
Bloodspell by Amalie Howard

bookfreaknc's review

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I LOVED this book. My friend and I were wandering around the floor at Apollycon 2018, saw the cover and came over to talk to Amalie Howard. I am so glad we got these books. It is so rare to find a book that pulls you in and you can't put down. It is like twilight meets harry potter and I AM HERE FOR IT!!! I loved the characters, the twist, the relationship between Christian and Tori. This makes my must read list.

merlin_reads's review

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 I wanted to like this book a lot more than I did. I mean, look at that cover! It’s so pretty! But alas, Bloodspell did not live up to its prettiness.

The book seemed to have an interesting premise: girl discovers that she’s not only a witch, but a cursed witch. With her new powers comes her family history and all of the sworn eternal enemies as well, not to mention, she bleeds black blood.

Interesting, right? Well, kinda.

This book follows the premise of tons of other YA books out there. New girl meets mysterious boy on her first day of school. They have an instant attraction to where they can’t stay away from each other, or can’t stop thinking about each other. The first time they touch it’s electrifying (I’m sorry, but I don’t want to be electrocuted by a boy).There’s hinting’s to a love triangle.

Then…there’s the Twilight aspect. New girl meets mysterious vampire on first day of school. Her blood calls to him like none other has before. But then, for no apparent reason, he’s a jerk to her. But wait, then he’s nice. But then he says they can’t be friends (whiplash anyone?). Victoria even at one point tells Christian to “stop looking at me like I’m something to eat.” He tells her that he’s a monster and they can’t be together. They even have the myth or fact conversation about vampires. Sigh…

Once I accepted the above and moved past them, the story itself was okay, but unfortunately, it all just fell flat to me. I enjoyed the history between the vamps and witches. It wasn’t just the vamps and witches hate each other for no reason. No, the author created a very intriguing backstory.

There were things about this book that I really did like: Christian, despite his Edward-like tendencies, was a good character toward the last half of the book. His background and history with his family was one of the more interesting parts of the story. His feud with his brother, Lucien, could have taken up the whole book and I would have been happy about it. I also liked that the author had Victoria use a familiar. I loved her familiar. For those of you who don’t know what a familiar is, it’s basically a supernatural being that helps guide a witch.

Victoria I was kind of eh about. At times she was fine, other times she was whiney and annoying, and she kept putting herself in these situations where she had to be saved or ended up needing help. I didn’t root for the love story like I should have, but I honestly didn’t really feel it. And while I thought the ending was building to something different, the one that we ended up getting felt very melodramatic. Kind of like a grown child throwing a hissy fit. I will say here that I went into this book thinking it was a standalone and not a series, so looking back, I can see why the ending I was looking for didn’t happen.

Another issue I had was the writing style itself. Using third person omniscient was very jolting. There were no breaks, it just kept switching. I feel like it would have worked better using the chapters as breaks.

Will I continue this series? Maybe…probably, just to see how things turn out with Christian and Lucien because that was the only thing that really held my interest.

Side note: at one point, Gabriel says “I changed everything for you.” WHAT DOES HE MEAN?? It’s never explained! Gah, drove me nuts!

Thanks to Netgalley and Langdon Street Press for providing a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. 

chllybrd's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed BLOODSPELL, It was unique with a great mix of dark elements. The main character Victoria (Tori) was strong and willful. She is thrust into a world she had no idea that existed and to top it off she is more powerful then anyone could imagine but she didn't take anything sitting down and was determined to come out on the good side. Christian Devereux is an old vampire that refuses to give up his humanity. Although a relationship is forbidden between vampires and witches, Tori and Christian are drawn together from the moment they meet and fight for each other. Every scene drew me in to the next and kept me on the edge of my seat. All the different abilities and talents were completely believable. I'm excited to see where Amalie takes Tori next.

mrsjkamp's review against another edition

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Thanks to Amalie Howard and Marissa DeCuir from JKSCommunications for providing me with an ARC of this novel. Here is my honest review:

I kind of felt like I was reading this book forever. Exhaustion set in after the fifth time of Tori and Christian going back and forth, deciding to be together and then quickly fighting over remembering that they actually cannot be together. That was tiresome. And I think I'm just not into the whole witch thing.

Now I know this sounds so negative, but I kind of liked the story too! I think this was just another case of hearing so many great things, including the whole Seventeen Magazine Beach Read pick, that my hopes were seriously high for this one. For me, it didn't live up to the hype, but I'm glad I read it.

shai3d's review against another edition

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BLOODSPELL starts out with a lot of action yet it took a bit to grab my attention. I just had problems relating to Victoria as she does have a lot of angst. I am very glad however that I kept reading because the more I read the more I was drawn into the book and the characters.

Victoria, or Tori as her friends know her, shows a lot of growth as she learns to accept herself and the power that is her birthright. She starts out terrified of her powers and what they can do and as times goes on, learns that they can be used for good as well as for evil.

I ended up falling in love with the characters of Tori and Christian and since this is the first book in the series, I will definitely be keeping an eye out for the rest of this series. I do recommend this book for lovers of young adult paranormal romance. And if you find the beginning slow as I did just keep reading.

