
Stay With Me by Elyssa Patrick

laughlinesandliterature's review

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* I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*
Stay With Me was a breath of fresh, new adult air. It takes a commonly used plot of a rock star and normal person, and makes it seem new. It was mostly unique in that the rock star was a female.

I loved Hailey. I felt like she was a true person. All she wanted was to be able to find herself, and stay away from fame and what it brought her. Fame was a tool that Hailey’s mother used against her. All her mother cared about was making Hailey her meal ticket. There’s a big revelation in the book, that shows just how manipulative her mother is. While I don’t normally agree with what Hailey did, I can understand how she was pushed into that decision. I know in many ways what happened hurt Hailey, but it was good to see she wasn’t broken. Hailey was such a strong character and had been through so much, in a way even I was proud of her.

Caleb was the perfect guy for Hailey. He was kind and caring, and it was always evident that he cared about Hailey for who she was. I really liked the fact that he was stubborn, because it meant that he wasn’t willing to let Hailey push him away. Caleb was also incredibly mature. When the big revelation came out he kept his cool, and got Hailey to talk to him instead of leaving and causing the situation to be worse. If he hadn’t already convinced me, that would’ve done it.

I also enjoyed the fact that these characters were real. Both Hailey and Caleb were sexually active before each other. There were no hurt feelings around that. They were both experienced, and I honestly loved that. In the real world most girls aren’t virgins or sexually inexperienced until age 30. So it was refreshing that both of them knew what they were doing, and didn’t pretend otherwise.

Elyssa Patrick created characters that were engaging, and even made me care about the side caracters. Stay With Me was remarkable because of it’s characters. It would not have been the same book if Daphne, Nick, Jamie, and Griff weren’t in it. These side characters showed a depth to the book that would’ve been missing without them.

Overall I really enjoyed this book. It was a light fun read, and I would give it 4 out of 5 stars. It was exciting to read something that wasn’t similar to other books out there. I think that Elyssa Patrick has done a wonderful job with this book, and I will definitely be looking out for the next one.

*This review was first posted to Moonlight Gleam's Bookshelf*

aboutthatstory's review

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4 out of 5 stars

This book pulled me in from the start. I enjoyed Caleb and Hailey's first meeting and was anxious for things to unfold between them. I thought they had good interactions throughout the book and I loved their chemistry. Their conversations seemed playful and fun.

Hailey grew so much and became more confident and I was rooting for her. I thought Caleb was pretty much the best guy ever - just an all around, good, solid guy. He was super sweet and I was intrigued by him but sometimes he seemed to good to be true. That wont stop him from being a book boyfriend though because I really liked him!

I enjoyed the other characters as well. Daphne is a spitfire and I thought all of Caleb’s friends were interesting and had very distinct personalities. I hope Daphne and Nick get their own story.

There was quite a bit of heat in this book but I didn’t think it was overly done or drawn out – and I mean that in a good way. I actually had a few *sigh* moments because some of it was just so sweet. I also liked the fact that it’s a real story and not one sex scene after another.

This book had a good pace, I thought it was a fast read and had a nice build. I guessed at her secret (and was right!) and thought there would have been more drama and conflict surrounding it… it wrapped up a little to cleanly for me. That being said, I did like how that part ended because I wanted her to be happy. I also LOVED the ending – the part where she reveals her feelings was PERFECT!

Well written. Great characters. This book is an excellent way to kick off a series. I loved everything just wished there would have been more drama. I will definitely continue on with the series.

ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

sj9642's review

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Check out my review at Escape by Fiction

megansendlessreads's review

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I absolutely loved the idea of a girl who is famous and rich going to college and trying to be normal. I thought that the idea for this book was pretty unique and I loved the way the author managed to pull it together. The book was written with lots of technique and had a great flow to it. Sometimes in certain scenes the words were a little choppy but otherwise I really love this book. There are many mysteries swirling in this book and I was grateful that I didn’t figure them out until the climax of this book.

Hailey is a unique character because of the way that she grew up and learned to survive in the real world. She was a character the learned to trust no one, not even her mother, because everyone has a price and is willing to sell her secrets. She was very jaded and very sick of her own famous status. I really enjoyed reading this book from her perspective and I loved her inner thoughts that were showcased through the book.

Caleb Fox. He was such a great character and added so much mystery and romance to the story. I loved his interactions with Hailey and his determination to be there for her and love her. I thought that he was a great compliment to her and the plot.

