
The Emotional Load: And Other Invisible Stuff by Emma, Una Dimitrijvic

chiarilu's review against another edition

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informative inspiring reflective fast-paced


chelsbels's review against another edition

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The Emotional Load and Other Invisible Stuff by Emma

Is illustrating (pun intended).

This feminist graphic novel is sectioned into mini essays. Each can be read alone about a specific aspect of girls/ and women’s lives, and has a focus largely on the dynamic of cisgendered women in heteronormative relationships, work life society expectation, and traditionally male work spaces. The focuses is on Emma, the author, and her experiences working not only in IT, but also her upbringing in France.

Facts, statistics, studies philosophical and academic writings are used as foundations for her experience and explanations. But as such, if you are well versed in the subject of Feminism or Woman’s Rights some essays, or more the sources and conclusions are known and not illuminating.

What is interesting to me, a Canadian in Quebec with a large equalitarian feminist society, is the French (France) aspect of this writing. It is not American centred but France and Europe centred, the laws, attitude and societal interactions are different. Emma voices and Advocates for things I feel have long since passed/achieved or are too slow in gaining true equality.

The last two essays however are excellent. On historical lessons for why and how society has changed little and how workers must come to understand their power in society. The last is on Benevolent Sexism, something that is often disregarded in society, but can be just as harmful, limiting and abusive.

The style of the comic is pretty basic. It’s empty splash with a head or body and then a lot of text. What is disappointing is the font, a faux cursive hand writing that become fatiguing.

This book is for anyone that needs a general and gentile introduction to feminism and woman’s rights in an upbeat approachable style.

(After all feminism has to be approachable for us women to be seen as human’s deserving of equality)

silviaamaturo's review against another edition

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reflective fast-paced


annas2345's review against another edition

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not really wanting to rate this. I think it was a creative way to talk about a difficult topic. 

lokes's review against another edition

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informative inspiring reflective fast-paced


senzacca's review against another edition

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Ho divorato questo libro in un'ora. E' così godibile e importante che lo rileggerò immediatamente. E quando avrò finito, lo condividerò con più persone possibile. Anche se credete di sapere ormai tutto sul femminismo e pensate di essere riuscite a costruirvi solidi baluardi contro le ingiustizie di genere, fatevi un regalo e considerate questa lettura. Nemmeno i ripassi, su questi temi, possono guastare.

alicemaras's review against another edition

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informative fast-paced


shlee's review against another edition

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challenging hopeful informative inspiring medium-paced


logolepsy_e's review against another edition

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10 storie di femminismo quotidiano, in un fumetto che alla sua uscita ha fatto molto parlare di sé, specialmente perché la prima delle storie che racconta era già diventata virale online qualche mese prima.
Si parla di carico mentale, dell'isterismo delle donne, di imparare a conoscere il proprio corpo e di tanti altri argomenti simili. Il tutto in forma di fumetto, per rendere la lettura di tematiche così importanti un po' più leggera e accessibile a tutti, anche a quelli che magari non si metterebbero mai a leggere un pesantissimo saggio sul femminismo.
È per questo che Bastava Chiedere è così efficace, ed è il motivo per cui non va consigliato solo a tutte le donne, ma soprattutto agli uomini. Perché sì, è un libro grazie al quale molte donne potrebbero aprire gli occhi su situazioni che hanno sempre considerato "normali" semplicemente perché sono state cresciute così; ma è anche un libro che può aprire gli occhi a molti uomini che su queste tematiche non hanno mai neanche pensato di interrogarsi.
Una lettura rapida e agile: un centinaio di pagine, fumetti snelli che permettono di concentrarsi sul contenuto, e uno sguardo molto fresco e convincente su tematiche di cui si parla poco anche negli ambienti stessi del femminismo.
Consigliato a chiunque, maschi e femmine.
Se volevate un bel libro sul femminismo... Bastava Chiedere!

maestro_cerrotorcido's review against another edition

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challenging emotional funny hopeful informative reflective slow-paced


The Mental Load and The Emotional Load are extremely enlightening, and I would recommend them to anyone. They are collections of social issues that are challenging or don't get enough attention. They range from unpaid labor to racism to pregnancy and delivery, rape culture, police violence, parental leave, etc. They mostly focus on situations from female perspectives, but I felt like a lot of the scenarios could be applied to situations and relationships beyond the specific ones mentioned.