
Hidden by Sophie Jordan

sargon6439's review against another edition

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The BEST book of the Firelight series for sure!!!

While the other books got me incredibly frustrated with the angsty teenage drama and stupid love-triangles; this one brought action, depth, and a real conclusion that made me feel a LOT better about the series as a whole.

The non-stop action, first of all, was one of the best parts about this book. Every couple of pages something new was upon them and they would have to fight there way out of it. It kept my eyes glued to the pages and had my heart punding during the entire reading process. However, my favorite element is also a flaw. There was so much happening so fast that I felt there wasn't enough time for the important plot points or character developments. Especially at the end
Spoiler when we learn the pride is changing for the better but it all happened while Jacinda was unconscious. Too much change was accepted too quickly and without the awareness of the reader.
This problem could have been solved with adding Tamra's perspective but since that didn't happen the reader will just have to speculate.

Speaking of Tamra. She is by far the best character of this series. I love how she is more mature and doesn't always let her emotions take a hold of her.
Spoiler Yes, her sudden relationship with Deghan was a little sudden
but other than that I enjoyed reading about her even in Firelight when she was a little bit of a jerk. I really wish that this series could have followed both of the sisters' journey from the start instead of just focusing on Jacinda. They both played promenint roles throughout and it would have helped with filling in important information when they aren't together. Such as the ending!

Now Jacinda is another story. She's selfish, unpredictable, and temperamental. Yet, I can also see the growth in her character since Firelight and that only makes me like her more. She isn't just focused on herself and what she wants anymore and instead shifts to wanting to fix everyone else's problems. Still annoying at times but not in the same way. Her realtionship with Will and Cassion is less infuriating as it was in Vanish since she has made a decision but still has non-romantic feelings for the other. Overall, I just wish she wasn't so Bella Swan and damsel in distress-like. YOU ARE A DRAKI!!! YOU DON'T NEED TO BE RESCUED!!! YOU DO YOUR OWN RESCUING!!!

The plot line in general lacked a finishing up of people we've met throughout the series and rushed important points across to make way for more action. Now, I'm an action fan so I'm not super upset by adding more action, but I do wished Jordan spent the time to go over some crucial ponits. Such as
Spoiler what happened to Lia? Will Jabel come back to haunt Jacinda in the human world? Go after her mom maybe? Will Cassion meet someone on his unknown adventures and FINALLY be happy? Hunters and Enkros are still out there and killing off draki! What about them? Will's father or uncle might want revenge for Xander's death. Yes, I loved how the ending left you wondering what will happen to the main characters in a hopeful way since now they all have choices about their lives, but some of these questions should have been answered!

Now, I'll summarize my thoughts on the ending breifly without spoilers. It was rushed but also incredibly sweet. It made you ask, "What happens now?" but not in the "NO!! I MUST READ MORE!" kind of way. Just simple and nice although I do wish it was a little longer.

The cover I'm upset by since the first two were SO AWESOME!!! They should have shown the two sisters together! The contrasting colors would have been amazing!

Overall, it is a series that I would recommend to all who love romance, action, and anything and everything to do with DRAGONS!

poinssetia's review against another edition

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Aunque los malos no eran todos los que yo pensaba, nada ha sido realmente sorprendente o inesperado con respecto a los personajes principales, el final fue predecible en su mayoría, solamente me sorprendió un pequeño giro que involucra uno de los personajes secundarios, que aunque apenas y fue mencionado, resulto estar más involucrada en la trama de lo que parecía, pero nunca dejo de ser secundario y no se dieron mayores explicaciones, simplemente se mencionó y desapareció. Pero el final cumple con los requisitos de lo que se esperaba para la trama y todo lo que se expone en esta.

rey397's review against another edition

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thecorioliseffect's review against another edition

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Wow! Finally finished a series I started in my teen years! I definitely liked this series, and I loved the world, but I just thought there was a lot to be desired. The romance isn't the strongest, and three books felt like a little much. It probably could have been a duology instead, with the last two books combined into one.

The one thing that I had a gripe with... I'm VERY confused as to what the Draki look like. They're clearly not human or humanoid because it's very important that the hunters don't know they can turn human. But then the dragons have hair. And Jacinda is sitting in the front seat of Will's car at one point while she's a dragon. And he hands her a class of water and she drinks out of it. Also Will kisses her (like romantically) while she's a dragon... idk I thought all that was a little weird.

But this is a really fun series that I think younger teens especially would love.

tartbarbie's review against another edition

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Jacinda may be bonded to Cassian but he’s not the one she wants to be with. While escaping his sister is captured with the help of Will they may just get her out before it’s too late. Jacinda knows that they have to save her from the Enkros or else they may not see her ever again. They send her in fully manifested in her Draki form turning her over to the Enkros with the understanding that in twenty four hours later they will plan the escape. What Jacinda finds in the compound is shocking to say the least, all the Draki are in cells treated like animals. She’s released into a fake forest where she encounters a grey Draki who is savage and determined to kill her, but the Enkros intervene before it’s too late.

Before her twenty four hours are up the Enkros take Jacinda into the lab intent on embedding a silver disk under her skin in her skull but it’s interrupted by the rescue. In their attempt to free the compound another Draki free’s the grey Draki but before they can escape Cassian is attacked by the savage Draki. If not for Will they wouldn’t get him but hunters are hot on the trail. Will they be able to escape from the Enkros once and for all? Who is the grey Draki that they freed? Will Jacinda find out what happened to her dad?

