erikars's review against another edition

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There is much to like about this book: The advantages of mindfulness and their applicability to personal and business life are well covered. The exercises strike a good balance between breadth and simplicity, and they avoid feeling too "out there" for a secular audience. The book would be a great introduction to mindfulness for someone interested in the topic but wanting to avoid the new age baggage that often comes with meditation.

My main reason for only giving this book three stars, is that for someone who is already familiar with mindfulness meditation, there is little new. It was still worth reading -- I am inconsistent enough at actually practicing meditation to make any reminders in that direction useful -- but it was definitely more of a refresher than anything else.

haileyannereads's review against another edition

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I chose to read this book for as assignment, so I really wasn't expecting much. But, I truly enjoyed it! It was beautiful, insightful, and pretty funny. Tan presents mindfulness and meditation in a very approachable way. He also presents his plan for world peace in a very achievable way.
This book is great for anyone who is curious about mindfulness and meditation. You will learn skills not only in those areas, but also in empathy and kindness.
I'm very happy that I stumbled upon this book.

sharrypdx's review against another edition

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Second time through...

... I'm beginning to understand. Search Inside Yourself is the internal companion to Dan Goldman's concept of Emotional Intelligence (EQ). Very helpful and practical work here! Great for new managers.

thebookclubmks's review against another edition

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Sebagai salah satu insinyur Google pertama yang pindah haluan ke divisi sumber daya manusia, Chade-Meng Tan menawarkan pendekatan yang ilmiah sekaligus praktis dalam mengimplementasikan meditasi ke dalam pekerjaan. Praktek meditasi dengan teknik mindfulness/latihan kesadaran terbukti dapat mengubah struktur otak yang meningkatkan kualitas fokus, memperkuat daya lenting terhadap tekanan, dan emosi yang lebih positif saat bekerja.

Chade-Meng Tan juga menekankan bahwa latihan mindfulness dapat dilakukan dari hal yang sederhana seperti melakukan kegiatan sehari-hari secara sadar (makan, minum, berjalan, bernapas dengan penuh kesadaran). Manfaatnya pun tidak hanya berhenti di pekerjaan saja, tetapi juga mempengaruhi kesehatan mental dengan menurunnya kecemasan dan meningkatkan kualitas hubungan dengan pasangan/keluarga dengan komunikasi yang lebih baik karena terasahnya empati dan cinta kasih dalam diri.

Selain itu, latihan mindfulness juga berguna untuk mengenali segala macam emosi di dalam diri, memahami diri lebih baik, menemukan kebahagian dalam diri, dan mencari makna melalui pekerjaan yang dilakukan. Bahkan keterampilan ini pun terbukti membantu para pemimpin untuk dapat merangkul dan memotivasi timnya dengan lebih baik.

Cara bertutur Chade-Meng Tan dalam buku ini sangat terstruktur diselingi dengan humor yang agak garing tapi justru membuat tersenyum. Walaupun Chade banyak menyadur beberapa kutipan dari para tokoh atau peneliti yang berpengaruh, namun ia pun mencantumkan interpretasinya dengan bahasa yang lebih mudah dipahami, sehingga buku ini cocok untuk pembaca yang masih awam dengan meditasi/mindfulness.

*Review by Bagia

emrache's review against another edition

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I was pleasantly surprised by this book. It was the first book on meditation/mindfulness that I have been able to read without getting annoyed. The emphasis on scientific evidence rather than spirituality was refreshing and inspiring.

hadeelolla's review against another edition

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Having a gym buddy is like mutual harassment.

sonham's review against another edition

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Für Anfänger zu viele Sachen auf einmal, für Fortgeschrittene zu wenig Neues. Etwas egozentrisch geschrieben.

chaghi's review against another edition

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I like the idea behind the book, but ultimately I think it tries to cover too much, with too little.

I'm familiarized with meditation and mindfulness, but I had zero knowledge about Emotional Intelligence. Yes, I've heard about the term, I know it created a lot of fuzz, especially in the corporate world, a few years back, but I've never read anything about EI. This is important because the book tries to teach mindfulness using EI as a framework, so to speak. But in my opinion, it fails as an introduction to EI, for somebody (like me) that has no idea about it.

The first part of the book deals with meditation and mindfulness, and it's a nice read, albeit a little too simplistic. It's a practical approach to mindfulness, and it tries to explain the science behind it, and I'm totally cool with that, but somehow it felt... short. Oversimplified. Not deep enough. People already familiarized with meditation has little to gain from the first half of the book, and for completely newbies it might spike their curiosity, and give them a starting point... but little more.

And then we have the second part of the book, which is more related to Emotional Intelligence, the use of mindfulness in a social context (especially in the workplace). To me it tries to cover a lot of things, and sometimes it assumes some Emotional Intelligence background, which I don't have.

Finally, I'm not particularly happy with the author (too much about himself and how a nice guy he is), his (forced) sense of humor, and his praise for all-things-Google. I get that his work was possible because Google somehow sponsored it and gave the author time to work on this, and the program was born inside Google, but I don't feel comfortable being reminded of that every other page or so.

ebonsignori's review against another edition

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His jokes are so cringe-inducing that it makes this book an interactive experience to practice what is being taught. Sitting through his jokes without criticism or judgement, is a practice in mindfulness itself. You have to sit with the cringe, not seeking to grasp it or seeking to push it away. Once mastered, you may find yourself in such a light and easy mindset that the jokes start seeming funny. The entire book is all an elaborate trick to make you laugh

eidolem's review against another edition

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Great read. Headspace app is great alongside the book.