
The Sea by KL Hughes

arthurgdean's review against another edition

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Recensione su FantasyAmo:

The Sea di K.L. Hughes è un racconto lgbt a tema fantasy. La casa editrice, infatti, pubblica solo romanzi a tema lesbico e dintorni, anche se spazia tra diversi generi.

Con i racconti ho sempre paura di dire troppo, quindi spero di non farvi assolutamente spoiler e di spingervi alla lettura di questo racconto che, ammetto, mi è piaciuto moltissimo.

She smiled at me, lip still stuck between her teeth, and for a second, I forgot to breathe. It was a practice I’d taught myself never to abandon despite no longer requiring air to thrive, yet there I was, frozen and motionless. My chest was dead cavity, and all I could do was stare. It was as if she knew, as if she could sense my listening in, as if, in that instant, I could harbor no secret. I was exposed, and the longer she stared at me, the more intense the sensation became."

La protagonista è Louise Richards, professoressa universitaria e creatura sovrannaturale. La sua vita tra i mortali scorre se non felicemente almeno piuttosto tranquilla, fino a quando non si invaghisce di una sua studentessa, Nicole Stark. Da quel momento, la sua vita diventa un inferno interiore.

Devo dire che io non leggo moltissimi racconti, perché mi sembra sempre che siano troppo corti, che manchi qualcosa: sia esso la profondità dei personaggi o l'importanza della storia o anche solo qualcosa che non riesco a definire.
Per qualche paragrafo ho pensato che sarebbe stato così anche per questo racconto, ma così non è stato: la storia è solida, ben costruita. I personaggi sono ben delineati, specialmente Louise, e c'è un bellissimo colpo di scena con un finale aperto che mi ha colpita molto e ha alzato il mio voto.

Per quanto riguarda i personaggi, in realtà ce ne sono solo due: Louise e Nicole. Mi è piaciuta molto la differenza immensa tra le due, una estremamente timida e calma, l'altra vitale, energica e sfrontata.
Di Louise in particolare mi è piaciuto il suo contrasto interiore, dopo tanti anni che non aveva provato amore o interesse per alcun mortale. Una scena in particolare, quella in cui è a casa da sola, mi è sembrata davvero importante per il suo personaggio. È la mia scena preferita, quella dove veniamo a conoscerla davvero.
Nicole è molto misteriosa fino alla fine, e dire qualcosa di lei sarebbe uno spoiler enorme che vi rovinerebbe il racconto. Quindi non posso dire nulla tranne che è un personaggio davvero interessante.

Il racconto scorre davvero bene e velocemente, non solo perché piuttosto corto ma anche perché lo stile dell'autrice lo permette. Ho letto racconti davvero pesanti in cui si faceva fatica ad andare avanti, ma non è questo il caso con The Sea.

Nel complesso un racconto solido, piacevole, che potrebbe piacere a molti.

inkyinsanity's review against another edition

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... Nothing happened. This is chapter one of something else, surely.

wickedregal's review against another edition

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**ARC received from Ylva publishing for an honest review**

You are seriously going to leave us craving like that?!

Okay so to be fair... this rating is a 4.5 and that .5 loss is due to the cruel ending because I demand more! I crave more.

The descriptions were captivating. I felt the ebb and flow of the captivation pulling me in just as the main character did. The progression of discovering who or what we are dealing with was brilliant. Never giving too much away, always teasing with those flowing descriptions. It was maddening only in the sense of the loss of control. It no longer became a want to read, but a need to read.

Down side... super short. But the pros completely put weigh this small issue. Quality over quantity. And the quality of this piece was brilliant. Well done!

elvang's review against another edition

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What a tease. I want more, please.

mjsam's review

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ARC received from YLVA in return for an honest review.

I’m not really sure how to review this one. I know it’s a short story, but honestly, it read like an excerpt. It literally ends just where the action would be expected to start. The story is intriguing but provides very few answers. I hope this is the first of a series, or that at the very least there’s a follow up, because without it this is a frustrating read.

4 stars because what’s there is well-written and hooks you in, but there needs to be MORE!!!

theamandashelby's review

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I absolutely love Hughes writings. I thought Popcorn Love was great, but The Art of Us is one of my all time favorites. So when I saw she had something new to read I was so excited. I didn't know it was like a tiny preview. I typically dislike shorts, but wow! Not nearly enough. Read this one on a break and realize you need to read her other books.

mannttha's review

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*Note: I was provided a copy of this book by Ylva Publishing

The Sea follows a Literature professor who is hiding a huge secret that she can’t risk anyone finding out about. She has been doing fine for many years until one day a new student shows up. When Nicole joins her class, Louise is unable to draw her attention away from her. We follow Louise as she struggles with making a decision that may expose her for who she really is.

There honestly is not much I can say about this short story without giving anything away. K. L. Hughes is a phenomenal writer and if you have read any of her other work you will love this story. If you have not read any, this is a great story to see what she can do. The Sea is such a wonderful short story that will keep you wanting more and I highly recommend checking it out.

corrie's review

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K.L. Hughes (of Popcorn Love fame) wrote the little teaser The Sea used as a free promotion for Publisher Ylva. The story is about a 700-year old vampire who is baffled by the lusty feelings she’s experiencing when a young student (don’t worry she’s legal) enters her classes. What we get is her struggle as she tries to resist the urge to pounce this woman. The story is over before it has a chance to really begin and I heard Ylva got quite some flack over it. I know you are not supposed to look a gifted horse in the arse (or any other orifice) but people seemed bummed that a potentially great story was cut so short. Maybe K.L. Hughes can be persuaded to write this as a full-length novel someday.


Themes: great potential but too short to get the juices going, Hughes felt more poetic in her proze this time, vampires and their sore gums… those retractable canines truly are a bitch.

3.5 stars

jamiereadthis's review

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Such a tease. A good first chapter to an actual book...