
Entice by Jessica Shirvington

thedragonflysdream's review

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After reading Embrace (Book 1) I was instantly reeled in and I knew I had to get my hands on Entice! Entice lived up to my expectations and then more. Funny, Heart Wrenching at times, Action Packed. I absolutely love how Shirvington writes.

Violet is obviously head over heels for Lincoln, but made a mistake (can’t tell because it would spoil it for the people who haven’t read Embrace) and doesn’t know if he will ever forgive her for what she did with Phoenix. In Embrace I sympathized with Phoenix, but in this book there were times where I wanted to wring his neck. The next person in line who made me want to slap them was Magda… she just didn’t know when to quit. It made me upset to the max so I couldn’t even imagine how Violet felt (isn’t it funny how we talk about characters as if they are real people?).

While trying to find the scriptures before they fall into the wrong hands A LOT of things happen. We get to meet other Grigori who are all Violet’s age along with a set of older Grigori who are partners as well as soul mates. When I found out that they were aloud to be together my hopes went out of the ceiling because I am a Lincoln fan ALL the way.

Spencer, oh Spencer. He is such a funny character, since his partner hasn’t come of age yet he has to wait to hunt and do all of the other things that Grigori do. Even though he isn’t supposed to do those things, he still sneaks to do them even when he knows he will get in trouble. The love triangle… that’s all I am going to mention on that. Again, I don’t like Magda (Griffin’s partner) I haven’t liked her character since she was first mentioned.

Jessica Shirvington’s Entice is absolute must read. It is a LARGE book but it passes by so fast. Look forward to the fact that there is tons of action, intensity, and other information you don’t want to miss out on!

court_caitlin's review against another edition

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Eh. Again, the writing style makes you cringe at times and the characters are eh. Going to finish the trilogy but probably won't read more by this author.

pearparis's review against another edition

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So when I first read Embrace, I liked it, however was disappointed and had no intentions of continuing the series. However when I saw the sequel in the library, I picked it up and figured I might as well, with having incredibly low expectations. And oh my god, thank god I did! I loved Entice, from beginning to end! First, Violet has grown a bit, and now that Lincoln and her are working things out, Violet is so much more likable! And though I felt like Lincoln was very unimpressionable in the first book, that completely changes! In Entice, I can see why Violet loves him, and their relationship is much more real then what it first seemed to be. And though Phoenix is now the antagonist, him and Violet still have an interesting connection. Entice outdoes Embrace, in every way, and this series is definitely a huge must!!!!!

chelsfoust's review

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Holy Cow! This was one fantastically written book! Wonderful second book in the Violet Eden Chapters. I was worried at first that it was stagnant and centered too much on the teenager angst, but it moved on and the real story came out. I was impressed with the authors ability to weave a fantastic story with another story line intertwined perfectly to make the overall perfect! I am excited to read the following two books in this series, even though i have to wait until Mar 2013 for the third book! A must read for all YA and adults!

sam_hartwig's review against another edition

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Entice was such a good sequel to Embrace. After getting past the first few chapters (which were mainly a catch-up with what happened in the last book) it turned out really good.

There's some great new characters in this and the love triangle isn't really there. The storyline was intriguing and I think Jessica Shirvington is really getting into the swing of writing.

I'm really looking forward to listening to the next one on audiobook. Thumbs up!

joanna1905's review against another edition

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Reread (Or re-listen) #2 - 4/11/18

[Rating closer to a 3.5 rather than a 3]

So once again I did enjoy this more than book 1, there is definitely more action and we finally get introduced to some more key players such as Spence.

I agree with my entire first review of this book! The way Linc treats Violet for the first half INFURIATES me. However, I definitely understand where he was coming from and why he was behaving this way. It's still annoying though.

This book also has one of my favourite scenes in the whole series, the scene where Seph reveals the truth about Magda and Violet confronts her in front of everyone. Magda is an evil, selfish cow and I hate how she lies and manipulates Linc and Griff - so the scene where she's exposed is amazing.

Rudy though... while it was an important plot point, it breaks my heart.

