
Confessions of a High School Disaster: Freshman Year by Emma Chastain

emleemay's review against another edition

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I really wish I'd read this book after [b:Furious Thing|43842141|Furious Thing|Jenny Downham||68228687], not before, because it is exactly the kind of warm, silly, sweet goodness I need right now. Oh well, luckily for me there are two sequels to go get lost in!

This goes straight to my mental list of feel-good high school diary books that are my go-to when I'm feeling down. Chloe Snow belongs right up there among Georgia Nicholson, Emma Nash, Ruby Oliver and Jessica Darling. Tatiana made a highly convenient and aptly-named bookshelf so we can find them all in one place

paige_g's review against another edition

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dnf on page 100. the writing wasn't BAD per se, but I just wasn't in the mood to read this right now!

dianareadsalot's review against another edition

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I thought this was a cute book. I truly wished they had these books when I was a kid. All I remember are my beloved sweet valley high series.

manha10's review against another edition

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It was a very entertaining read for sure about freshmen year in high school(it makes me more nervous about mine 😩), the main character Chloe has little similarities with me such as she loves to read so do I (but I'm obsessed), at the beginning she was going to be a freshmen in high school, and some other small things but other than that you can safely say she is the typical "teenager" which I'm nothing like but this book was full of disasters and great thing s so it was a mixture of life in high school. I just didn't really like the cheating parents thing and parties and other things that happens there 🤢🤢

akookieforyou's review against another edition

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{sigh} I did not enjoy this book. One of the only good things that came from reading this, was that it made me curious to watch The Sound of Music for the first time. Not even kidding.

The biggest problem with this whole book, for me, was the main character, Chloe Snow. Usually I can get behind the mc's motivations, simply because it's their story. Everyone really hates Katniss, from The Hunger Games, and I actually liked her. Chloe was someone that I just couldn't stand. She might have been bearable if there was more of a plot going on, something to distract me from her. I just really didn't like how she behaved, and treated the people around her, especially her "friends". I went into this book, hoping for a funny, enjoyable story similar to Confessions of a Shopaholic (where the main character does questionable things, but is still likable and funny), but sadly I got this instead.

nicolemhewitt's review against another edition

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This review and many more can be found on my blog: Feed Your Fiction Addiction

This is the type of book that baffles me because I really enjoyed it even though it has a lot of elements that normally frustrate me. Chloe isn’t always the most likable character and she makes a lot of very poor decisions—but she’s only 14 and, more importantly, she actually reads like a 14-year-old. So, I found myself giving her a lot more leeway than I usually would. She’s very young and naive, but she so wants to feel more mature—she’s at that age where she’s sure she’s missing out on something and just needs to grow up faster. So when an older boy starts paying a lot of attention to her, she can’t help but feel flattered and excited—even if he does have a girlfriend. I think another reason I was willing to give Chloe a bit of a break is because I was charmed by a boy in a very similar manner when I was just a bit older than her. While I didn’t respond to things in the same ways that Chloe did, I could definitely empathize with her. This book brought back a lot of memories for me—both good and bad. Because of this, I found myself turning the pages quickly despite some frustrations with the way Chloe dealt with her situation.

I loved Chloe’s two best friends, who are sort of opposites and both helped Chloe understand herself a lot better. But I wasn’t a fan of the way sex was depicted in this book—for a 14-year-old, Chloe seemed a little too obsessed with it and I’d kind of wished her best friend had stayed true to herself more when it came to that area, especially considering their age. Still, I know I’m probably a bit out of touch when it comes to teens and sex, and this is probably more true to our society than I’d like it to be. I give this book 4/5 stars, because I ended up really enjoying this book, even if I didn’t always agree with Chloe’s thoughts and actions.

***Disclosure: I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. No other compensation was given and all opinions are my own.***

trinitynoel's review against another edition

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Thought this book was pretty good and after reading it, i’m not sure why the reviews are so harsh. i know a lot of people were disappointed that it didn’t have a lot in common with Bridget Jones’s Diary, but i’ve never seen it, so it wasn’t a problem in my case. This novel wasn’t life changing or entirely thought provoking, but it was relatable and as a theater kid, i enjoyed the musical aspect of the story. I also thought it was kind of interesting to see a vulnerable girl do what feels right but slowly come to the conclusion that she was in the wrong. Pretty good, would suggest to younger readers.

bailo2's review against another edition

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This was fun. It took me a while to get into it since the format is different. But I ended up enjoying listening to Chloe Snow's perspective and thoughts. Took me right back to high school. I will say that the ending dragged quite a bit. It was like a Peter Jackson LOTR ending where it just went on forever and I felt like it could've been over pages ago.

adifferentreadingview's review against another edition

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This story reminded me about my freshman year of high school. Emma Chastain did a great job of depicting what being a high school freshman feels like. It’s been 10 years since I’ve been in high school, but reading this reminded me of those years so long ago. High school kids can be mean and it can suck to be a kid, but there is always hope and having good friends makes it go a long way. Can’t wait to keep reading about Chloe’s high school experience.

thenextgenlibrarian's review against another edition

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Loved that this was written in diary entry form, but I just wanted to scream at Chloe so many times about her choices. Choices many teenage girls make, but in the end I’m glad she redeemed herself a bit and made up with Hannah. MAC was definitely in the wrong and just goes to show you how women are always punished in a situation like that—never the guy.