
Burning Bond by Emma Hart

smbmar's review

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First, I was blessed to receive an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. Now that that's out of the way. This is the book I have been DYING to read!!! Drake and Noelle are always hot. But the Bek-Brody-Jason triangle has intrigued me from day one. I'm not telling who ends up with Bek, cause go read it yourself and find out. I will just tell you that I was extremely happy with the ending. It's been my favorite book of the series, but again I say that after each of Emma's books.

kara_hildebrand's review

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I can't even express how much I love this series. These characters have become a part of my heart and soul. When I pick up a new book in this series it's like going to a family reunion. Emma's writing is brilliant. She always evokes every emotion, but mostly she keeps me laughing page after page.


rohina_sharma's review

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descriptionYou should know by now I'd do anything for you. So, if you want me to fight for you, Rebekah Hough, then I hope he's got a fucking army ready and waiting. I'll fight for you, and you better believe I'm gonna fight damn dirty.

I'm going to keep this review short because otherwise... SPOILERS!!!

Holly Wood Files is hands down, literally one of my top favourite series and my top favourite from Emma Hart's collection. This series is sexy, mysterious and entertaining and Burning Bond is a fantastic addition to Holly Woods Files.

Regardless of the fact that the previous books are all from Noelle's point of view, Bek's story from Bek's point of view fits this series like a puzzle piece. Burning Bond well and truly lived up to my expectations.

The book had me hooked not only from the mystery that surrounded the murder but more so because of the mystery and anticipation in getting to know, who would finally Bek choose ― Jason or Brody.

Burning Bond like its predecessors, is utterly entertaining! All of my favourite characters, which is basically everyone in this series, come back and OMG Nonnaaaaaaaa!!!!!! She is probably one of the best characters I have read to date.

descriptionI want someone to look at me the way that Drake looks at Noelle. Like I'm the center of someone's world. Like I'm the point of their entire universe to orbit around. Like I'm home.

This story will keep you on your toes from the very first page. There is mystery and suspense and love and since it is a Emma Hart novel, there is bound to be lots of steam. I have loved every single moment of reading Burning Bond and I am really really really sad that this series is coming to end with the next book. Oh and yes! I HIGHLY recommend you picking up this series, if you already haven't.

5 Stars!

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*ARC gifted by author in exchange for an honest review*

slc333's review

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It was ok but i mainly read it so I can get to the next book in the series which is about Noelle again. Bek just didn't do it for me as a heroine. Her flipping back and forth, inability to commit and her stringing Jason along for a freaking year yeah she is not someone i particularly care about. And Brody, supposedly in love with Bek forever but never acting it or telling just giving her mixed signals. hen he is supposedly being all noble and giving her space to choose - only without actually telling her he is a choice. Neither of them come off that well and so i just don't care if they get together or not. In fact the only one in the love triangle who isn't unsure or unclear about what he wants is poor Jason the one who gets screwed over.

amandakoz's review

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I was super excited to find out that one of the books in this series is Bek's. I really liked reading about her love life drama, so I knew getting to read about it from her perspective would be fun. I really liked the personal side to the story and love Brody! I really loved reading about their journey to figure out what they want. As for the case side if it I thought it was super interesting! I think it was quite complex and had some nice layers to it. I didn't like that the end was a quick wrap up and we find out after what was really going on. It made it feel a little anti climatic. It probably would be a 4.5 if the ending was a little different, I did enjoy the little turn of the tables that was going on though! I am really sad to start the last one now though!

nicspears's review

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I cannot express enough how much I love this series and these characters. They have buried themselves into my heart and became a part of me.
I know that with each new book I am going to get a story full of laughter, witty one liners, angst, intense love and a whirlwind of heart stopping emotions.
Emma Brings it all to the surface, and 'Burning Bond' is no different.

I was up until god knows what time in the morning as I had to see how it ended. I needed to find out who was deserving enough to win Bek's Heart.

Would it be Brody, or would it be Jason?

"If you want me to fight for you, Rebekah Hough, then I hope he's got a fucking army ready and waiting. I'll fight for you, and you better believe I'm gonna fight damn dirty."

Never have I found it as difficult to write a review than I have here. I don't want to run the risk of letting slip even the slightest of spoilers so I'm not even going to get into the book.