Overall this book was pretty good. I can’t wait to read more about this couple or even about the other couples and characters in this book.

****I received a eARC from NetGalley.****

cowmingo's review

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Besides the editing the book needs and the predictable "secret." it was a decent book. I liked watching Hailey figure out who she was and make a life for herself outside of Hollywood.

ezichinny's review

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Hailey wanted a chance to see what her life would be outside the microscope of Hollywood. Most her life was spent being an entertainer, singing and acting. She was ready to just be Hailey!

After she enrolls in college, she meets Caleb Fox, who right off the bat makes it known that he knows “of her” but that he “doesn't know her”. That statement was significant to Hailey because she was used to people mistaking her public persona as who she really was. Hailey immersed herself into college and campus life. Caleb and Daphne (Caleb’s sister) really took her under their wing. They treated her like any normal person. At home, Hailey had to overcome her overbearing mother who had put her in the entertainment industry since she was 6 years old. Her mom was not ready to let go. So Hailey had to learn to stand up for herself and fight for her independence. She seemed to gain confidence and strength from her new relationships and her new experiences in college. She finally made the necessary break and just be Hailey!

This book was really good. It lacked that manufactured drama borne of a simple miscommunication that a lot of the new adult books seem to thrive on. What I found was a coming of age story, where a young lady was trying to find herself after years to being who her mother, agent and society wanted her to be. This book was sweet, this book flowed well, and the writing was really engaging.

Caleb was a great boyfriend. He was kind, considerate and hot. And as Hailey said "He saw her." Their sex scenes were pretty hot! I thought it was well written. Their relationship lacked that over the top drama and so this book was just a relaxing read. The supporting cast gave this book another boost. In particular was Caleb’s sister Daphne, who was everything you would want in a best friend. She was that go-to person and gave that support like they had known each other forever.

I highly recommend this book to someone who wants an excellent New Adult Romance without the angst and over the top drama.

*Thank you to Elyssa Patrick and Netgalley for the free copy of this book*

bookishbama's review

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My Review

*ARC received in exchange for an honest review*

Hailey is a triple threat. However, all she wants to do is go to college and get her degree. Unfortunately life isn't that simple after you have been in the spotlight all your life. Then there is Caleb Fox and good lawd he is something hot. And all he wants is Hailey.

Hailey is very strong willed and knows exactly what she wants and she was not afraid to move people out of her way including her own family. Not that they were really family anyways her mother was a real piece of shizz.

I thought that I had this book all figured out and knew what was going to happen. Boy was I wrong on so many levels. There were just enough twists and turns to keep you on your toes. I was intrigued the entire book. Did I mention that there is a huge secret in this book that will piss you off and break your heart all at the same time, yeah well there is.

Please get the book and let me know what you think about it.



emilyhei's review

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Hailey Bloom only wanted to be normal, as a child star she was anything but. Giving up her career to pursue a college education and some sense of normalcy, Hailey realizes she has an uphill battle in front of her. When Hailey meets Caleb Fox, she thinks he is just another guy thinking she can be an important notch on their belt by dating a star.

Caleb however is completely different and Hailey finds herself doing something out of the ordinary, trusting him. However Hailey has a secret and she is sure when Caleb finds out, he will bolt or will he?

Wonderful read. I liked Hailey a lot, she is struggling but trying to find herself and it made her even more endearing in the story. Caleb knows what he wants and it is Hailey, the chemistry is evident from the very start of the story. Excellent read.

aflv_reads's review

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What a wonderful story..

Hailey is definitely not the usual music star,everyone thinks she is..She has spent so many years doing what others wanted..But she ultimately does her own thing..She comes out of her shell and decides to do what she always wanted..Go to college,have her degree..Be normal..

And then she meets Caleb..Caleb is such a strong but smooth force in the book.He had a lovely childhood,except Daphne's accident, but he is so strong,especially considering his age..And he is exactly what Hailey needs.He is everything she always wanted..

She belongs with him and he undoubtedly belongs to her..

It's a lovely lovestory between 2 different people coming from 2 different worlds,who come together and become one..
I loved the story and I loved the characters in it..Everyone just belongs..They have chemistry but most importantly they have deep devotion to each other..I loved the unity the book had..

Can't wait for the sequels..

arickman's review

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I loved Caleb, Hailey was good but I loved Caleb. This book is a great start to this new NA series that has an HEA. The great part is that I enjoyed the secondary characters just as much as the H/H and am looking forward to the release of their books. I love the authors voice and have enjoyed her previous releases.