Really enjoyed this book, would definitely to recommend to any fans of YA fantasy!


Okay so I must say I enjoyed this one more than the first, the story really begins to take off and get you hooked.

So, here are my thoughts...

Lincoln keeping secrets from Violet after promising never to do so again really upset me, and it made my heart break for Violet. After giving up her life for him the least he could do is be honest with her. At times I felt sorry for him but so much of his trouble is caused by himself and his inability to communicate with Violet.

Dapper is amazing and one of my sassy favs.

Magda. Honestly, I hate her more than any other character in this series. This grown ass women bullies and sabotages Violet and Lincolns partnership just because she wants him. Violet and Linc are literally going to be partners for god knows how many hundreds of years, so what exactly does she think she'll achieve by driving a wedge between them? It's not like Violet will just go away. When Violet hits her I honestly cheered, but I literally don't understand why Linc and Griff got so mad at Violet for hitting her...These are trained warriors who fight for a living, I'm pretty sure that slap didn't seriously injure her. I understand the principle but man what a total overreaction.

Magda's downfall was ICONIC. She totally had it coming, and it was very enjoyable to see everyone see her for the trash she is. I hope she dies soon.

The one thing I don't understand is how Violet is SO OBLIVIOUS. Every time she finds out Phoneix is behind something she's like OMG I SHOULD HAVE REALISED...Yes, Violet, you should have realized that all these bad things were caused by the bad guy...not really rocket science.

devansbooklife's review against another edition

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There is something about these books that completely hooks me. I suppose the main reason is the love between Violet and Lincoln. They Cannot be together but how can you give up a love so strong. I love the way the author makes you love, hate, or sympathize with the characters she wants you to. I don't like Violet being so powerful yet so uneducated on what her true abilities are. It's frustrating and captivating all at once. One thing is for sure, I love these books. I'd love to see them turned into a movie. I'm pretty easy to please when it comes to reading so I'm not the best critic. I love the power of authors imagination. I love getting taken away with a story. These books do just that for me. And I guess the main reason I like these books is because although they are fictional the basis is real. Every action or decision you make has a consequence. You never find out what that will be until later. I don't give spoilers in my reviews, I just write about what they made me feel or what they taught me. I believe you can learn something from anything if you are searching for a lesson. Five stars!

vidyasur's review against another edition

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celjla212's review

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Violet is slowly getting used to the idea that not only is she an angelic warrior, but she happens to be one of the most powerful of them. She's also struggling with the fact that because of this, she cannot be with her partner and the man she's been in love with forever, Lincoln.

But she has to push that aside, because as it turns out, Phoenix has inserted himself back into her world, and she can't get rid of him so easily this time--since he is holding her life in the palm of his hands. The people in Violet's life walk a fine line between friend or enemy, and finding someone to trust is crucial to survival.

I liked this book a lot! There seemed to be less fighting, and more internal struggle for Violet. It was so cool getting a deeper look at her.

Violet may have come off to some as a little bratty in the first book, but I feel she has matured so much. She still seems to want things both ways sometimes--she is annoyed that her dad doesn't ask more questions about her life, but relieved that he's clueless so she can do what she needs to. It's important to keep in mind that she's still a teenager and has more growing to do.

As soldering as Phoenix was in the first book, he is evil in this one. But under the surface, you can still detect that he seems to have some sort of feelings for Violet. It makes me wonder if everything they did in the first book really WAS for show. One thing's for sure, they will have some scorching interactions in future books.

The supporting characters in Entice made it awesome. Vi's best friend Steph is amazing and there for her as always. Spence is a sweet new partner in crime, and Zoe just rocks. They all made for some comic relief when a lightening of the situation was needed.

The most heartbreaking thing about this series is the fact that Violet and Lincoln love each other so deeply, but just for that very reason, they cannot be together. Towards the end of Entice, they both see why this must be so. I'm not sure what will happen between them in the future, but in this book we made some discoveries about just how different Violet is than other Gregori--so maybe their relationship can be different too. Maybe.

This was a great next chapter in the series and I am very excited to read the next one!!

jenny17's review against another edition

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3 1/2