I loved Jacinda in each book she just kept getting better and better as the novels continued. In the first two I was a little on the fence I like both guys each one is unique in his own way and would be a good match for her. I was nervous because Jacinda loves both guys just in different way it’s duty to her people or following her heart in the end. I loved her sister Tamra in the first two books and I was thrilled to see her shine in her own right. The girls are kick ass heroines in this series they don’t need the guys to fight for them. I was able to connect with the characters which I find a huge plus when I’m reading a novel.

I’ve had Hidden since I finished the first two but I couldn’t bring myself to read it because I didn’t want the series to end. I started Hidden last night but it became apparent if I didn’t put it down I would be up all night reading. This morning I dove right into Jacinda’s story captivated right from the start and didn’t stop till I finished. I was nervous about how the novel would play out but the author does a fantastic job weaving an intricate story that ends the series beautifully. I’m really sorry to see it end because I loved the world of the Draki it’s such a unique play on dragons and I want more. I see potential for maybe a spin of series and hope one day we will see more of them. Hidden is an action packed adventure, loaded with suspense, mystery and even romance. The Firelight series is a must read for fans of dragon romance. I would love to wake up one more and manifest into a Draki to be able to fly would be so cool.

cris124's review against another edition

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Aquí hay un poco más de movimiento. A pesar de que los drakis tienen poderes, no pueden combatir en absoluto con las tecnologías utilizadas por los cazadores. Si los cazadores están por la zona, son presa seguro.
T resulta tener poder y uno de los preciados, que les ha salvado un par de veces frente a los cazadores. Severin ordena que Miram vigile a Jacinda y es entonces cuando salen del pueblo y hay cazadores en el día que quedó con Will. Y eso me daba mala espina, pensé que J estaba cegada por el amor y no veía nada. Y es que no tiene sentido, Will la quiere proteger, pero entonces por qué no la ha avisado en absoluto de que pudiera ocurrir algo similar? Por qué no tendrían un móvil teniendo una tele todas las casas de los drakis?
Cassian resulta no ser quién todos pensaban, vivía por la manada pero también tiene sus propios planes, y por eso precisamente se fija en J, porque tampoco está de acuerdo con ciertas cosas de la manada. J y C se unen y pueden compartir los sentimientos.
Hay cosas irrazonables. Cuando se enfrentan a los enkros, la descripción de ellos no mostraba nada especial, parecía ser el nombre de los científicos en batas que los investigaba. No puede ser que ninguno en ningún momento haya sospechado de que el chip que se les implantan es para localizarlos. Y cuando se encuentran todos en la celda, J no pregunte por más detalles a los demás para estar mejor preparado.
Teniendo en cuenta que los cazadores han resultado exitosos a la hora de cazar, no han puesto actualizado ninguna medida, ni dentro de la manada ni con las otras manadas.
Al final se resuelve el misterio de Magnus, el padre; consiguen encontrar a la madre; van a hacer una especie de consejo democrático dentro de la manada; Cassian va a abandonar la manada; los familiares de Will se han salvado la mayoría; Will es aceptado por la manada.

octagonal's review against another edition

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The first two were fun in a campy but enjoyable way. This one was just kinda... painful.

And the ending is really unsatisfying for a trilogy conclusion. Bleh.

ALSO, when did Will become such a huge whiner? I remember liking him before, but OH GOD, SHUT UP. We have more important shit to do than make out right now, come on. He is therefore stripped of his rights to be in my "guys named will" shelf... as that shelf is only for good wills.

nurlogy's review against another edition

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I liked the little road trip they all had
Spoilerafter rescuing miram and the rest of the drakis.

GOD the ending was way too soon, i was reading it on an ebook, so didn't even check on page I am so that I am a little bit more excited for what to come.
And than... I cried. I realised it was the last page I mean I started way earlier since
Spoiler I couldn't bare the good-byes of Jacinda and Cassian. Sure I know it was predictable that he would not be the one but still I was sad... They parted so peacefully my heart broke.

You guys I am seriously crying this ending was beautiful.

lissherondale's review against another edition

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I really liked this trilogy! It's so easy to get into it and fly throught it.

If you want an easy fast-page interesting YA this is for you.

bookishnicole's review against another edition

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One thing that I really loved about the Firelight trilogy was that it was a totally different beast (pun intended). Series lately seem to swirl around dystopian, vampires, or werewolves. I also felt that this book ended the series in the best way, probably one of the most satisfying endings for a series I've seen.

This book had all the great staples, it had love, it had heartbreak and of course, it had lots of action and fighting. I felt more comfortable with Jacinda if you followed my earlier posts on Firelight, then you know I didn't like her a lot. She was wishy washy and couldn't stick to a decision, but in this book, I felt like she stuck more to her guns. She was determined to do what she had to to save everyone.

I loved Will and Jacinda, even though I wasn't sure who I liked her with better. Both of them were so great to her in the earlier books that I thought for sure she would end of with no one because I loved them both. But she does make her decision in this book. How could she not though in the last book of the series?

I did feel that the book could have been a little bit more drawn out at the end because it was like "BAM! This happened" then two pages later, something else was going on. I would have liked more development from other characters, but essentially it wasn't necessary to the story.

All in all, this was a great ending to the series. Even though the dragons and what they actually looked like confused me a bit, I still liked how everything tied together and how Jordan created a new type of creature and lore.