I rate this book a 3.8.

*** I received this book at no charge from NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review. All opinions expressed within are my own.

noregrets4life33's review against another edition

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(I received a galley from Netgalley for an honest review)
I have to be honest here. I really wanted to like Bloodspell. But the problem is I just could never get into it and finally gave up only about 1/4 way through. The story is the same story we've read over and over in various YA books and is even a mash up of a couple of the main ones you see over and over. I adore vampires, but I just could find nothing to draw me into this book. It also time jumps a bit, and this leaves you with a discordant feel that is hard to get over especially when things are referenced that weren't even written about. I gave this one a good try, and I very rarely stop a book, but I just couldn't read this. 

bookishanjali's review against another edition

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3.5 Stars

I had so many mixed feelings while reading Bloodspell. I loved some parts of it ...okay well mostly the entire vampire vs witches part with the blood curse that seemed pretty demonic in nature but every time the relationship aspect was brought with the indecisiveness of the characters and if they want to be together or not was just so annoying. The first half of the book I would probably give it 2 stars but the last half wow it was awesome and that half I would rate it 4.5 stars.

Minus Victoria's I want to be with you but we can't be together thing that she was doing with Christian and vice versa she was frighteningly powerful. The blood that flows in her seems to have a will of it's own that she has to learn to control otherwise all the blood wants is death and destruction. I'm not going to lie I loved it when she let the blood take over in times of danger because she became so bad-ass and a thrill to read about.

As far as Christian is concerned he didn't wow me at all, especially since he too was guilty of the back and forth of lets be together ... lets not be together game. I was actually more interested in the relationship between him and his twin brother Lucian they have a complicated history that is filled with brotherly love, pain, hurt, vengeance and so much more which I wish the author would have delved a little deeper in.

Overall I'm glad I stuck with the book and didn't write it off as a dnf which I was a little tempted to do in the beginning because it picks up and before I knew it I was done and checking to see if there was a second book to the series. I would recommend this book to anyone who thinks they can stick through a book that has the Twilight syndrome of I love you but we can't be together etc etc...if you can get past that you will discover a wonderful read.

myeverskye's review against another edition

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I have not given a book a five star rating in awhile but this one was completely deserving. Holy cow, I loved everything about it. I loved the fact that Tori was not a whiny, helpless girl but literally a force to be reckoned with. I loved that she even scared the big, bad vampires. I also loved that this was not your typical vampire story, thank god.

My mind is still reeling from it all so I'm kind of having a hard time expressing what I want to say in this review. First of all, there was A LOT going on in this book from cover to cover. I almost felt like it could have been spread out into 2 books with all that went on. So many different threats from a lot of different enemies, including maybe the worst of all, Victoria herself. I felt like the first third of the book was almost a story in & of itself- how she discovered her heritage, the changing in her blood & her recovering from almost dying. And of course, meeting Christian.

Christian, oh Christian. Loved him. And of course the forbidden love thing is always great for a story. I was so happy for there not to be a stupid love triangle. I mean, there kind of was, but it wasn't like how it typically is with our heroine being torn from one to the other.

A couple of minuscule things bothered me, but honestly I'm just nit-picking at this point. When she transfers to another school in a nearby city, she rents a little apartment in the home of her guardian Holly's friends. She's a minor so you would think that if her guardian allowed this, the friend she rented from would be around now & then & have some authority over her, right? Yet we didn't even learn this new guardian's name much less meet her or hear of Tori even speaking of her. Sorry, if my parents would've let me rent an apartment in another city when I was seventeen- well, that wouldn't have happened to begin with. So, I just thought that was a little unrealistic.

Also, the fact that vampires can walk in the daytime only in shadows, ok I can buy that. It's a legend & this is a fictional story so why not make it your own? But I felt like it was conveniently glossed over for the story's sake. I would've liked to maybe read a scene or two where he was weakened some from the sun, or had to step out of the shadows for whatever reason enforcing that it still was a weakness for him, and not just a convenient excuse to make the story work.

There were a couple more petty things, but really I loved this book so much. It was so refreshing to have a couple that were powerfully matched & could save each other. I hope there is another book to follow!!

setaian's review against another edition

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Victoria is a witch with unimaginable power. The blood which courses through her veins is a living entity which she must constantly battle with for control. If she can control it the blood will allow her to be the most powerful witch in the world...but if the blood wrests control, she will become a killer like the world has never seen.

Christian is a powerful vampire. From their very first meeting he has been attracted to Victoria but her blood is a powerful drug and he doesn't know if he can stop himself from drinking when he is near her. Adding to his problems, witches and vampires maintain an uneasy truce which could descend into brutal war at any moment.

Bloodspell is dark, almost gothic, young adult fiction which often crosses the line into horror. It is well written and fans of stories about witches, warlocks, vampires will love this book.


Many thanks to Langdon Street Press and Netgalley for providing me with this ARC

soulkissed2003's review against another edition

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This book was fabulous! If you enjoy "Twilight" or other stories about witches, vampires and the supernatural, or if you just LOVE a great romance, this is the book for you. Come check out my review at