
Starflight by Melissa Landers

freesien's review against another edition

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Das war aber mal ein lustiges Weltall-Abenteuer! Und dann auch noch Weltall-Piraten! Wie geil ist das denn?!

rheam1224's review

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2.5/5 stars

It was alright. Like I knew what I was getting myself into when I read the synopsis, it was kind of predictable. But still. Honestly I read this in the hopes I get some inspiration for my own story which in a way it did!

I know the elements I like that I may put into my story:
- sci-fi fast-paced setting
- found-family trope
- nothing too complicated in regards to plot
- people from different backgrounds/experiences/beliefs/values
- complementary character dynamics

And tbh I say all of these things very loosely because I felt like the story merely touched the surface of these concepts? Granted, it is a duology so I shouldnt be too harsh. Well.

The main thing that grinded my nerves the more I kept reading (or listening to the audiobook) was the romance. Just. The fuckign romance. It was necessary. I get the whole Cassia/Kane thing like that shit makes sense to me. But Solara and Doran???? AS A ROMANTIC COUPLE??? nope. Don't see it. :/ they better worked as a platonic duo...but considering that the second book dived deeper into Cassia and Kane's story in Cassia's POV, it sort of (not really) makes sense to dive faster into Solara and Doran to get it out of the way??? For the sequel??? I don't know. I thought I was making sense as I wrote that but I guess not....

At the end of it all, it was a fun read. I laughed. I cringed (heavily, oh my god so heavily I wanted to cry). I...sighed. I hehe'd. It was fast-paced which really helped a lot so thats great there. And the world building wasn't too complicated for my brain to wrap around. Though the whole Doran being a quarterback always threw me for a loop cuz its the most... Earth-normal thing out of the whole story so.

So yeah. Now onto the next book in the books that I'm finally getting around to cuz of quarantine. Yayyyy (idk if that's excited or dreading?)

berls's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed Starflight - it wasn't as good as Alienated IMO, but it was fun. The characters were well developed and I just love that the main character took on a more male skill - mechanic. A darn good one too. I liked the world too - the pirates, outer realm, the way indentured servitude and slavery work. The message about family and home being who you make it was good too. I didn't love the twist, it was good in that I didn't see it coming, but as twists go, I didn't like that it basically vilified parents. I think teens will like this in general because there's not a single good parent in the story. And yeah, as a parent, I didn't like that. :( great narration too.

readersareleaders's review

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anywiebs's review

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I just flew through this, couldn't put it down.
Is it perfect? By no means, but it is a lot of fun.
I liked the fun banter between the characters, the, albeit tropy, romance, how they take time to go from one point to the next.
I loved the space adventure part of it and the options of future adventures, if one wants.

fangsgirl99's review

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This was a good read as far as keeping the reader engaged and description was very vivid, but I felt this book lacked a lot. Its biggest flaw was realism, especially in Solara and Doran’s interactions. If i had that cruel of a history with someone and they treated me the way Doran treats Solara, let’s just say it would have been a murder mystery not a romance novel. To me, getting together with him in such a short span of time was extremely unrealistic. Also the pirate sequence...come one, people. You can do better than that. StarFlight was an entertaining read but do i wish i had those 4 hours of my life back? Probably 😬

ncrabb's review against another edition

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Cassia Rose worked for two years ona battered cargo spaceship with a small crew of eccentric characters and misfits. She hasn't always been a shiphand. Indeed, there was a time when she was a princess who would one day be queen of Eturia. This is the book wherein you learn why she abandoned her royal background. Kane is her best friend, and he is with her on the spaceship. While stopping at a planet one day, a group of evil people capture Cassia and deliver to her home planet in chains. It's up to the rest of her ship's crew to figure out how to rescue her permanently if it can be done, and it's up to Kane and her to figure out exactly what they mean to one another.

claravisthereader's review

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Apa yang bisa kalian temukan di buku ini?

acrosby8's review

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z523's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed this. It was light hearted and fun. It also had a hate to love relationship which is a favorite of a certain someone I know. I picked it up on a whim, and I am glad I did. I plan to continue with this series after I finish the book scavenger hunt.

Reading scavenger hunt: any book you choose.