
Midnight Rising by Lara Adrian

trudyd's review against another edition

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I can't say it enough times. I LOVE THIS SERIES!!!!!!!! In a previous book, Rio was injured badly and his heart crushed. He can find no reason to keep going and takes an opportunity to solve his life issues. He finds himself in a cave with a job to do.

Dylan is traveling Europe with some of her mother's friends, living the life her mom is too ill to enjoy. Her breed mate talent is one that will lead her to Rio and the story of her career.

This is a story that was filled with action. The evil in the world is getting closer. Dylan's life is at risk. It will take Rio's love and more to save her. Get ready to bite your nails and shake in fear.

11/06/19 The audio edition really brought this story to life. Oh My Goodness!!!

keberwick's review against another edition

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This book was possibly my favorite out of the series. I loved Rio and Dylan seemed like the perfect match. I recommend this series to anyone who enjoys romance and vampires, it's definitely worth reading.

showell's review against another edition

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Read a bunch of these over winter break. They are solid choices for brain candy over a vacation, but don't stand up to being read back to back. I got really tired of the premise, writing, and in fact the whole series by book 4.

On the other hand, up until that point I was tearing through these at the rate of one a day, so maybe that was for the best.

Not really a challenging read. For what it's worth, book 4 successfully cured me of my desire to read vampire novels for a while.

carlacbarroso's review against another edition

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Didn't like it as much as previous volumes. Was too predictable, knew who the villain was way before, but I'm still interested on reading more. I do like the world.

laura_devouring_books_crumpets's review against another edition

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Both the characters i love individually, im glad Rio found someone, yet was it too soon after his last Breed Mate... Plus the whole he went into was pretty deep, he came out overnight almost.

Was an interesting Breed mate gif that Dylan has that gave the book some interesting twists... Her mothers condition was heartbreaking that kind of thing allways brings the book down a little for me...

3.5 stars

sjb86's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed this book about rio. I read alot of reviews saying the Dylan the main female character swore alot but to be honest no more than the average daily stuff.
Also that the character feel for each other a little to quickly but personally I think the whole thing flowed nicely and I'm really glad Rio got his happy ending with eve and Dylan.

allisonw9909's review against another edition

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Im so glad that Rio is finally happy. He really got the short end of the stick with his mate betraying him and on top of that almost dying from massive burns. Dylan was a good compliment to him because she was able to look past the scars on the inside and out and see who he really is. I liked how they had his ex-mate lead Dylan to Rio so he could finaly be happy.

miraphora's review against another edition

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Ecco che ci siamo. Primo voto basso per la serie. Noia mortale, moria del neurone, coma cerebrale totale. Ma che è 'sta roba? Ma chi l'ha scritta questa storiella, la nipote della Adrian? Potevo scriverla pure io, tanto è noiosa. Cosa ci vuole? Basta ripetere per - wait a sec - 348 pagine la stessa manfrina et voilà, il gioco è fatto.
Ingredienti: prendi un qualsiasi guerriero della Stirpe, cuocilo extra crispy, mettilo a macerare in una grotta. Nel frattempo tira fuori dal frigo l'eroina: attenzione che sia matura - lo vedete dai capelli, belli rossi mi raccomando - poi sbucciatela e trovate la sua sfiga. La nostra vede i fantasmi di donne morte, per cui siamo sicure che sarà utile alla storia, in qualche modo. Prendiamo la suddetta eroina e la mettiamo nel mixer con l'eroe che, nel frattempo, è uscito dalla grotta bello pronto per essere gustato. Fate partire il mixer alla velocità - 1, perchè più è lento più ci piace *snore*, e aggiungete al composto i seguenti aromi: azione, poca perché non vogliamo risvegliare il neurone; passione, anche qui non abbondate; amore, okey vi permetto di usarlo quando non dovete tanto il sapore esplode senza preavviso; trama originale, e questa volta la dose è giusta ed infine il tocco che darà il vero sapore a tutta la storia: il piagnisteo. Ah si, che goduria. Un colosso di uomo, sfigurato e vampiro, un guerriero super terribile/temibile cosa fa? Diventa tutto softy inside appena vede il capello fulvo. Dimentica in un puff che la ex con cui ha passato mille milioni di anni l'ha tradito e si butta capofitto in una nuova storia d'amore perché...perché, non so perché. Invece di essere una bestia, tutto rabbia e violenza, sembra un poveretto depresso che si nasconde perché ha la bua sul faccino. Invece di usare il suo dolore per trasformarsi in una macchina da guerra, diventa una specie di psicopatico debole e inutile: nemmeno i suoi compari della Stirpe lo vedono per quello che era, ma come un sopravvissuto che ha bisogno di cure. Rio è una delusione, punto e stop. Lo volevo più cattivo, più tortured hero, come dire...un gran son of a bitch che si trova invischiato con un'umana. Avete presente che botti che avrebbero fatto? Ma no, lui deve essere un mollaccione. Dylan fa praticamente quello che vuole: lo trova, fotografa e sputtana l'intero ordine, riesce a scappare e anche quando si fa prendere continua imperterrita a fare ciò che meglio crede, tanto Rio gliela dà vinta perché è una compagna della Stirpe. Ma per cortesia, una reporter di serie F? Suvvia, lei tira le redini e lui raglia, per intenderci. Il livello di coinvolgimento per la loro storia è praticamente nullo: si ok, si incontrano e lui se la vuole fare subito, poi si innamorano e arriva il cattivo eccetera eccetera. Non basta, poveri noi, non basta per niente. Nemmeno l'idea del vampiro usato come cavia/stallone da monta riesce a risollevare il morale e ad accendere l'interesse. Siamo di fronte ad una storia noiosa, con personaggi noiosi e scritta pure in modo da annoiare. Tristezza infinita. Spero vivamente che questo sia l'unico passo falso della Adrian, perché altrimenti...povera me.

