never brought up. Weird.

In between we have girls pining after boys and boys pining after girls, and going to Devon, and back and riding ponies, and not.

This book is obviously for someone, but it wasn't for me. Not worth it. Sorry. And the dreams? The dreams that came true? No idea why they were important.

Thanks to Netgalley for providing this book for an honest review.

b00kr3vi3ws's review

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Charlotte aka Charlie is a complete tomboy. It may have been because she had been best friends with Toby and Max since her childhood. She loves riding her bike with them. Then she meets Allie and realizes that boys mean something else to her newest friend. Life for this thirteen year old, is simple and exactly what it should be for a teenager. Complications rise only when her aunt falls sick and she starts having extremely vivid dreams.

The plot is simple and uncomplicated – well mostly so. It effectively revolves around its protagonist Charlie and her three friends. The teenagers are captured at their truest forms and their life oddly real. The essence of pure friendships formed and adolescent romance has been captured through printed words in a way that actually manages to paint a beautiful picture in the reader’s minds. As a result the characters themselves seemed very true to life. I loved Charlie and her innocence. Her interactions with her friends and parents and her way of dealing with things that she doesn’t quite understand completely kept me mesmerized throughout the book.

This is my third time experiencing Ms. Emin’s work and I have absolutely enjoyed her consistency in producing simple storyline with simple characters and presenting them in a heart touching manner. The purity of the characters is clearly a common thread between New Beginnings and Dreams Come true and certainly the USP of Ms.Emin’s work.

It took me about an hour to read this book and I consider it an hour well spent. A light read that reminded me that innocence can still be preserved.

qtdede's review

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I would first like to thank Netgalley for sending me this book.
We have all experienced that awkward phase as we transition from being children to becoming teenagers. When Dreams Come True by Rebecca Emin is about exactly that. It is a middle-grade novel, written in first person, from the point of view of a thirteen-year-old girl named Charlie. We follow Charlie as she struggles with the changes she and her friends; Max, Toby, and Allie are going through.
This book had a fairly simple plot with not much happening but this did not in any way make the book boring. It was a relatively quick read with characters who ---while not being that relatable to me--- were probably relatable to younger people. My main problem with the plot was that not everything was well explained or fully developed. The writing in this book was also a bit lacking. It had no unique voice and its dialogue was a tad bit unrealistic.
Other than the underdeveloped plot and somewhat unrealistic dialogue, When Dreams Come True was a pretty good read. I would mainly recommend this to the younger readers out there since that would make it easier to relate to.

familywithbooks's review

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This charming story made me nostalgic for that time in your childhood when you begin to mature and you go crazy not understanding why your friends are acting strange, and why you begin to see people you knew your whole life in a different way.

Charlie, having just started year nine (that's 13 years old for those who don't know) is going through a lot - her friends since childhood are changing (Max, Toby and Allie), her Aunt is sick and she's starting to have very vivid dreams that start coming true causing her to find out family secrets, and the thoughts of her friends.

When I read the summary, I thought this was going to be a fanciful tale of "I dreamed I could make people fly and look there they go." I'm so glad it wasn't. No one turned into a vampire. No one changed into an animal of any kind. No wizards, witches or bullying. Just a great, honest coming-of-age story that I would be proud to let my daughter read when she's hitting that age.

Very quick read!

I received this e-book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.