
Teddy and His Bear by Lila Wilde, Andi James

tattysblog's review

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Wer bisher nicht sicher ist, ob Daddy-Kink etwas für ihn oder sie ist, sollte es unbedingt mit diesem Buch versuchen. Die BDSM-Aspekte sind nicht zu einnehmend. Es geht viel eher um die Fürsorge in einer Daddy/Boy-Beziehung und das Wachsen der Beziehung zwischen den beiden Protagonisten.

Teddys Entwicklung zu sehen, ist wirklich toll. Am Anfang ist er von Liebeskummer und Selbstzweifeln zerfressen, doch nach und nach kann er beides überwinden und wird ein wirklich liebevoller und selbstbewusster junger Mann. Natürlich geht das nicht von heute auf morgen, aber die beiden Autoren haben die Charakterentwicklung wirklich gut geschrieben.

Auch Barrett hat sein Päckchen zu tragen und stellt sich selbst viel in Zweifel. Doch die Freundschaft zu Teddy lässt ihn seine innere Stärke wiederfinden. Dabei ist es nicht so, dass sie ohne einander diese Eigenschaften nicht hätten. Sie bringen nur das beste in dem jeweils anderen hervor, weil sie wollen das es ihrem Partner gut geht und sie akzeptieren, dass jeder seine Schwächen hat.

Das Sprachniveau des Buches würde ich bei A2/B1 vermuten. Wer Hemmungen hat englische Bücher zu lesen, sollte es unbedingt auf einem Reader oder einer App versuchen. Die Meisten haben inzwischen die Möglichkeit, Wörter unkompliziert übersetzen zu lassen. So habe ich es am Anfang auch gemacht.

Ich mag es, wie sich die Romanze ganz langsam entwickelt. Es wird nichts überstürzt und Teddy und Barrett können vertrauen miteinander aufbauen, bevor die Freundschaft auf die nächste Ebene gebracht wird.

Die Nebencharaktere sind fantastisch, einzigartig und unglaublich tief. Ich mochte den tollpatschigen Dylan sehr. Er tat mir total leid, weil nichts so lief, wie er es sich vorgestellt hat. Dabei hat er jedoch nie seine sprühende Lebenslust verloren.

Ich bin gespannt, was in den nächsten Bänden kommt, denn Dylan wird einer der Protagonisten sein.

Ich kann das Buch nur empfehlen. Und habt keine Scheu und versucht euch mal an englischen Büchern. Mit jedem gelesenen Buch wird es ein Stück leichter.

ariaslibrary's review

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jamietherebelliousreader's review against another edition

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4 stars. This was so wonderful and fluffy. I adored every single character and all of their relationships and dynamics with each other. Seriously, this book is filled with characters that I just want to hang out with and have a good time. It's so tight nit and cozy and they are all so lovable.

I picked this book up because of the kink and then that doesn't even take place until more than halfway through the book. The relationship between Teddy and Barrett develops a bit on the slower side but when it gets there it was totally worth it. They are wonderful together with great chemistry but I love that they started off as friends first.

I just want to adopt everyone in this book and give them hugs. Especially Teddy and ditzy Dylan. I'm glad that this is the first book in a series because there are quite a few possible ships that I want to see happen in the future.

I highly recommend this book if you're looking for a cute romance that's funny, hot and light on the angst. My first 5 star read of the year.

stornierung's review

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lighthearted relaxing medium-paced


vrstal's review

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Another NTM author, a sweet Daddy/little dynamic that had slow-ish burn, an inexperienced little and experienced Daddy, and both sexy and fun. I loved the side characters as well. The beginning is with a breakup and despite not even knowing the characters I was crying anyway. I loved the way this couple developed, had history, and the sweet HEA. It all just came together for me. However, I've heard mentions of cheating and other themes I don't enjoy in the second book with a different couple so I might not continue this series.

katmoreid's review

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I love Daddy kink and this was definitely in my wheelhouse. Teddy's pretty naive despite his very kinky best friend but he's def in need of a daddy! Barrett's stuck in guilt town, population one. The beginning is where the angst is but have to deal with their broken pieces and discover what they really need. Barrett reps my favorite parts of a daddy: the care and dedication to his boy. I love that, it's so special. I loved this book and I can't wait for the next book, it's already in my kindle! I hope the third is Tony and Jason's book. Bratty Jason def needs a Dom to take him in hand!

blackrox1411's review

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Daddy AF

I love daddy kink books and this one is by far one of the best I have ever read. The slow burn pays off so well and a fantastic group of side characters I can't wait to meet more in the next book 10/10

hanakalu's review

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Teddy and his Bear was the first book of the serie « Oh My! » and I think it was a good first one.
It was a fluffy and honestly feel good read. But not a unforgettable one !

gale_bruckner's review

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Cuddly and Naughty in one sweet package. The title of this book drew me in immediately, and it absolutely delivered on the premise. Teddy is reeling from a double rejection, just in time to fall into the arms of his self-doubting Barret. There isn't a lot of strong angst, and there's plenty of cute fluff. I very much enjoyed watching these two come together.

naomi_branham's review

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This was really sweet, hurt-comfort, low angst, daddy/boy book. I really enjoyed Teddy and Barrett as people in this one. They both have been hurt pretty badly in the past and have quite a bit to over come. I appreciated how their friendship grew. The progression of their relationship felt natural. I enjoyed all the secondary characters as well.