
Rapture by Lauren Kate

mmk5110's review against another edition

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I thought the book was Kinda slow moving. It picked up when they were at mount Sinai. I liked how it ended. Sad it over.

tainted_words's review against another edition

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This book was okey, and I'm glad that this is the last book but I was sort of really amazed by some parts of the book and the end, and I feel sort of sad for no peticular reason and kya kya. Just... I don't really like how it ended but it sort of fits (?). I loved how they travelled and the cities they visited, and Dee, and we still don't know who broke Cam's heart (my guess would be Luce or even Dee) or who made those scars on Arriane's neck and just eh, eh, eh. I'm gonna leave it at this becuase my head hurts too much when I think about it. Also, I read the translated version so....

beckals96's review against another edition

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This book was fantastic!!! It was an amazing end to this series. I loved the twist with Luce becoming an angel and the utter tragedy when her and Daniel were made mortals because of their love for one another. The ending was amazing in that they fell in love again, as mortals, under the watchful eyes of their friends who they will never see again but will never miss them because in this life they never knew them. It made me extremely sad but also extremely happy to see that they can finally be together as equals. Sad in the way that they could of been angels together but happy so that they will never face any peril in their relationship.

angelreads's review against another edition

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This Book what can i say,
1st it is way better than the second book, which i disliked very much.
This books has so much going on that i got confused at times, but i loved it. i love the romance between Luce Daniel in this books, it lacked it in the other books, it showed the love between them.

The Ending was a very very very big shock. i wont say anything because I don't want to spoil anything. I was not expecting that to be as what had happened.
But it was an amazing finish to the book and Rapture was the perfect ending to the Fallen Series.

moonlightdragon's review against another edition

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A perfect way to end an great series. It did leave me wanting more, but thankfully she gave us enough at the end to leave it to our imaginations the happily ever after. It wasn't until half way through the book that I had a lot of "ah ha" moments where things that happened in previous books made sense, like why trevor really burst into flames in the first book.

Very happy that it was recommended to me to read.

fictionalkate's review against another edition

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Rapture is the fourth and final instalment for the Fallen series by Lauren Kate and one that I’ve been anticipating since finishing Passion. Luce has just returned from her time-travelling tour of her past lives and now only has nine days to prevent the fall and cause all those years, all those past lives with Daniel, to be written.
In order to stop Lucifer (otherwise known as Bill the Gargoyle) and his announcer to finish falling and rewriting time, Luce, Daniel and the rest of the fallen angel gang have to find three artefacts that when brought together will somehow show the destination of the Fall and help them prevent it from re-happening.

There were times when I loved reading this book and other times when I wanted to throw the book across the room. It’s definitely one of those books where you have to be in a certain mood to appreciate all that’s happening. The romance was sweet – at times too sweet. I felt like I was going to get a sugar high so sweet it was bordering on a toothache. Luce and Daniel are an adorable and loving couple that are lovely and romantic but at the same time sometimes I felt like it was over the top and just too cute and too much for me to take.

The plot sometimes felt a little confusing as to why each of the characters did the things that they did – They have only a few days to save the world and yet instead of thinking things out and approaching things logically they rush in and do things that end up with them being in dangerous life-threatening situations. There were many things that were a little too coincidental and/or convenient happening a lot of the time.

I think these fallen angels could have benefitted from a google search or two when trying to track down the artefacts – instead they rely on a book written by one of them a few hundred of years ago. Then they take the most vulnerable and fragile member of the group – who also is the most important and valuable person in the entire series – and put her in dangerous situations without taking proper precautions… The whole thing just felt a little unbelievable and frustrated me with how unprepared everyone was.

I did, however, love the ending. This is what the entire series had been building up to and despite some things getting on my nerves, I adored how everything came to a head in this novel. Overall this is a beautiful story of true love and angels. I’d love to read a spin-off series if the author ever decides to write one about Cam’s story.
If you enjoyed the previous stories in the series then I definitely recommend Rapture. It’s a fantastic way to leave Daniel and Luce and they definitely deserve the ending that they get.

macnchz's review against another edition

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The end of the series was actually pretty satisfying.

maisha_adil's review against another edition

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Why did I give it three stars? Right, because the cover was gorgeous. And Luce did something for a change. It baffles me how I managed to finish the series in the first place. And reflecting on the book moths after reading it, the whole series is stupid. Period.

vanessamariebooks's review against another edition

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**BEWARE OF SPOILERS!!!** (In the 2nd half of this review):
The ending of this book is just a mixed bag of emotions for me. I liked it, but I didn't like it and I still have some unanswered questions. For me a lot of this book was just ok, but things get really interesting towards the end of the book because that's when everything is being revealed and all the questions you've been wondering about since the first book finally get answered. There's also some major plot twists that I didn't expect and some that I did. Overall, I liked this book. Kind of hoped for a better ending but it was ok, but my favorite will always be the first one, Fallen. Now on to the spoilers!

