
The Kyler Collection: The Kennedy Boys Books 1 - 3 by Siobhan Davis

caszriel's review

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~I received an e-arc of these books and willingly reviewed them~

Finding Kyler:

Faye Donovan's parents have died in a car crash. Consumed by grief, she drinks it away. But soon she finds herself leaving her home in Ireland for America; her parents' will states that she should live with her uncle, James Kennedy, whom she did not know existed until that day. Faye is reluctant to move, but soon she finds herself bonding with the boys and enjoying the place. But riches and a perfect lifestyle come at a cost...

Finding Kyler contains a truck load of conflict. Disputes fuel the storyline, and add to the plot like fuel encourages a flame. Although she tries to be, Faye is not excluded from this "rich, upper class" hostility, her heritage and relation to the Kennedys of no help at all. These complications range from teen queen divas to cheating husbands and family issues.

I connected well with Faye. I relate to a lot of her problems and daily struggles. Kyler is moody, one of the "lock everything up and hide behind an emotionless wall" type guys and I see the pain he's endured through Faye's clairvoyant perspective. I think his past with Addison should've been revealed in full to Faye as she told him all about her past. Kalvin is a tease, but there is a gentleness under his facade. I liked Brad's character even when Faye was warned from him.

Siobhan Davis orchestrates a world where dirty secrets can drag you down, similar to the high stakes New York of today. The Kennedys and their high profile name draw a lot of attention, often unwanted although they use the fame to their advantage. Threats spill as an unknown force works behind the scenes to break friendships. This sinister force hides in the background, a mystery waiting to be solved. The mystery is what made me enjoy the book the most because it is a hidden, subtle kind of mystery resembling a burning question waiting to be answered. Finding Kyler explores the tale of a heartbreaking forbidden love in this Upper YA Contemporary Romance.

Losing Kyler:

The Kennedy family is in a state of turmoil. As towers of secrets crash to the ground, everyone is affected and the place becomes an emotional wreck. Faye tries to help out but she too is getting put through a heavy spinning washing machine, a frenzy of thoughts trying to drown her. When tragedy strikes yet again, the Kennedys are left reeling in the aftermath. Will things ever be the same?

"I've never felt more alone or more jaded in my life."

Faye's character is so blunt and genuine, I have to say she's one of the best female leads I've ever met simply based on personality, and that's not something I say lightly. She makes her fair share of mistakes too, but what I say is special about her (perhaps this is easier to achieve in the contemporary genre opposed to fantasy, but still) is that she's definitely human, she's not unnaturally perfect. Reading through her perspective makes all the difference to my love of this series.

"I keep my lips sealed and hope it doesn't come back to haunt me."

Secrets, secrets galore! This is one messed up family. Perhaps a little too much so. But Siobhan Davis keeps it in perspective and has an uncanny knack for controlling the drama, making sure it hits at the perfect moments. There are just a few moments throughout the books where big bombs hit, but the impact lasts. A small patch in the middle got boring, but it receded quickly into more drama.

"It has a finality that scares me half to death."

Losing Kyler really kept me on edge as I would have sudden moments of terror that Kyler would run away, my heart beating away crazily like a butterfly trying to get out of its cage. There were links to book one that I hadn't noticed, but they created more impact in a subtler way which made all the difference in the end. All the ideas in this series are skilfully woven into a masterful tapestry of enjoyment. Losing Kyler is the best Siobhan Davis novel to date, and the pure, unadulterated emotions that flow through this book affected me so much.

Keeping Kyler:

"Why does it take the threat of loving someone to make you appreciate them the way you should?"

Set directly after the events of Losing Kyler, Keeping Kyler sees Faye and Kalvin teaming up to find Ky. Told from the dual perspectives of Kyler and Faye, this style creates an interesting contrast. The Kennedy family aren't in the clear yet, with many enemies still out to get them. A combination of mystery, romance and intrigue, Keeping Kyler won't disappoint.

"Your scars, your flaws, your fears, your pain - they're mine too."

