
The Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage by Laura Schlessinger

connie_leavitt_rees's review

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sarahaf712's review

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Anyone who says feminism has broken marriage and that "equity in housework" is a mundane part of a relationship shouldn't be a marriage counselor. Blegh. 

unsophisticatedreader's review

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I get that Dr. Laura is not everyone’s cup of tea. She has very traditional opinions and counsels as such. I can see where she might be offensive to some & turn people off with her tone but if you can read this with an open mind and honest view of yourself and the part you play as a spouse, there are lots of bits of good advice in there. It can be a slap in the face but also one that might do some good. I don’t feel she’s right about everything, but she does have lots of experience to share and I find a lot of it to be helpful.

rachelteresacrawshaw's review

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I have to say that a lot of this book makes sense to me, and that it has made me look at our relationship in a different way and has made me appreciate my partner more. The things I did not like about it were-

the religious undertones- I am not religious and neither is my partner and sometimes it becomes annoying feeling like you are being preached to.

the anti-feminism- I consider myself to be a feminist. This does not mean as is suggested by the author that I hate men, that I think being a mother and housewife is a derogatory way to spend your life, that I prefer monetary rewards than spending time and love on my family, that I admonish femininity and dress like a bloke. It means that I believe that women should have the choice to make the decision not to have children, or not to get married, or to put their career first if they want to, without feeling like they are a failure or guilty. In the same respect it means that I believe women should have the choice to stay at home and look after their children and husband/partner and be a home maker if they want to without feeling like they are underachievers or less worthwhile than their career minded counterparts.

other than that I think the book makes some valid points if like me you want to make being a wife and mother your main priority (as opposed to putting 100% into forwarding your career). If you don't want kids and/or don't want to stay at home and be a home-maker and you don't want to marry a man this book probably isn't for you!

jfwhitton's review

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Again, I like Dr. Laura in small doses. There is much wisdom in her thoughts on marriage and motherhood.