
Dark Wolf by Kate Douglas

katmorrisey's review against another edition

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This book just didn't do it for me. I couldn't connect with the heroine and the plot was unbalanced, piling on too much action with the free loving-ness of the pack. I had to keep putting the book down because seriously, there was just too much there in terms of plot info. I wasn't offended by the sex or the free loving nature of the pack. Not at all. In fact, some of those scenes were hot. But putting that on top of everything else that was happening seemed over the top. The story lost its focus and this was sad for me because the book had a ton of potential. I'm not sure if I will continue with this series but I will continue to read the author in the future.

*I received an ARC of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.*

mistressop's review against another edition

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not my cup of tea im all for a little out there a little in there but you hit a point were you want a bit more plot. i have to know the guy in these books to really latch on and like. plus i need to know the chic and i never got that..i got info.. but not the meat and bones of them. left wanting...or the promise to get to know more about them in the next book. it's another serial hook up book with changing characters when i thought i was walking into an on going series.

netgallery freebie

eloiseinparis's review against another edition

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This is the first book in a new series from Kate Douglas. It follows the children from the Wolf Tales series. I did not read any of the Wolf Tales books, but that was ok. Past relationships are clearly established, and new characters and relationships are established so the new reader will be fine.

I am kind of torn about this book. So I give it a 2.5 out of 5 stars. I love this world. Animal shifters who are part human, part Alien descendants. I love that their Goddess is so active in their lives, and that they are so sexually open. Sebastian is hot and Lily is smart, and strong. They are the type of hero and heroine I love to read about.

However a few things bothered me. Like the book takes place about 30 years in the future, yet there was nothing futuristic feeling about the book. No mention of how technology has advanced, and aside from Aldo Xenakis heading up a anti Chanku group there was no mention of the political climate. I feel like it was a missed opportunity that I hope will be taken advantage of in future books.

The first time Lily said it would never be with Alex I was like “ok”. The second time I was like “we heard you the first time”. The third time I was like “now you’re just being rude”. The fourth time and beyond “the lady (and gentleman) doth protest to much”. I am new to this world, I had no reason not to take the character’s at their word. But Lily and Alex constantly saying there were not meant to be mated was over kill. I wondered did the author forget she what just wrote a few pages ago? It also made the second love story feel more forced than it already was.

And finally the whole mating thing. It was hard for me to see how important it was to the other characters. Aside from it being the only way Chanku female’s can get pregnant it didn’t seem like it affected the lives of the pack. The Chanku lifestyle is so polyamorous it felt like the one on one male/female mated pair is redundant. They lived together with other families, they continued to have multiple sexual partners, and they still love other pack member’s.

As I said I do love the world, and I am curious to see where things go, so I will be continuing on with this series.

avoraciousreader68's review against another edition

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Sebastian Xenakis is a powerful wizard with the ability to shapeshift. Lily Cheval is Chanku, a shapeshifter who favors the wolf form. Lily and Sebastian meet at a function at the Museum of Modern Art. They have an instant connection, but something is wrong and neither Sebastian nor Lily knows what’s going on. When young women are being raped and murdered, Lily suspects Sebastian, Sebastian suspects his father and the public suspect the Chanku. Who is really responsible?

Having never read the first Wolf Tale series I had no knowledge of the characters in this book or of the Chanku world. That wouldn’t bother most people, but for me it was a bit like torture, so now I’m on a quest to find all of the Wolf Tales stories, so I can read for myself the backgrounds on how all of these couples came to be, well, couples.

The plot flows quickly and the world and characters interesting. The writing was decent, but there was a bit too much repetition. I got a little tired of hearing how Alex and Lily weren’t meant to be mates. It was discussed ad nauseum. I got it the first time. The characters wouldn’t shut up, either out loud or in their head, about how much they loved each other and how devoted they’d be to each other. I grasped it the first time it was mentioned and it was tiresome after the third or fourth time.

Ok, having said that, I did actually enjoy the story. And can I say how much I loved the sex scenes? Smoking hot! *fans self* I’m off to find those Wolf Tales stories now. I have this need to see if they’re all as hot.

*Book source ~ Many thanks to Kensington and NetGalley for providing me with a review copy. Please see disclaimer page on my blog.

pages_and_procrastination's review against another edition

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A copy was given to me, free, in exchange for my honest opinion. I've had this title for a while and finally got to it as part of my kindle clean up challenge. I only read 15% before I called it quits. Dark Wolf appears to be a spin-off from one of Douglas' earlier series. No, it doesn't seem as if you have to read one before the other. You're just missing a bit of history and understanding of what the Chanku are. I chose not to go any further with this story because it falls more on the erotic side of romance. Too much heat and arousal and not enough story for my taste.