Faye and Kyler have both endured so much, but it doesn't stop now. They still have many challenges to get through and must rely on each other to surpass the pain. Trauma has tainted them both, but they are survivors through and through. Step by step, they build foundations of trust with those around them and walk down the long road of recovery hand in hand.

"I feel like I'm breathing for the first time in years."

At one stage there is a momentary pause in the avalnche of discord, a reprieve as the Kennedys relax and begin normal habits again. But soon we are reminded that the story isn't over yet, and there's more to come. A murder, arrests, past revelations... All will be revealed at a cost not all may be willing to pay.

"He's here. He's alive. He's mine. He's all I'll ever want. All I'll ever need."

Faye and Kyler are more in the spotlight, their relationship a welcome change from all the drama. They've both grown so much since they first met and I love the development each has received from Siobhan Davis. Keeping Kyler concludes Faye and Kyler's story peacefully as justice is finally served. The Kennedy Boys is a scandalous kiss you want to pretend never happened but can't stop thinking about.

kfriend's review

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Oh my Kennedy family loving heart! I love the drama, all the angst- and after an epic journey full of drama and emotional growth, we’ve reached the end of Kyler and Faye’s books. Siobhan has created such an energy around this family- that curious fascination that has me as obsessed with this family as the world around them. I can’t wait for future stories, but Kyler is going to be hard to beat.

This has everything I love about this series- over the top drama, delicious steam, deep emotional connections between our leads, and the quirky, loyal force of nature that is the Kennedy brood. The story picks up right where left our pair- with Kyler on the hunt for answers and Faye determined to support him. The dynamics have changed- they are in the public eye now, secrets are out in the open, and they can finally exist as a pair without either of those obstacles between them.

Faye and Kyler are the ultimate soulmates. I feel their connection, their love DEEP in my soul, and this is my favorite part of their journey- perhaps because we get to see them just BE together finally. They’ve been through so much to get there, and now they can focus on solidifying their relationship vs. the push-pull they’ve been in and the way they’ve had to hide. I’ve always loved Faye, and she continues to shine here. She’s strong and patient, determined and resilient. She’s willing to fight for what she wants, but she does it with love and empathy. And Kyler- OH my Kyler, you have my whole heart now. Siobhan is the QUEEN of taking flawed heroes and stripping them bare- exposing what makes them so flawed, And then once we’ve seen their beating heart, she works her magic- she redeems them for their flaws, gives them meaningful opportunities to grow and evolve as men, but also as partners. And that is the best part of this whole book for me- seeking Kyler vulnerable, open to both us and Faye. He stopped pushing Faye away, and he starts pulling her in- he gives her trust in action, he treats her as his partner.

I also just LOVE this whole Kennedy crew, and I can’t wait to see how they evolve over time. While the story is definitely focused on our couple, the ensemble element adds such richness to the story - and always makes for some of my favorite parts of the books.

Siobhan continues to earn my undying one-clicks with this series. Drama, intensity, secrets and danger- and at the center, a passionate and captivating epic love story that I’m utterly addicted to- I’m hoping to get to see much of Faye and Kyler in future stories, because I will never get enough of this couple!

babblingchatterreads's review

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Holy smokes what am I reading?!?! Faye and Kyler's ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

casseyt's review

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If you come to these books by Siobhan Davis via her True Calling or Saven series be prepared for it to be a lot different. That said, she still hooks you in. And there is the love triangle - and this time I was rooting for the other guy. Mostly, you should consider this story that of one of those late night soapies.

kiralillyy's review

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Man oh man , this book was a real page turner it keeps you guessing at every stage. Siobhan really out did herself again . The chemistry is off the charts, between Kyler and Faye.

jazzy_belle's review

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So I was having mixed reviews about this story initially. But, let me tell you, you have no earthly idea what you’re in for. Crazy doesn’t even begin to describe it. There’s drama, twists, secrets, I mean holy **** I could barely catch my breath because every page that awaited me contained another heart stopping bomb drop. Siobhan Davis keeps you on edge with heavy anticipation. I was constantly holding my heart, dropping my jaw, and shaking my head. And now thanks to this story, I had an introduction of those d*** Kennedy boys and now I want to experience every single one of their stories.

