
Occupy Wrestling by Garrison Kelly

andypeloquinauthor's review

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I was given this book for review, and from the moment I cracked into it, I couldn't believe my eyes. I have NEVER read a story that combines wrestling and fantasy before, so it's definitely one of a kind.
Like real wrestling, I kept asking myself, "Is this real?" When the characters did crazier and crazier things in their matches, I found it hard to believe it. And yet I loved every minute of it!
There were a few flaws in the story:
• The writing kept hopping between POVs. It shifts from one character to another, hops to a narrator's style of voice, then goes back in for a close-up POV. This inconsistency made it hard to read.
• The wrestling moves weren't explained. I understand that it would be way too complicated to explain all the wrestling moves in the text, but perhaps a glossary at the beginning or the end could help us understand it more.
• It was written by someone familiar with the world of wrestling, but without taking into account that not all readers would be as familiar. A lot of the expressions used were industry/sport-specific, but lacking in definition.
If I could use one word to describe this book, it would be "unique". Certainly not the deepest, most life-changing book I've read, but one heck of a good time. Look past the writing style, and just like wrestling, you just can't look away no matter how "over the top" it is.

gothauthor's review

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A fun romp where fantasy meets wrestling!
Garrison Kelly likes his fighting intense and his monsters gross and you certainly get both in this novel. The plot was fun, the characters interesting, and the battles crazy good. An enjoyable read.

cpcabaniss's review

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*I received a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.*

This is a nicely written novel. While it could use some polish here and there, Garrison definitely has a talent for writing. I wasn't crazy about the way that certain things were constructed, but they were more preferences than actual errors.

The setting in the world of wrestling is a unique idea. I've never been a wrestling fan, but it makes for an interesting backdrop to a story. Some of the wrestling terms and things were not fully explained, but I was never overly confused by that.

This novel is only getting two stars from me because I just couldn't connect with the story or the characters. The plot and characterization could use some more development. The dialogue always seemed the same, no matter who was talking. There just wasn't enough of a difference between the various characters.

An interesting and unique idea, it just wasn't the book for me. The author definitely has talent and an active imagination and that's what I did enjoy about this novel.

victoriajaynes's review

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I got this book free for review, so thank you!
The plot of this book was very well written. The descriptions of the monsters were detailed, if at times a bit immature. I could really picture everything that was going on, even though I've never watched a wrestling match in my life.
It was the characters that made me give this book a two star rating. We never got to know them. All of them sounded the same, without individual voices. All we were told about Mitch was how he loved wrestling, and how he wanted to fix the problems with the way it was run. I would've liked to get to know him better. And the supporting characters were even worse. At least he had a purpose. The "villain" of the book, Keegan, really has no purpose. Sure, he wants money. But mostly, he wants to humiliate Mitch, because he got Keegan arrested for about a day. He hated him before that though, so I'm not entirely sure what his real motive was. I wish that had been explained more.
Then there were the women. I've read a lot of books that degrade women, and this one was definitely up there. Mitch's girlfriend is completely weak, and relies on him to save her all the time. She wants to learn wrestling from Mitch (because obviously, she can't learn any form of self defence on her own), but Mitch won't teach her in case she ends up "in a lingerie pillow fight". But don't worry, the sexual abuse of her comes later. And after she's been kidnapped, raped, and god knows what else, she comes home to her boyfriend who saved her. Then she cheats on him. With ANOTHER WOMAN. There was zero chemistry between them, it was just to entrance the boys. The couple was filmed, and Mitch then watched the video. He was angry, of course, but mainly just because it was with another woman. Apparently it's not a big deal that she cheated on him? Basically any interactions with her made me furious.
If we'd had better characters, this plot could have been good. But they were too frustrating, and not very well written, and I couldn't look past that