But what I will say, is that Emma has once again delivered an outstanding book that drags you in from beginning to end.
She will keep you guessing. She will keep you in the edge of the seat and she will have you laughing out loud one minute and shouting the next.

This series is the kind of series that you could carry on reading and never tire of the stories or characters. I don't want it to end. I really don't.

You've outdone yourself here Emma, and I really can't wait to see what you have planned for the series finale!!

*ARC received in exchange of an honest reciew*

tracy81's review

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Soooo good !!!!

This series just gets better and better with every book !!!

Although I love Droelle I'm so happy Bek got her story and so happy with the out come

Another amazing 5* read from the writing machine that is Emma Hart !!!

bookbae96's review

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Noelle Bond and her fiancé Drake have finally taken a much-needed vacation, leaving Bek in charge of Bond P.I., and Bek is sure that she'll screw it up in like, oh, zero seconds. But with the help of the rest of the office gang, things are actually going all right. Until. Yep, always that one little word. Before she knows it, Bek finds herself right in the middle of one heck of a scary case, and soon both Brody Bond, Noelle's policeman brother, and Bek's longtime crush, and Jason Walters, FBI agent, and Bek's sometime boyfriend, are going head to head to solve it.

I absolutely love the Holly Woods series by author Emma Hart. Emma manages to bring it every single time, to write a story that both engages and entertains non-stop. The fact that there is a lot of kick-butt mystery solving mixed in with the romance, characters that are larger than life (yes, Nonna, I'm talking about you!), sexy heroes and women that aren't afraid to say what's what, all combine to make this one of my favorite series to read.

Although she figures prominently in all of the books in the series, BURNING BOND is truly Bek's story. When Bek becomes a prime witness in a series of shocking crimes, she puts herself right in harm's way. Both Brody and Jason, never the best of friends, and even less so recently because of their feelings for Bek, are working to solve the case before more people die.

One of the reasons that this book, and series, is such a win for me is the personalities of the characters. They are vibrant, funny, snarky, and strong, and the dialogue is truly a testament to Emma's skill as an author. She's created a world that it's both easy and enjoyable to get lost in, and keeps me coming back time and again.

The triangle between Bek, Brody, and Jason finally gets resolved in BURNING BOND, so, yay! I mean, while it's kind of hot the way that the two alpha-y guys have been fighting over her in their own way, it's nice to see Bek with the one that she truly belongs with. Because, heat? Oh, yeah. Love? Loads of it. Emma has brought her usual A-game with this book, which is an easy 5-star read, one that should definitely be added to your TBR, along with the rest of the series. And, get cracking with that, because TWINED BOND, the 7th and final book in the Holly Woods series releases just next month, and you wouldn't want to be unprepared for that. Happy reading!

***ARC generously provided for an honest review.***

nightreads's review

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This book was absolute gold! I'm always apprehensive when a series deviates from the main characters after so many books on them,
I'm not a fan of love triangles either, or even when the female is older than the guy (only by a few months here) but I love this series too much and I was so excited to read this book that I overlooked all that stuff. I'm not going to say a lot because there's a lot of chances for spoilers. But ever since there was hints of Bek's relationship problems in the previous book I knew who I wanted her to be with and let's just say that everything that particular guy did in this book made me like him even more.
I really liked reading Bek's story and am really glad she had her own book. But it makes me sad that we are only getting one more.
November can't come fast enough.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you haven't picked this series up you are missing out on some of the best characters I've ever read.

*received an arc in exchange for an honest review

bookgyrl's review against another edition

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This is Bek's story, best friend of Noelle. She has been sort of dating FBI agent Jason for a year, but 'sort of' being the key phrase here. Ofcourse there is Brody, Noelle's brother, who she has known all her life and who is in a pissing contest with Jason every time they meet.

How does she feel about Brody, what about her maybe-future with Jason?

Don't worry, there is not really a contest here. Apart from the scary story line where Bek finds a young woman after a vicious attack and is getting in danger herself, it is quite clear she is confused about one man only.

Enjoyed this book from Bek's POV and the chapters from Brody/Jason POV. I can't wait for the next - and last ... - Bond book. Sorry to see this great series end, but also craving a definite happy ending!