
The Mistletoe Pact by Jo Lovett

chicksroguesandscandals's review against another edition

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I have to admit that my overall feeling’s about this book are still a little mixed, on one hand, I did enjoy aspects of the story, yet on the other hand, I still don’t know if ended up liking it or not. Confused? Yes, me too!

I loved the sound of The Mistletoe Pact from the moment I saw it, the cover enticed me in and the back blurb made me think of sweet little friends to lovers romance, a romance where after making a huge blooper they figure a way through to make the best of the situation. Then I started reading it and found that my expectations were shattered as I don’t think the actual story within the pages matches up with the cutesy back blurb.

I admit that I did like the overall concept or two people who haven’t been able to find ‘the one’ marry each other, both disregard this ludicrous plan as being a bit fool-hardy, only for every to go belly up and waking up in Vegas having done exactly that. Now, it’s this part that I did like, the start would make a great TV movie rom-com, but it’s what follows that fell short.

These two have loved each their entire lives, they are friends – incredibly close friends, they know each other inside out – flaws and all and still secretly love the other, this should have been the start of them finally admitting how they feel and work through this newfound relationship – but oh, no they want to divorce and go back to how they were before. Errrr? OK!

I just couldn’t seem to get to grips with the exploits after they rather rashly married in Vegas, and I think it’s that what has put a dampener on the overall book for me. I do think is a huge shame because the story has the potential to be a classic rom-com, but I just wasn’t feeling it.

What I did like was the clear love between Evie and Dan, just because they didn’t share how they feel with each other until pretty late on in the book, they certainly give the reader a glimpse into their minds and their emotions, which was a bright spot on entire book. I also liked them as individuals, even though I felt like screaming at them to grow up and look at what’s in front of them or just bang their heads together.

If your looking for a quick will-they/won’t they romance with a lot of Christmas feel and you love those TV Christmas movies then this is the book for you. I think it could have been so much better than it was, but I will read more Jo Lovett as I did enjoy her light and cheerful writing.

meganlee96's review against another edition

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This book had all the potential of a five star read and I was so sure that's where it was heading but it just fell flat for me.

I loved the characters, they were all fun and likeable. I really enjoyed reading about them.

But the author just seemed to skip over some major events. Like I really thought the Vegas wedding was going to be the plot of the book but it's almost brushed over, especially the aftermath.

Honestly it's a little difficult to say what didn't work without spoiling the book. I just felt like the author really had trouble keeping all the threads of the story going. For example, we meet Millie, a troublesome friend. We meet her at the start of the book. We then meet her again so much later than I actually forgot she was in this book. She makes a random appearance, says one line and that's it for Millie. Never to be seen or heard of again.

I understand that obviously in a romance there's going to be some boundaries to the characters being together but it really felt like the author took these a step too far.

In the end, the resolution was totally anticlimactic and I really wish it had been something more because I was set to love this book.

That being said, it was still a good read and I did still enjoy it.

I gave it 3 stars⭐

Thank you to NetGalley, Jo Lovett & Bookouture for an eArc of this book in exchange for an honest review.

missdorito's review against another edition

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4.5 ⭐

swingmeout's review against another edition

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*Audiobook ARC provided via NetGalley*

Very reminiscent of Hallmark Christmas movies - in both good and bad.

I felt like it was trying to avoid being predictable, but in doing so it ended up being dragged out and a frustrating read(/listen). The novel would have been more enjoyable if it had been about half the length and didn’t try so hard. I like a friends-to-lovers trope, I love pining and I *love* a slow burn but this just didn’t work for me.

tatyanavogt's review against another edition

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I read this for this video:

kariniwonderland's review against another edition

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The premise was great, but the story didn’t quite deliver. I loved that there were dual pov’s, but there were too many flashbacks that slowed the story down. The begin and ending were great, but I skimmed a few chapters in between just to get to the end faster. Nevertheless if you like the slow-burn friends-to-lovers romance then this is a cute holiday read for you.

I got this arc in exchange for an honest review.

ateachersguidetoreading's review against another edition

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"So that’s a deal then. We’ll get married on your thirtieth birthday if we’re both still single..."
Christmas Eve eight years, Evie and Dan made a pact under the mistletoe. If by thirty she wasn't married then her and Dan were going to tie the knot. And they sealed the deal with a kiss. But it was a joke, neither of them took it seriously. Until they wake up in a honeymoon suite in Vegas beside eachother, the day before Evie's 30th birthday, and they're married. Nothing a quickie divorce can't fix and then things can go back to normal. But is that easier said than done? What happens when their paths keep crossing and they can't seem to stop gravitating towards eachother? Do they take a chance or are they ready to let go of their pact?
"You know: with all our fantastic twenty-first century medicine, we can’t save everyone, and we can’t prevent bad things still happening to some of the people we save..."
This was for sure a cute read - a festive feel, childhood friends to lovers story with some rom-com worthy humour in the style of an unplanned Vegas wedding. The story is told through a mix of flashbacks over the past eight years and present day events, highlighting the blossoming relationship between Evie and Dan, her best friends brother. I was drawn in by the Ross and Rachel 'we got married in Vegas when drunk' plot but I felt this could have been developed further it was resolved so quickly. At times this book felt a bit slow, as it wouldn't fully describe scenes with Evie and Dan instead stopping and skipping to other scenes with side characters when I would have liked to have seen more interaction with the leading pair. It's called The Mistletoe Pact but could easily be read any time as the present day events take place over a year. I did love how their hometown was described at Christmas time, both in the flashbacks of the past and in the present day moments. The style of writing, with the flashbacks, gives off vibes similar to How To Save A Life, One Day and Love, Rosie.
Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture for the ARC.
"You have to be brave and fight for what you want sometimes..."

emmascr's review against another edition

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This review was originally posted on Star Crossed Reviews I received this book for free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. Thank you to Bookouture for letting me take part in this tour and for my copy of this book via Netgalley. I really enjoyed Jo's previous books so I knew I was in for treat with this one.

Evie is such a sweetie. I really liked her. Apart from Dan she has terrible taste on men. Evie goes for safe and quite frankly boring men because she thinks they won't hurt her like every man has hurt her mum.

Dan, Dr Dan. I can see why Evie fell for Dan. He might be a man full of issues but underneath that is a heart of gold. Dan is just scared of getting hurt and hurting others.

I loved all the supporting characters on this. Sasha, Evie's mum and little Autumn were my favourites.

I loved the way the book flicked between now and the past. I really liked seeing how things came to be.

This book is full of humorous moments, romantic moments and down right cringe moments. This is the perfect weekend escape!

nannykaren's review against another edition

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Oh, how I loved The Mistletoe Pact! It had some real laugh out loud times as well as some tearjerker moments. I was drawn in by the reality of the storytelling, in such a beautiful setting. Perfect book to snuggle under a blanket with

caitmayell's review against another edition

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This was so bad, I can’t even be bothered to write about all the things that were wrong with this book.