
Wooing Cadie McCaffrey by Bethany Turner

callienicole's review against another edition

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I recently requested this book for review after reading the summary. I was looking for a light, fun read, and this book seemed like it might be it! I started it, and I loved it for about the first third. The characters were quirky and fun, the story was interesting. It was light and fun and exactly what I needed.

Then it all kind of fell apart for me.

I don't consider this a spoiler because it happens so early that most of the story takes place afterward, but if you want to be totally surprised you might want to skip this review. After Catie is convinced that her relationship with Will is going nowhere, she is about to break up with him. But instead of breaking up, these two characters that were previously committed to saving intimacy for marriage end up sleeping together.

With that, this story took a turn that I wasn't really expecting or wanting from this book. All of a sudden my light and fluffy novel was dealing with a pretty heart-breaking topic, and on top of that, it didn't even do it very well.

I presume that these two characters were supposed to be Christians, because Cadie's parents are "famous for being Christians", and after she and Will sleep together they talk about asking God for forgiveness. But instead of taking this theme of repentance and forgiveness seriously, the author still seemed to be trying to make it light and funny. Cadie worries that if she and Will don't repent together, God won't actually forgive their sin, and I don't think this faulty understanding is ever really corrected, at least not to my satisfaction. On top of that, Jesus isn't mentioned in this novel once. Jesus's sacrifice for our sins is the only basis we have to even approach God to ask for His forgiveness, but He's not even mentioned. I don't actually expect a "Christian" novel to necessarily have to present the gospel, but on the other hand, if we are going to have themes of repentance and forgiveness in a novel, I want it done right. At least *mention* Christ! I was just very disappointed in the way it was handled.

Other things that bothered me:

1. Cadie's parents are a mega-church pastor father who throws around money on things like $155/ounce caviar, and her mother is a Christian/self-help TV show host who actually contemplates exploiting her daughter's failings on her show. I had a really hard time liking them, even though I got the feeling I was supposed to. I felt like the author was completely oblivious to the fact that real-life rich pastors who waste money on luxuries like this are actually a punch-line and even a source of disgust among non-believers (I know from personal experience), and there are alot of believers such as myself who find this kind of thing in real-life really inappropriate for a pastor. Maybe it was supposed to be funny, but I wasn't laughing.

2. This novel is a good example of alot of things I am going to teach my daughters and sons NOT to do. DO NOT date someone for four years without ever having a frank discussion about whether you will be getting married (that's just not even wise for a Christian who is striving for purity). DO NOT expect your significant other to read your mind. DO NOT expect the guy you're dating to say and do everything perfectly right and get angry when he doesn't. DO NOT hinge your entire relationship on whether the person happens to look at you the right way. If your girl's parents won't give you their blessing to get married, maybe DISCUSS that with the girl you're dating. COMMUNICATE. I know these failings make for romantic-comedy gold, but I was particularly annoyed with how these tropes were handled in this book. Or maybe I've just been married too long to find some of these things amusing anymore.

3. I didn't like how the idea of pregnancy outside of marriage was treated. After their one night together, Cadie worries she may be pregnant. She begs God to not let her be pregnant, and then finds out she's not. But then several times after that she thinks in relief "Well, thank goodness I'm not pregnant". This may be a reflection of how the Christian community has sometimes failed in supporting unwed mothers, but the way it was presented in this book rubbed me wrong. Children are always gifts, even in the middle of difficult circumstances, and I think Christians should treat them as such. I can understand not wanting to be pregnant in a circumstance like this, but I wish it wouldn't have been treated by Cadie like a baby would have been the end of the world. It might have been a realistic portrayal for how someone would feel in this situation, but it wasn't uplifting or helpful.

4. I was really getting annoyed with Cadie. The girl could just not be pleased. At the beginning of the books she wants romantic-movie tactics, and then later when Will actually gives her that, she hates it and gets angry with him. She gets mad at him for not proposing to her, but she implied that she would only marry someone who had some money, and she won't just straight-up tell him she wants to get married. But then somehow it's his fault for not just knowing what she's really thinking. Will is treated like a clueless jerk, but once again, *he can't read your mind* Cadie. By the end of the book I was so annoyed I was having a hard time liking her.

Overall, I think this book just confirms alot of the problems I have with modern dating attitudes, even (or especially) among Christians - like dating for way too long unnecessarily, and girls having expectations that are almost impossible for real-life guys to meet. And if I'm honest, I'm probably being a little hard on this book because it didn't deliver what I was expecting. Like I said, I was hoping for fun and light, but this book wasn't that, for me anyway. By the end, it had lost all humor for me and I was just really looking forward to it being over. It's a bummer, because I thought it started out so strong.

Note: I received a copy of this book for free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

astrireads's review against another edition

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Judging by the cover and blurb, I thought this was a fun, easy and romantic read. I was wrong. The story turned out to be a Christian one (nothing against it, just was not expecting it) - a fact I would not have missed if I read the first page reviews - and this makes it hard for me to relate to the characters. I enjoyed reading the first few chapters, beginning with a meet cute that escalates to a relationship between Cadie and Will. However, things changed when I find myself to be constantly annoyed at their lack of communication even in the four years they have been together. I find it hard to believe that a couple who has been together that long is unable to say what they want in the relationship. Despite my annoyance, I found some things I like about this book, such as how the author wrote with two point of views. I am able to read through the perspective of both Cadie and Will. There were also some romantic lines that made me go "awww" and smile, but sadly this book fell short of my expectations.

turquoiseavenue's review against another edition

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Romantic, sweet and funny! I love Bethany’s books, this is the third one of hers that I have finished. With no holds barred in this novel, two made for each other people struggle through a romance and wanting something more. Turner kept me thoroughly entertained and laughing out loud. I loved the theme of forgiveness and the ending!

anr715's review against another edition

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lighthearted slow-paced


beastreader's review against another edition

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What a cute, fun book. Fans of romances will want to treat themselves to a copy of this book. I would classify this book as "clean Christian" fiction. The romance is like eating a salt water taffy. Plus, this book is not preachy.

