
The Beneath (Behind the Wall, #1). by Roxanna C Revell

debbie2232's review

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Oh. My. God. This freaking book just about killed meā€¦.. This book is unlike anything I have ever read! Itā€™s filled with pain, love, drama, lust, and so much more. I couldnā€™t put this amazing story down.

Eve and Noah are soulmates * you canā€™t argue with me on that * The love they have for each other is so raw and passionate. Noah is a bit of a mystery and an alpha male all the way! Gosh all the stuff he has to do breaks my heart. Eve is an orphan, who is just trying to get through everyday when suddenly everything changes forever. This book had me smiling, crying, and wanting to scream. Itā€™s definitely an emotional roller coaster, but I loved every bit of it. This is a dystopian like universe, which I love. Itā€™s unique and very dark, so please make sure to check TWs! But seriously though, the plot is so different and itā€™s such an addicting story that will leave you wanting more!

5 Stars!

kaycee_k's review

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The Beneath is a dark romance set in a dystopian esque world. The Beneath is the world behind the wall. Where the orphans are sent and must live by the rule of The Council. They can also never leave. Eve and Adam are unique because they are the only orphans that are full-blood siblings.

For Eve there is nothing more important than keeping her brother safe. Noah is a fourth-generation Founding Family Trueborn, part of the ruling class. He's untouchable to everyone except Eve. Their love awakens something in them both. But when Noah's family discover their secret, they tear them apart, causing Noah to spiral into a reign of violence. So when Eve is asked to do the unthinkable, she must take the deal to keep those she loves safe.

This series is part one in a three-part series and, I can already tell you I can not wait for all the other books. Eve was an interesting character to follow because she does have a sibling and in a world that was is not something that happens, made her stand out. Most people do here siblings and, I could not live without mine so, I can see why Eve does what she does for her brother. Noah was a character who took time for me to get used to but, once I
learned about his world and life, I was rooting
for him.

The world divided by a wall is something I have read many times but, Roxanna's world is different, well planned out. I enjoyed the vibe and all the setting.
Roxannaā€™s writing style is a joy to read, it does a great job of showing us the world and both sides of people's lifestyles. I like how the author developed the relationship and how everything unfolds. Roxanna covers many topics in this story: money, power, and public life. All handled in a way that keeps the story moving yet makes you think.

If you are looking for a unique dark romance set in a dystopian, with strong characters, a plot that keeps you guessing, and wonderful writing, then this is for you!

If you need content warning, please look them up.

reads_emily's review

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This has to be the most intoxicating book of 2021. I lived and breathed this book. Everything about it, the setting, the backstory, the storyline, the characters - all of it truly incredible.

I could not recommend this book enough. In fact, any comment I make could ever do this book justice. I have only one theory - Roxanna is a genius and she deserves every bit of praise coming to her.

The setting of this book is so clever and brilliantly thought out, Iā€™ve never known anything like it. If the setting isnā€™t enough to draw you in, the sexual chemistry is enough to keep you hooked. The characters compliment each other and I canā€™t think of a single character who is not necessary to the plot. Trust me, there will be some characters that you hate and some that you love - and that just makes it even more pleasurable to read.

The storyline is enough to hook you and trust me, it wonā€™t take you long to read. This is addictive and intoxicating and I would recommend it to anyone.

carathomson's review

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Holy Smokes!

I have found another book I absolutely love!!

teesbookjourney's review

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This book was a wild ride that I would have loved to have ended at chapter 20 or so. first above all this book was way too long - it was a wild ride of very problematic characters Noah is a psychopath and an abuser.

He has the emotional intelligence of the peanut and is using his girlfriend Eve as someone to soothe his bad temper. I didn't love that Noah assault and temper was treated like a part of his personality everyone needed to contend with.. Especially Eve

Eve shows clear signs of a domestic violence victim. with a bit of Stockholm syndrome.

The conflict in this book could have been resolved if Noah was able to hold his temper and wasn't obsessed with Eve. He could have just done what his parent wanted or said no instead he got Eve to bother hurt and had no problem about her being forced to be his mistress as long as someone was there for him to take his bad temper out on.

The concept of this world was very interesting and it was the main reason I wanted to read this book its forget that one of the main characters was written as the worst person and the reason for everyone's issues.

I usually don't wish for the main characters to not be together but for Eve's mental health she needed to leave and not be with Noah. I wanted to help Eve in getting her out of that relationship. Then they had to add in the element of Ethan although the plot line was interesting it was for sure a bit weird and I have to wonder why that was added at all.

My main problem with this book is Noah - I didn't like his abusive selfish nature. everything else I could have handled

ā€œI voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.ā€

gee_reads_books's review

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"If I tell you the truth... I lose you." "No. Telling me the truth is the only way you stand a chance of keeping me.""

