
Bitten in Two by Jennifer Rardin

flossssy's review against another edition

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This book had everything you would want in a heroine tale of a CIA Assassin.
Memory loss, curses, demons and a sexy vampire.

Like most of Jennifer Rardin's books they are original and theres nothing out there like it. Of course there is always a book a bout a kick ass heroine and her vampy boyfriend but i don't think any other authors ever went the way she has with this series.
A definate must read if your a supernatural fiction lover or even just a spy novel lover she combines the two with perfection

yodamom's review against another edition

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I wanted to love it, I tried so hard to love it. That was the problem, I was forcing myself to get through to many parts of this book. I struggled to figure out who was saying what, with all the voices inside her, Jaz's head, ARGUH, frustrating ! There was too much thinking, not enough action it really did not push the story ahead much at all. i am a fan of this series, I love it, just not this one. Off to read the final book in the series....

katyanaish's review against another edition

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It was alright, but I wasn't as engaged as I was on earlier books. And there didn't seem to be much forward motion to the story... it read like a bridge book. Laying the groundwork for the next book, which, I hear, wraps the overall plot for the series.

mamap's review against another edition

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series is starting to get tired. pg-13 for language and suggestiveness. still an adventure and mystery. the bad guy is a surprise and bad things happen to good people.

vikingwolf's review against another edition

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On arriving in Morocco to find the weapon needed to save Jaz from demonic possession, Vayl suddenly loses his memory and believes it to be 1777. He thinks that Jaz is his housekeeper and Miles is his female ward which does not please either of them. They have to pretend to go along with it so they don't upset Vayl, while they watch him drink from humans and try to find Seers to help him locate his sons.

Oh FFS seriously? The series was back on track with two good books and then we go off on a pointless crap story again. We are back to the plot from book 3 with Vayl's obsession over his sons taking over everything and causing angst for Jaz. The author seemed determined to continually spoil the series by ruining Jaz and Vayl's relationship again. For the first half of the book Vayl is behaving badly and the others are pretending to be servants which is boring and frustrating. There was nothing of interest in that part of the story! Even the flashback scenes added nothing to the plot. Basically the plot stops moving until Vayl gets his memory back and then we finally get on with saving Jaz. So annoying!

There were a few good things which kept me from throwing the book out of the window. Bergman gets a woman at last and it is a very funny relationship! Yousef is just brilliant and I really loved the guy. Pity we can't have him instead of Cole...Finally Vayl gets his memory back and the plot resumes. The second half of the book is an improvement over the first but overall it wasn't a great addition to the series.

xvicesx's review against another edition

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I almost forgot just how good and laugh out loud this series was. It's an amazing comfort read and just funky enough to keep you guessing.

maferg01's review against another edition

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I am very sad that this is the second to last book in the series. I have enjoyed reading these books so much. In Bitten in Two, you can expect all the things that readers have come to love about the Jaz Parks series. Jaz is funny (laugh out loud at times)and her whole mental gang is still commenting whenever possible, Vayl is sometimes obtuse, Cole and Bergman are ridiculous as usual, and there are a bunch of other characters to add to the drama. I hope in the next book that there is enough plot resolution that I can step away from this series and not be left hanging.

chllybrd's review against another edition

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Full review posted at
The story starts out with Val having lost his memory and the crew, Jaz, Colin, Bergman, trying to find out what has happened to him and how to get his mind back to the current century. There is a TON of tension going on, Jaz being upset that Val doesn't remember her, Colin being in love with Jaz but Jaz not loving him back, The inn owner that likes Bergman but Bergman just doesn't get it, and of course the presence of the Demon Kyphos who wants Colin but Colin will never love her. I was pretty lost for most of the whole memory loss bit, It was all a bit confusing in the beginning and they hardly do anything about what they are really there for (in Morocco) until half way threw the book. Right before Val gets his current memories back it finally picks up and the actions starts, it gets much better from there. Bergman completely blew me away with some of his actions and Cole went through hell for a while and the book kinda left some stuff with him unfinished But Im sure that will be cleared up in book 8 The Deadliest Bite. The story was so unpredictable towards the end that I was glued to the pages wanting to know what else could possibly happen. If you start off reading it and want to put it down DON'T keep going it gets better.

lalabristow's review against another edition

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Previously Published on my blog: Welcome to Larissa's Bookish Life

*contains spoilers if you haven’t read the previous books in the series

Jaz Parks is back and better than ever and even though she is finally together with her vampire boss Vayl, things are going far from smoothly. A curse has been put upon Vayl while on their latest trip and now he thinks he is living centuries in the past, way before Jaz was a born, and he sees his crew and Jaz herself as completely different people.

I was so saddened by Jennifer Rardin’s passing, she was one of my favorite authors and will be utterly missed. Jennifer has done such an amazing job with this series and Bitten in Two is no exception. We get to read about all our favorite characters in a crazy adventure full of fun and heart breaking moments that made me LOVE this series even more than I already do, if that’s even possible.

I really don’t want to spoil anything from the book, so I’ll keep this review short. I am dying for the 8th and final installment to this amazing series! If you are a, Urban Fantasy fan, the Jaz Parks series is definitely a MUST read =D

shelleyrae's review against another edition

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Somewhere in Morocco is the demon formed Rocenz that Jaz needs to save her life, but the gang's search is hampered by Vayl's inexplicable memory loss, the result of a curse laid on him in Scotland (Book #5). In a desperate bid to restore Vayle from his 1777 time warp, Jaz drags a wizard, Sterling, into the fight and along with Cole, Bergman, robokitty and a bit of help from a local stalker, the gang face down a vicious clan of werewolves, a greedy mage and Kyphas's betrayl.
Vayle's amnesia provides plenty of comedic moments as he has mistaken Bergman for his ward, Helena, and Jaz and Cole as his once favoured servants. It's tough for Jaz though who misses Vayle's love and support, as she struggles with the headaches and nosebleeds Brude is causing. The situation shows how much maturity Jaz has gained since the beginning of the series, and provides a bit more insight into Vayle's background, which I appreciated.
Bergman on painkillers is hilarious, especially when he describes his sexless state. I find Bergman more appealing the macho Cole. You just know Cole's relationship with Kyphas and his stubbornness in refusing to join the Trust, is going to lead to disaster.
My one irritation with this story was the interruption of battle scenes for Jaz to think too much, particularly at the climax in the tannery. I wanted her to shut up already and kill Kyphas. Don't get me wrong I love Granny May's wisdom, TeenMe's enthusiasm and InnerBimbo's pratfalls from her bar stool but not right in the middle of a fight.
I am eager to start The Deadliest Bite, the final installment of the Jaz Parks series, though also sad to see it finish. Bitten in Two is a fast paced romp with all the action, sarcasm and humour that Rardin does so well.