bookly68's review

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Book one starts out when Faye comes to live with the Kennedys. Leaving Ireland after the loss of her parents, she hops on a private plane with her Uncle (whom her mother never mentioned) to go to the States...Wellesley, Massachusetts to be live with the Kennedy family. When she gets there, she deals with culture shock, the Kennedy boy attitude shock (most of the boys are pretty messed up) and especially the shock of her attraction to Kyler Kennedy and her feelings for him between hate and longing.
"I’ve never met anyone like him before. He oozes raw sex appeal and danger by the bucket load. It both thrills and terrifies me." ~Faye (Finding Kyler by Siobhan Davis)

Book Two - So book one ends with a HUGE cliffhanger!!!! But, not a problem if you buy this box set! You just go on to the next book! And let me tell you, this book does not suffer from second book syndrome!!! It picked right up where that cliffhanger left off and about taking off at the starting gate!!! This book had plenty of angst, lots of twists and turns and even a few "What you talkin' about Willis?" moments!! I was taken by surprise a few times. And through all the Kennedy "craziness" it was very touching to see Faye become so close to the family and making them her home.

Book three picks up right where book two left off (I love how Siobhan Davis does this). This book is a wild ride!! It’s action-packed, suspenseful and a bit of mystery. Lots of Ky and Faye. In fact this is the last book of their story (in a way). I thought Siobhan did a beautiful job wrapping up their story. Of course, by the time I was done with this book I was an emotional wreck. But, the ending made me happy. She also wrote a really nice novella (not included in this set) called The Irish Getaway that has some more on Kyler and Faye’s story line. And of course they are mentioned throughout the other Kennedy Boys books, I mean they are family!

I have to say that, personally, Kyler and Faye are my favorites (so far). I highly recommend this set for that reason, I mean I LOVE IT so how could I not! But also, if you’re interested in starting the series (which I highly recommend because it one of my favorite series) the box set is a great way to go with these three, because they have cliffhangers and it makes it easier to continue on. Whereas the rest of the Kennedy Boys Books are all standalones.

si0bhan's review

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The Kyler Collection contains the first three books in The Kennedy Boys series, the three books working in tandem as a wonderful trilogy. Although the later books – Loving Kalvin onwards – work perfectly fine as standalone novels, I do recommend reading the Kyler books first. These three books provide a wonderful introduction to the characters we will get to know better in the later books – not to mention, these books make for a damn fine read.

Reading the synopsis will instantly inform a person of whether or not the trilogy is for them. It’s a taboo romance story, on the upper end of the young adult spectrum, erring on the side of new adult. It is a deeply emotional read, one that will take you on a wild ride and leave you wanting more. Of course, the whole taboo element will scare some people off. However, if you’re willing to take the leap, you will not regret the choice to read this series.

Book one, Finding Kyler, pulls you deep into the story, opening up many elements that are to be prevalent throughout. Secrets upon secrets, drama upon drama – the first book pulls you in deep and leaves you wanting more. Book one shows us how everyone has something to add to the story – the romance, the revenge, the lies and deceit, or something more entirely. You’re hooked on so many elements, desperately wanting more. You’re left unsure as to what the truth in, diving into the second book as soon as you can.

Book two, Losing Kyler, picks up where the first book ends – in terms of both the storyline and the emotional whirlwind. With book one ending on a bombshell, book two pulls us straight into the aftermath. All the drama of the first book is amped up, the attempts to find the truth leading to a number of shocking reveals. If that’s not enough, there is a lot of side drama thrown into this book. The new elements added in this book make for a truly enjoyable read, and play in importantly in some of the standalone novels.

Book three, Keeping Kyler, is one seriously emotional read. Honestly, it is one of the books constantly battling for the spot as my favourite Siobhan Davis read. I really did feel so much, I felt everything. There was so much wow factor with this book, so many elements blowing your mind. The details are brought together wonderfully – raw emotion, plot twists, and steamy romance. It is everything you could hope for when it comes to the conclusion of a trilogy.

Without a doubt, The Kennedy Boys books are more than worth the read. As soon as you’re finished reading Kyler’s arc, you’ll be diving into the other stories.