**SPOILERS** (You have been warned):
So the what an ending. First off, I didn't expect Luce to turn out to be an angel, that was a surprise twist for me. Though once I found out she was an angel and I found out she loved someone else before Daniel, I immediately thought it was Lucifer and I was right. Lucifer using his and Luce's love to overpower the throne was an interesting part of his story. Couple of things that bugged me about the ending: Luce and Daniel chose each other the first time when they did roll call and then as punishment had to endure this curse for thousands of years only to make the same choice the second time around and now they can be mortals and be together (if they find each other)? Why couldn't they skip the whole curse and just been made into mortals the first time around? It's obvious their choice wasn't going to change so why even bother with the curse? Also, if the throne is supposed to be God (which by the way she's depicted in the end makes it sound like she's more of a fairy than God, what's up with the wand? Why does God have a wand? It's God not a fairy, anyway enough of my rant) then she should have known from the beginning that Luce and Daniel's choice wasn't going to change, God is supposed to know the end from the beginning. Also why couldn't Luce and Daniel chose the side of Heaven but still be together? Are couples not allowed in Heaven? Also God is supposed to be love, why would she curse them like that in the first place? I guess my main issue with this is trying to wrap my mind around the type of "God" portrayed in this book. Also the ending left me with some unanswered questions. What happened to Cam? Where did he go? Is he in hell with Lucifer? What about Luce's parent's from this life and her friend Cali? Are their memories of Luce just erased? What will happen this time when Luce and Daniel die as mortals? Will they go back to Heaven, if so will they see their angel friends and recognize them?
Why did Luce and Daniel even have to lose all their memories and be reborn again? Couldn't they have just been made into mortals and sent to Earth but still keep their memories of their friends? So many questions, so many mixed feelings. I wish there were a better ending but as far as series endings go it was ok, at least it didn't turn out like Allegiant.

fitzsbeloved's review against another edition

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So, we have the conclusion of Lauren Kate's Fallen series.

I have to say: as much as I trash this series, it does hold a place in my heart. It's like that annoying sibling you love, but want to punch so damn bad.

I stared out LOVING this series so much, I shoved it onto my friends (sorry guys). They didn't like it as much as I did, and all I had to say was "Whaaaat?"

The second book, I still liked, but not as much as I remember loving the first. It took me a couple tries to get into.

Third is where I started to see why so many people hated this series. It was between Torment and Passion where I started to get into the mythology of angels and demons, and saw the terrible flaw in Kate's mythology.

I have to say, though, Rapture was a teeny bit better than Passion!

Okay, so now that Luce and Daniel are back in the present, they have to stop Lucifer from once again falling from Heaven and sending time back to before the fall. In order to do this, the team must split up into three groups to find the three ancient relics. In doing so, they will find the site of the Fall and will be able to stop Lucifer.

Short summary, but that is the main point of the final novel. Pretty interesting, no?

Well, unfortunately that brings our main problem. Remember those three groups? Well, it turns out that Daniel and Luce are in a group of their own (shocker). You know what that means~!

Boring, sappy romantic time!!! Woo!

Oh, wait, that's bad.

Luce and Daniel make the most insipid couple ever! They are so boring together, I felt myself wanting to just outright skip most of the scenes (I didn't, though).

They are alone together for about a third of the book. Ugh.

My second complaint: Cameron. Cam is not a bad character, not at all. Cam is the best piece of work Kate has come up with. It's the LACK of him I have a problem with! He wasn't really even there until the last third, and even then, he rarely spoke.

It's like Kate realized that most of the people reading this series are doing so, so we can see Cam, therefore took him out of most of the series. Makes no sense considering he was a crucial part of the first book.

I'm pretty sure that was my ultimate downfall with the series--when I realized Cam was barely in it.

Now, the mythology still bugged me, a lot, but I will not go into detail on it. I did enough of that in my review of Passion and I don't want to get too repetitive.

What I will say is that her change of the people in the archangels really, really bothered me. *twitch*

It seemed that Kate tried to make Luce "tough" in this novel...It didn't work.

There was one scene where Cam was in trouble. They made it seem like she was the one to save him, when all she did was, well...get up and nearly got hit with a starshot. It was Roland and Cam who really solved all this.

Yes, Cam saved HIMSELF before Luce could do anything.

"You're so brave."~The single most stupid thing I have EVER heard Cam say...

And one other thing...when did Cam and Luce become BFFs? She HATED him through the first three books, and all of a sudden she couldn't stand to lose him?

Girl has issues.

The "big reveal" was also pretty dumb. I won't spoil it for you (surprising, right), but I will say that it made me scratch my head and roll my eyes.

Oh, and God is female in this book. Right. So THAT'S why us women bleed through our woman areas ever month and go through painful childbirth. Because God is a WOMAN!

Spiteful, I tell you.

The ending was sweet, though. Like, the very ending. By the ending, I mean the last two chapters and the epilogue.

Just one question...WHERE'S CAM?!

Honestly, the way the ending was left, I could see a spin-off for Cam. I hope that happens.

Then again, he may end up like...*shudder*...Daniel.