
Batman: Silêncio, Parte 1 by Jeph Loeb

hkrowe's review against another edition

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Beautiful art, awesome story.

capsicum's review against another edition

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the art is beautiful and so is batcat!!!

jaepingsu's review against another edition

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Loved the art in here, and the story was solidly entertaining. More Catwoman, who is always a blast for me--I enjoy her moral ambiguity and almost impish personality.

This touches on the reasons why I find Batman such an appealing character...and Superman not. Batman's got some real depth to him, and is willing to get down and dirty to do what's right in the end, plus seeing him take on a super-powered alien with effectively toys and gadgets is pretty damned awesome. Plus, this brings in some vulnerability for Batman.

The Superdog showing up at the end was a bit weird, but all-in-all a solid read. Will definitely be picking up the second volume.

theredhead15's review against another edition

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Great for my Batman/Catwoman OTP. Great art. So-so story.

kcblythe's review against another edition

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If Frank Miller wrote the best Batman stories with Batman cast as a sociopathic senior citizen, then Jeph Loeb might be the best writer of stories featuring the Caped Crusader in his middle years. His Batman is a bit friendlier, a bit more willing to work well with others. Good stuff.

midnightbagel's review against another edition

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Oh this was really good. I love Batman and I've heard that the Hush arc is a classic that I have to read, and so far I'm really enjoying it. So far my one complaint (?), more of just a request really, is where are my Robin's ?? Dick, Jason, or Tim, anyone really, I'm surprised Nightwing hasn't come in yet, Huntress even made an appearance. Anyway, onto volume two, which I'm really excited about because I believe there's an appearance by one of my fave ladies, miss Harley Quinn!

samrkenyon's review against another edition

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I won this through a Goodreads giveaway.

This is a pretty unique method of experiencing a graphic novel. Some of the illustrations are not ideal for coloring due to the thickness of the black lines, but it is still a creative medium.

mr_houses's review against another edition

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Una historia de Batman escrita por [a:Jeph Loeb|32594|Jeph Loeb|] que aunque haya abandonado a su colaborador habitual [a:Tim Sale|61388|Tim Sale|] mantiene el esquema habitual en sus historias ([b:Batman: The Long Halloween|106069|Batman The Long Halloween|Jeph Loeb||680248] o [b:Batman: Dark Victory|106076|Batman Dark Victory|Jeph Loeb||1399464]) organizadas alrededor de un villano misterioso
Spoiler(en este caso no tanto, porque los amigos de la infancia de Bruce Wayne tienen más peligro que los sobrinos de Jessica Fletcher)
y estructuradas alrededor de villanos y aliados de la semana que permiten recorrer todo el panteón de personajes de Batman hasta desentrañar, ya casi por descarte, el misterio final. En este caso el argumento es tan retorcido y da tantas vueltas que queda en evidencia lo absurdo de toda la historia. Tiene, aun así, buenos momentos como la visita a Metrópolis o la nueva relación con Catwoman. El dibujo de [a:Jim Lee|15090|Jim Lee|] proporciona una perspectiva distinta, más realista y espectacular aunque al abusar de grandes paneles corta la complejidad del argumento.

bbeard23's review against another edition

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Uh,,, the story deeply confused me and then I started to get it just felt idk like a mess. I get that it’s supposed to be twisty and turny, but it didn’t feel like plot twists to me it felt like an unclear story

That being said I did like the Selina and Bruce love story plot line. It was quiet cute with Bruce kept thinking back to when Selina kissed him.

gonza_basta's review against another edition

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Great! Looking forward to read the second part!

Fantastica, non vedo l'ora di leggere la seconda parte!