
Conquest by S.J. Frost

nicola949's review

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This story is based around main characters who are lead singers in separate rock bands. Evan has reached great heights but not performed for 3 years. Jesse is looking for his big break. They work really well together, and although love happens fast, the attraction and reasons for this are believable. Of course true love does not go smoothly, particularly hiding the relationship from the public eye.
Spoiler I think the romantic in me was a bit disappointed that the story didn't end with a big public coming out scene but the happy ending was still fulfilling
Really enjoyed the story and looking forward to reading the next book in the series.

zazzilou's review

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3.75 Stars

kaje_harper's review

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The two main characters were great, especially Jesse. I really liked the fact that he was brash and mouthy and got himself in trouble. I also liked his brother and their banter a lot. The progression of the MC's relationship was a bit extreme, in a couple of different ways, especially how fast it started. I would have expected more caution, given who Evan was and all he had to lose. But the writing was good and got even better as the book progressed.

I liked the band members, and the interactions there. I was irritated with Greg for pushing the guys apart and then pushing them together - I wondered if he felt as conflicted as he acted, and appreciated that it wasn't a simple black-and-white situation. I guess Evan's skill with words as a lyricist could be the reason he is sometimes so surprisingly articulate. Overall a book that kept me turning pages, and I did immediately move into the sequel.

sylvia_is_reading's review

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Sweet love story. A bit long and too sappy for my taste.

msmiz95's review

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Just re-read this story again today - man I love Evan and Jess!

whatthefridge's review

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Ignore the lazy cover and cliche rock star premise. Conquest is a simple romance that pleasantly surprised me with its impact.

I started reading this expecting to quickly chuck it in the "don't care" pile. The beginning is cheesy and wrought with descriptions that pulled me out of the story. There's only so much eye rolling I can do when I read: "Jesse’s heart drum a beat of attraction in harmony to the pulsing rhythm in his groin." And then there's all the head hopping from paragraph to paragraph, making it hard to keep track of perspective.

How did I end up liking this so much?

For starters, there's immense charm and chemistry in the main pairing. Jesse and Evan are frikken awesome together. I say this as a person who gags at overly sweet romance. It was their banter that kept things interesting and showed me a level of friendship most romances skip over in favor of lovey-dovey blergh. And, remarkably, the head hopping (once I got used to it) worked in their favor during intimate scenes. Each shift in perspective heightened the mood, giving me the ability to vicarious experience both of their emotions (and arousals) at the same time. I give a thumbs up to that achievement.

Then there was the handling of the plot. Yes, it was predictable and convenient and idealized. Nothing groundbreaking about it. Even the main conflict was forced and contrived. However, I am immensely grateful the conflict was NOT due to a stupid misunderstanding easily solved by a two minute conversation. For all the points taken off for angsty song lyrics, I give back double for the avoidance of this irritating trope. THANK YOU S.J. Frost for creating characters that actually TALK THROUGH PROBLEMS!

I'm extremely fickle when it comes to the MM Romance genre, so this was a rare treat. Sometimes it's the little things that make a story worthwhile, and my enjoyment of Conquest was the direct result of lovable characters having decent communication skills.

{Check out this review at Entropy Alarm Reviews}

rissa53's review

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Ahhhhh, ok, that's more like it! :)
I adore Jesse and Evan together, I like how they interact with each other, they are meant to be! The people that surround them are equally awesome...I haven't quite figured Trish out though...maybe in the next book? Lol
I like the addition of the songs in the book and isn't it always done with the best intentions even if it hurts? I'm just glad it worked out. I'm happy! <3

anitalouise's review

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Sweet, sexy and a little bit frustrating. Loved the two MCs. They both had that tortured musician thing down! I've always thought that musicians who are so talented and into their music, know everything there is to know about music are sort of otherworldly. Started out a little insta-lovey but it was handled well. You could feel the connection between Evan and Jesse! Almost heard the click when these two came together - like puzzle pieces that just fit. The chemistry between the two was almost visible!! The sexy times - oooo weee! Soooooo good!! And when Evan did what he did. Boy, I sobbed. I just love romance and this gave me such a romance fix. Two guys who loved each other but couldn't get out of each other's way. Why frustrating - you could almost hear the shoe drop. Romance reads have a somewhat standard formula and some books handle it well and some sort of broadcast that something will go awry. That's not necessarily a bad thing but this book shouted out you - "look out - something bad is about to go down!!" The secondary characters - band members, producers, all great and excellently portrayed. But what about Tim? Have we heard the last of him? He was a bit of a caricature and I couldn't figure out just why he was such a dickhead! I imagine he may be back.... I also couldn't quite figure out why Greg was so dead set against Evan and Jesse. Maybe I live in a liberal bubble but my stance is "so what..." Just realized, though, that this was published in 2009! That explains Greg's reaction. I love rock star romances and this was so well done. Needs a bit of editing. Formatting issues and some spelling boo-boos but didn't detract from the overall read.

bakarena's review

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Nah, this is just bad.
Nevertheless, I need those Qs for a challenge.

mearias's review

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3.5 stars