Will was kind. At first I did think he was clueless when it came to Cadie and romance but he was actually a romantic at heart. He just had bad timing about showing it. Where Cadie was concerned, she did not realize that she had set her standards to "almost perfect". Once, she realized what she and Will had was real and filled with love, she was ready to truly open her heart.

Cadie had me in the beginning but by the end Will had won me over. Together these two made a cute couple There is some laughs to be had in this book. I do look forward to reading more books from this author. Readers will swoon for Wooing Cadie McCaffrey.

wickedella's review against another edition

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This was a cute read. The characters are easily relatable and I found myself chuckling at the missteps.

erincataldi's review against another edition

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I really wanted to like this book, but at most I could give it a "meh." I do like to see more inspirational romance hitting the market and I think many readers may enjoy it, but it was just a little over the top for me and I didn't necessarily love either of the characters. I didn't hate them, they were just a little to underwhelming for me. Cadie McCaffrey has a great job and a great boyfriend, well great"ish." She and her boyfriend have been together for four years although the past year has been a little off. He's been working more and she thinks things are a little strained because of their "sex talk." Things reach a braking point when Will works late and misses her birthday/their anniversary that SHE COOKED and their make-up dinner a few days later goes south (of her pants!!!!). Cadie can't handle it anymore, she wants to spend the rest of her life with him, but she is resigned to the fact that he won't ever ask her to marry him. She breaks it off and Will is shattered. He decides to watch all her favorite romcoms for inspiration and recreate some of the biggest most romantic gestures in them to win her back. Of course, nothing goes to plan and things get derailed pretty quickly. Wooing Cadie McCaffrey is a meet cute rom com with a splash of religion and a heavy dose of romantic pop culture. I didn't hate it, but I really didn't love it either.

rusticreadingal's review against another edition

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I can't even begin to tell you how much I absolutely loved this delightful book. Gosh, it's just so good! Such a breath of fresh air. Such a wonderfully funny and smile-inducing read. I was snorting with laughter all the way through. But there were also serious moments, moments of real depth, too. It had a nice balance to it.

You could probably say that this book classifies as “edgy” Christian Fiction. Topics not normally found or discussed in this genre were present which I enjoyed. It made this book feel more “real”.

This was one of my most highly anticipated releases for the year and it completely blew my expectations out of the water. I loved Bethany Turner's The Secret Life of Sarah Hollenbeck so stinking much, but this one's even better! I didn't think it was possible. I'd love to see it made into a movie one of these days. It'd be awesome.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley and voluntarily reviewed it. All thoughts and comments are my honest opinion.

hugbandit7's review against another edition

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Bethany Turner takes us on an emotional ride through Cadie and Will's dating life.  They met on Cadie's 30th birthday, and as Cadie called it, it was the perfect "meet-cute" moment.  It is what Cadie has been waiting for all her life.  What she fails to realize is that life is not a romance movie or book...well maybe she does since she accepts the fact that "Cary Grant does not exist in my Millennial world".

The book fluctuates between past and present and I really liked the different chapter titles.  Chapter 1 is Four Years later.  To the Day.,  Chapter 2 is About Twenty-five minutes earlier.,  Chapter 3 - A Day or Two later. Three at the Most.  and so forth.  The fluctuations give us a peek into Will and Cadie's dating life over the last four years - their expectations, adventures, and desires.  We also see the issues that neither seems to be able to verbalize and I think that is the crux of their issues - lack of communication.  It isn't as if they don't communicate, but they don't talk about the important things like where they see their relationship heading, what they want out of life, and their faith and beliefs.  Cadie is strong in her faith and beliefs, whereas with Will, we know he has beliefs but not sure exactly what they are or to what extent his faith extends.

Fast forward four years later (from the prologue to chapter 1) and it is Cadie's birthday and their dating anniversary...remember, they met on her birthday.  Anyhow, Will has an opportunity to springboard his career at work and this is the culmination of their conversation issues.  The story really starts at this point and with unplanned sex.  Nothing could ever go wrong there, right?  Cadie and Will had agreed that they were waiting until marriage and considering that Cadie's parents are church/faith leaders this puts a lot of pressure on her...basically like good ol' Catholic guilt.  Both Cadie and Will have a lot to learn from this experience and it takes some frank conversations with her parents and with each other before there can be any hope for them.

Will and Cadie have a great support system and it is ultimately what helps them through this crisis, along with some honest and frank conversations.  There is a lot of humor that made me chuckle in various situations and then there are moments where I am holding my breath that all will work out for these two.  One of the lines that I felt summed up the situation for Cadie was "it's simply a matter of you deciding whether or not you want to spend your life with this man - and what it might take to do that."  After all that she had learned by this point was she willing to do what it takes?  And was Will willing to do what it takes?

Overall a very enjoyable book.  For a Christian romance, I was surprised that the faith portion was fairly light.  There was a lot of focus on the one instance of sex (that is behind closed doors) and after a while, it started to overshadow what I think was the heart of the issue - communication.

We give it 4 paws up and look forward to what this author has in store next for us.