j_elphaba's review against another edition

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Algo está a mudar, no ar espalha-se o odor de mortes por explicar e, desta vez, nem os olhares mais astutos conseguiram antever o que está para vir… enquanto isso, em algum lugar distante do mundo, um guerreiro sofre em solidão e anseia pela luz que sucederá depois da sua última pulsação.

Ascensão À Meia-Noite revela-nos tudo o que ficou por explicar após o acidente de Rio e, com a entrada em cena de uma protagonista feminina arrojada, esta é uma magnifica narrativa que não só apela ao romance como desenvolve, de forma surpreendente, questões que desde o início perturbam os guerreiros da Raça.

Lara Adrian mantém, neste quarto livro, a sua escrita simples e actual proporcionando um enredo que, além de sensual, é repleto de mistério e fantástico. Por estes e outros motivos, bem como muitos outros pormenores deliciosos, esta é uma série que conquista cada vez mais fãs oferecendo-lhes a garantia de satisfação no final de cada leitura.

Opinião completa:

naomilane's review against another edition

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*Be careful, there are some minor spoilers in this review!*

This is going to be a hard review to write. I love Rio and I was so excited for his book but I ended up being disappointed. Not completely disappointed but still. I love Lara’s writing but sometimes I personally think that she’s not thorough enough. I was expecting much more. Rio was betrayed by his own mate, he was gravely injured, he’s disfigured, he’s even going a little crazy and his story was, in my opinion, a bit sloppy.

He got over Ava so fast and he hated her so much…I mean, I completely get it, he’s hurt and bitter and yes he hates her but after all their years together, she was his mate for god’s sake, he should still have some affection for her even after everything. But no, nothing! Ava was not even a big part of the story and I’m sorry but she should have been. She was a bitch but she was important in Rio’s life, she’s the reason Rio is like that now and he was madly in love with her at some point. Lara made Ava’s character insignificant, she made their bond insignificant. At some point in the book, Rio himself says something like, all along, he knew that Ava was not happy with him, that something like that was going to happen etc. I just think that, that part of the book was not handled correctly.

Also, the heroine, Dylan was just a big NO for me. The woman was annoying and stupid, Ô so stupid! Lord knows I’m very picky with my heroines and, unfortunately, Dylan just wasn’t a good one for me. She had some good sides but for more than half of the story she was stupid and a little bit bitchy. I understand her first reactions, it’s understandable but, I mean, at some point the girl has to stop! She made stupid decisions and she annoyed the hell out of me! She got better toward the end and thank God for that and she was good with Rio, so there’s that.

Rio was still great, I mean, I love him and his character didn’t disappoint me but, like I said, some things were too sloppy and after his history, I was hoping for something deeper. I love his loyalty and his fierceness, Rio is also brave and smart and sexyyyy!

The plot was nice but it’s like the beginning all over again, not very intriguing. I’m sure it’ll get better with the other books but this one was not extra. It was even a little bit predictable. I had guess who the “bad guy” was since the beginning, it was just too obvious. But I did like the breeding thing with the big bad Ancient, that’s good and scary and interesting! Also the Gen Ones being killed, we’ll see more of than in Veil of Midnight I guess but I’m intrigued… Once again, the ending was rushed. This is so frustrating. Everything happened at the same time, some big things happened but we didn’t have any real explanations and the ending was abrupt, Dylan’s mom freaking killed herself to protect her and her funeral was just mentioned in passing, I thought that was an important thing but no, apparently, it was not. Obviously, this is my personal point of view, this is how I see things but yes, I was disappointed.

The book still had strong points, of course. I love the secondary characters, they’re important and I don’t think the series would be the same if they weren’t such an important part of each books. I still have some trouble with Sterling and Andreas. Sterling because he pissed me off in this one and Andreas because I can’t seem to just be “attracted” to him as a character. And since I know he has a book, this bothers me. I still liked some scenes with Rio and Dylan, despite everything, they were very sweet together and Dylan was good for him. The sex scenes were very steamy and as usual, Lara’s writing style is sublime. I’m going to read Veil of Midnight now and I just hope, that Renata will be a good heroine…please let her be good! Nikolai here I come…