
Chasers by James Phelan

lisaluvsliterature's review

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A shocker of an ending! Great fit with the zombie/post-apocalyptic craze right now. Read the rest of my review at Lisa Loves Literature.

jenbsbooks's review

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Hmmm ... 3 stars, 4 stars? 3.5? It is basically another post-apocalyptic teen survivor tale. We aren't told what caused it yet (huge explosions, buildings toppling, a virus turning everyone into a zombie/vampire). With so few survivors, food/clothing/gas and such isn't a problem yet (especially as book one only goes 12-days into this world), just avoiding the "chasers" and hopefully not being in a building when it collapses.

After the first chapter ... all speech punctuation disappears. No quote marks. It made it a tad hard to follow some of the conversation at times, and it's something that would be lost if this book was in audio format (my library only had it in digital Kindle version).

The story went really quickly - a fast and easy read. Aimed at a teen audience, although there was a bit of violence and gore (can you not with this premise?) It did just seem "teen" with the boy's constant thoughts about "cute girl Anna" and hoping for another kiss, all while fighting for survival. Our main character is from Australia, so there was some British terminology (carriage, petrol, torch for flashlight, notes for money) ... but it wasn't really pervasive, and again, I wonder if an audio version would have an accent (as my recent audiobook Acid did), and how that would impact the telling of the story. Maybe this is meant to be a print only book.

The ending ... while on one hand, I do say it caught me off guard, there were some clues (Life of Pi being one I think). I did like it and I'll continue on with the series.

swnht's review

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Did. Not. See. That. Coming.

I was so ready to bash this book especially for its lack of speech marks cause it turns me nuts when a book doesn't have them. I was also annoyed with the writing style, it's so repetitive and boring but the ending left me absolutely speechless. It makes me to reread the whole freaking book from page one.

SpoilerOne thing though, I still have no idea what is up with hand waving, liquid sucking boy. Did he become normal again or something?

My Rating: 2.5/5

purplejoy's review against another edition

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I loved this book and needed to read the second book immediately. Such a twist!!! Really easy to read as its aimed at YA. I love end of the world stuff, and this was slightly different to the typical zombies.

melbsreads's review

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Trigger warnings: explosions, death, gun violence, blood, gore, zombies???, vomit.

This was a very peculiar book, to be perfectly honest. But it was also an incredibly fast paced and gripping book. So essentially, the protagonist is visiting New York from Melbourne for a UN study camp thing. There's a huge explosion, he and three others are on the subway at the time. They emerge into a world where basically everyone is dead or missing and those who remain are, like, weird zombie/vampire creatures who crave blood????

Like I said, it was weird and there's not a huge amount of explanation of what these creatures are or what happened to the world to make it this way. I struggled at times with the lack of quotation marks, but
Spoilerthe big plot twist made the choice to not use quotation marks perfectly logical. I definitely didn't see the plot twist coming, and it totally threw me when it happened.

I'll definitely be picking up the other two books in the series once I'm back at work in late January!

jeanz's review

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My daughter Rachel of Rai29BookReadNReview received a copy of this book direct from the publishers K-Teen in exchange for her honest review. So as I love dystopian and we are hopefully going to be receiving an arc of BK2 in this series I decided I would read it.
I have seen three different covers for this book, the one I have used above is the one I prefer the most if I had to choose just one. However I do love the byline and how it is printed slightly more prominently on the other cover. (see right pic). You all know by now that I love a good byline and yes the byline "Outnumbered. No Sign of life. Just them. And you." is on the cover to the right and there's a slightly differently worded version that says "No other survivors. Just you . . .and then" on the cover pictured above its just not emphasized as much. The third cover is mostly different shades of a murky grey and I just didn't like that cover at all. I think the world globe pictured (well I think it is to represent the world) on both covers with the Series name on works much better on the cover to the right better than the above cover. So why do I prefer the top cover? I like that there is a person on it, a typical teenager I suppose in a hoodie and jeans. The wreckage behind him feels and looks more realistic and perhaps more believable as there is a human in the picture with it. So would I pick this one up from a book store shelf? Yes I would definitely pick up either of the cover versions I have pictured. The blurb tells us of the devastation that has occurred, and lets you know it is a dystopian/post apocalyptic genre.
Now to the book, the main character in the book is a teenaged boy, Jesse. He has gone to a summer camp and is on a tube train on his way with the rest of his group to do some sight seeing. The train he is on is de-railed. He has to get out of the train and find other survivors, find help or rescue services. He manages to get out with some of his friends, and they hide out in a tall building whilst a decision is made what to do next. You see it's not just straight forward as it seems some sort of virus has hit the people that were outside when the disaster hit. All these people, or "Chasers" as Jesse and his group call them want is to drink. the Chasers drink anything, water, salt water from the sea, slush from the snow and if someone is injured they'll drink their blood....This book is well written, definitely well thought out by an amazing writers mind and what can I say what a twist at the end! I just would never have guessed. I know this may sound cryptic to those who haven't read the book but I will not give away this super twisted ending. I will say I am looking forward to Bk#2 a lot, to see what happens and answer the many questions I have.
So did I enjoy this book? Yes, really enjoyed it and was! at the twisted ending. Would I recommend this book? Yes to those who love dystopian, post apocalyptic and those who like drama and mystery too. Would I read BK#2? Yes please, I think myself and my daughter will be haggling about who gets to read Bk#2 first lol! Would I read other books by James Phelan? Yes, I liked the writing style and pace,so much I read it in just two reading sessions! Did the book remind me of any others I have read? Yes, it reminded me a little of Ashfall by Mike Mullins.

thiefofcamorr's review

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Katharine is a judge for the Sara Douglass 'Book Series' Award. This entry is the personal opinion of Katharine herself, and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of any judging panel, the judging coordinator or the Aurealis Awards management team.

I won't be recording my thoughts (if I choose to) here until after the AA are over.

natachahp's review

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Not sure if I should give it 1 or 2 stars. Gave it 2, because it kept me reading, but the story only deserved 1 Stars. I REALLY hate this book - very disappointed ):

penguininabluebox's review

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I didn't like this at all. I was bored the entire time and honestly forgot everything about it as soon as I finished reading it.

toomuchtime592's review

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At first I thought I wasn't going to like it because end of the world/apocalyptic books freak me out. The ending made this book worth it for me and I actually didn't see it coming which was nice