Lovers of dystopian romance and dark, gritty matches made in Heaven: do not, I repeat, do NOT, miss out on "The Beneath"! Roxanna's sophomore novels introduces us to a world divided by a wall into two very different places: The Other Side, where extramarital sex is severely punished by the law, and The Beneath, where the illegitimate children of said affairs are cast off as soon as they're born. The severity of this measure would make anyone think twice before making the same mistake again; yet Eve and Adam Matthews are full-blood siblings, the only ones The Beneath has ever fostered. As Adam's older sister, Eve has always made protecting him his #1 priority, and loved him infinitely more than she'll ever love anyone else... Or so she thinks, until her path crosses with that of Noah Joyson.

Son to one of the Founding Families that run The Beneath, Noah is untouchable, and could have anything anyone he wants. But, for whatever unfathomable reason, he wants Eve. What starts as a forbidden relationship fueled by passion, mad love, and secrecy soon enough turns into a deadly game; for the Joysons aren't happy to hear that their son has fallen in love with an orphan they hadn't planned for. Soon enough, Eve finds herself having to dance to the Founding Families' rhythm if she wants to keep her brother safe. But nothing in The Beneath is quite as it seems, and it's not long before there's no coming back from the dark corners to which her love for Noah leads her.
"I was encouraged not only to be myself, but to find myself."

Wow. Okay. How on Earth am I supposed to review this, and not just type a lot of uppercase sequences of letters peppered with crying emojis and purple hearts!? Let me start warning you of something: this isn't an easy read, and if you go into the book feeling perfectly happy about everything, you're missing on the real deal. Noah and Eve don't have, not by far, a perfect love. There are elements in it that are supposed to make you uncomfortable. There are things that should make you angry. Eve's story is that of a very young girl in love, true, but also that of someone who didn't have a family to teach her what is and what isn't okay in a relationship. If you're like me and pick TB up, you may feel uncomfortable with some interactions.

That's good. Because Eve's story is also the tale of many, many young and not-so-young women nowadays. One of the things that made me love TB was precisely that: Roxanna doesn't shy away from depicting dysfunctional dynamics, and showing them for what they are. Eve doesn't know any better, but then again, so do many people in her same situation. She has to learn on the go, and as the story progresses, and she starts to realise that what's going on is so much bigger than just Noah and her, she starts to open her eyes. I'm truly taking my hat off: Roxanna's character development skills left me absolutely speechless. Many people loved Noah from the start, and adored the relationship he and Eve had. Not me. I wasn't a Noah Joyson fan at all; and yet, I found myself growing fond of him as the story unfolded. Personally, I think that speaks volumes about just how mind-blowingly well done the characters' arcs are.
"Noah didn't just have a temper; he had the skills to back it up."

Even though I more often than not find it hard to like female main characters who are supposed to be strong, but are not well-built and thus end up being annoying, I absolutely adored Eve Matthews. She starts a clueless orphan, and grows into an incredible queen. There were several moments in which you could clearly see just how far she's come, how tired she's grown of playing the role everyone expects her to, and I honestly can't remember them without proudly smiling! She may be one of the strongest FMCs I've read in a long time: sweet and kind, yet resourceful and super done with everyone's shit. By this point, I'm 45% human, and 55% Eve Matthews stan.

Roxanna has crafted a really immersive novel. The world of The Beneath is so vivid in her prose, you can smell the Dome's patchouli, feel the cobblestones beneath your feat, and picture the convent in which she and Adam were raised by kickass nuns such as Sister Teresa. (She's, together with Eve and Rose, my favourite character by FAR. Me!? Having an all-female selection of favourites!?!? WHAT) Even though the book starts with a little bit of info-dumping about The Beneath, soon enough the reader gets to see everything they've been told through Eve's eyes, and Roxanna's quill. The story flowed easily, the plot addictive and the twists breathtaking, and after surpassing the 23% mark, I simply couldn't put it down. I mean... I could... But it made me grumpy!

All in all, "The Beneath" was an amazing read I've really enjoyed, one that left me thinking every time I stopped reading, and sucked me in every time I picked it up to read on. Where's book 2!? Where!?!?

[Content Warnings//CWs: Blackmail/extortion, Death of a loved one, Explicit sexual content, Female opression, Physical violence, Sexual violence]

everybloghasitsdays's review

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I canā€™t believe I havenā€™t read this sooner!! I freaking loved it. I felt like I went through ever emotion I could of with this book. Definitely going to be one of my favourite reads of the year. I couldnā€™t wait to see what happens to the characters after the ending of book 1 so I dived straight into book 2

ashlyndrewek's review

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Where do I even start with this review? Simply put, I am blown away. Roxanna takes the reader into a dystopian-esque world where having children out of wedlock is forbidden. These illegal children are then shuttled off to an orphanage behind a large wall, to a community known by its members as The Beneath. It's here where Eve is raised with her full-blood sibling, Adam -- a rarity in a world of "unwanted" children.

Eve is one hell of a character. She is strong without being abrasive, compassionate, and extremely likable. Admittedly I get a little snarky when all of the men in a book continuously drool over the main female. But, in Eve's case, I feel like it was deserved. Yes, she was beautiful, but her personality really did make her stand out. Even when she made decisions that had me absolutely screaming at the book, it was completely understandable. She was put in some awful situations and she handled it with grace and maturity.

Noah, as Eve's love interest, was another amazing character. I have a soft spot for the broken ones, and even though Noah comes from one of the upper-class/powerful families in The Beneath, he is as broken as they come. He needs Eve like he needs oxygen. He fights for her -- literally and figuratively -- throughout the book. His biggest downfall, perhaps, is not being 100% honest, but he had valid reasons. He, too, is put in some absolutely miserable situations and he tries his best to deal with it, but nothing is easy in The Beneath.

I could probably go on and on about the cast of characters. They were all so *real*! Even the evil ones. My favorite secondary character was hands down Eve's brother Adam. He is so funny. I loved him at every age we saw him at -- whether it was as a spunky pre-teen, or a smart ass adult. He was the goofy complement to Eve's motherly nature and I loved every bit of it.

I was fortunate enough to read this as an ARC and I cannot WAIT for the rest of the world to have the pleasure as well. I can't tell you the last time I literally cried over a book, or read SO FAST that my heart was racing. Once I got to the halfway point I could.not.stop! I *had* to know how it was all going to play out and now I'm chomping at the bit for Book 2!

Do yourself a favor, and read this. You'll laugh, you'll cry, and you'll be bloody pissed. But it'll be worth it in the end.

em_thebookish_girl's review

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The Beneath is a dystopian and book #1 in Behind the Wall series. Normally, I don't really read many dystopian novels, I find it hard to relate to them.Ā  The Beneath is certainly a unique plot. Although, it did take me a while for me to get into the story. However, after a couple of chapters in it really picked up. I was truly amazed at how the storyline unfolded; it was a thrilling experience and I didn't want it to end! The story begins from the heroine, Eve's past, it proceeds on like this for a while leading up to the present. I liked how the author created this setting, that she didn't go back and forth in time, hence sometimes I find it a bit tiring to keep up when it's like that. Roxanna C. Revell pleasantly surprised me with her writing technique. The build up and character development is outstanding! You could say that The Beneath is both a plot and character driven book. And let's not forget about the plot twists!! I mean, as soon as one plot twist happens, not too shortly another one occurs. And the ending!!! I can't wait for book 2!

I loved the interactions between Eve and her brother Adam. Eve's character growth throughout the book was amazing!! To be honest, I'm not a huge fan of Noah (hero). Although, there were some scenes that made me warm up to him a little bit. I'm not over the moon for him, but I don't dislike him either. He's the type of character when you want to hate him, but you can't. I absolutely loved Sister Theresa!! She's definitely one of my favorite characters! She's like a mother figure to Eve and Adam.Ā  The only negative that I have is with Eve's behavior towards Noah. She was always coming up with excuses for his behavior and justifying it. I mean, I get that she loves him and all. I don't know, I found it just a little bit annoying for my taste. Roxanna C. Revell continued to surprise me as I read the second half of the book. Eve's character developed even more! I don't want to give any spoilers away, but there was a devastating incident and it shattered Eve. My heart went out to her. Hence, no matter how it destroyed her in every way, Eve was finally able to find her voice to fight back.

A wall separates two sides; a division dividing The Beneath and The Other Side. Children who were born out of wedlock is consider a crime. And as a form of punishment, the children were sent to The Beneath, from The Other Side. Eve is an orphan; she has been living at St Martin or The Church with her brother Adam, for most of her life. You could say that she was living a peaceful life, until now. Eve is in a secret relationship with Noah Joysen, a Founding Family Trueborn. When Noah's family and The Council becomes aware of their relationship, Eve's life is never going to be the same.

**I received an ARC in exchange for my honest review

thenerdandherbooks's review

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This book made me utterly speechless!!! I could not put it down!

I absolutely loved how different this book is to any other book that I have read before. I love how there is a divide between The Beneath where orphans are sent and the world beyond the wall where life is so different.

I love Noah and Eve. Noah is a dark, sexy and controlling trueborn who wants everything his way, until he meets Eve. The darkness becomes controlled but Eve is caught is the crossfire of a Family problem which she has no choice but to choose. Noah or her brother. Which will she choose?

This book has some sexy scenes which makes it even harder to put down.

I cannot wait to read book 2!