
Awkwardly Ever After by Marni Bates

katsmiao's review against another edition

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Verdict: Middle of the road....3 stars

The book is broken up into 3 separate stories. A short one, a longer one, and another short one. Each story deals with one POV of one particular character.

This felt disjointed, when I read. The 2 short parts were too short and felt glossed over.

This is part 4 of the series and while it can be read as a stand alone, it helps to know the characters and backstory.

Each story end with a happy ending, maybe a little too predictable and pat.

There are maybe too many stereotypes in this book: geek and athlete, older girl and younger boy, and lets not forget a token gay relationship. This last one was handled really well, and I give the author props for going there. But I would have preferred that story to be longer and better developed. It was the last story in the book and seemed to be an afterthought.

What I liked was the middle story, the one where the athlete IT boy falls for the geek girl. The writing was good, this was the longest story and thus had a chance to develop.

aprilk's review against another edition

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Awkwardly Ever After is the fourth book in the fun and adorable, Smith High series, and contains three short stories told from a different characters point of view.

I have really enjoyed this entire series. Marni Bates has this fun youthful energy about her writing that is purely infectious! This last book helps to wrap up some of the involvements from the other books and I really liked getting to visit Smith High one last time.

The first section focuses on Melanie and her feelings for Mackenzie's little brother Dylan. I was very happy that this story was told after seeing the beginning of their relationship blossom in previous books.

The second part focuses on Isobel after the mess Melanie gets her into at the beginning of the book. This is my favorite of the three points of view and is downright laugh out loud worthy. The witty banter that I love so much in Marni's writing is full force here and may have even produced a snort laugh or two from me.

The last section is narrated by Corey and although I wanted to find out more about his relationship after reading the previous books, I wasn't particularly fond of this one. Corey actually annoyed me most of the story and I didn't agree with the outcome of the story after all of his lengthy complaints. But I did like getting a conclusion to his story and overall the book was a great read.

** I received this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review. **

ncrabb's review against another edition

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Ah, Spring, a time when pollen is in the air, as is love. For the kids at Smith High, there's a certain amount of craziness in the air, too. It's prom time. This is the fourth book in the series, and you can't help but appreciate these young people because of the way Marni Bates writes.

Spencer King has it all. He's the rich kid with successful parents, and he has the looks necessary to attract pretty much any girl he wants until he tires of one and moves on to the next conquest. Izzie Peters isn't your typical starved-skinny girl. She's a little heavier than the average, wears glasses, and figures that a guy like Spencer is out of her league big-time, and she's even ok with that. So why are she and Spencer suddenly taking note of one another in a way that goes beyond casual pass-in-the-hall kind of stuff?

I'm not doing the plot any real justice here. This is a grandly fun story that brings you up to date on these characters in an often laugh-out-loud way.

You'll immerse yourself in some serious high-school crazy sauce. It will be simultaneously jarring in spots and touching in others.

Some parts of the book seemed a bit contrived and difficult to believe. The principal is depicted as an anti-gay administrator who makes life hard for Corey and his rockstar boyfriend. This is Portland, Oregon, folks, not some small town in a conservative state. It almost felt like Bates crafted this guy as a vehicle to defiantly wave the pro-gay flag. I get that Portland isn't a left-leaning monolith, but I felt the position taken by the principal felt a bit unrealistic.

That said, this is yet another example of Marni Bates's magnificent sparkly writing style.

Those who prefer not to read sexual descriptions and profanity in their books may want to skip this one. Bates writes unusually well, and she tells a compelling story. This has been a fun series to read, and I started the series by reading the Christmas book associated with it.

I read this from Bookshare, so I can't speak to the audio edition.

shay23's review against another edition

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- The Story Goes...> -

*I received this book from the publisher through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

First of all when I requested this book I did not realize it was part of a series, but once I figured that out I read some reviews for the books and realized that it probably wasn't necessary to have read the other three first so I decided to jump right it! And I'm really glad I did. I was confused a couple times but it was very easy to figure things out and get lost in this book even without having previously read the other three books.

Synopsis - Basically this book is split up into three parts(Awkwardly, Ever and After, I think?) the first part is about Melanie who is in love with her best friends little brother, then there's Isobel who is a major geek, that I loved, who some how gets tangled up with one of the most popular boys in school and finally Corey who is gay and dating a rock star and struggling to handle all that dating said rock star entails. All of this is told over a manner of a week or two, I want to say, leading up to and ending on the night of Prom.

My thoughts - My first impression of this book is that it's fun. It has a few more serious issues of alcoholism and gay bashing but for the most part it was a light read about these characters learning to fight for what they want whether it be the right to go to prom with your gay rock star boyfriend or to not be afraid of putting yourself out there even if you might get hurt. Honestly I really loved this book, it was a nice fast read and really there was nothing I disliked about it, it had funny lovable characters and plenty of laugh out loud moments and cringing in sympathy moments. I loved that the basis is on geeks and geeks that are proud to be geeks, I think my favorite character was Isobel she was just awesome, I also loved Corey though and a ton of the secondary characters namely Sam she was badass. I didn't love Melanie she was kinda whiny but I didn't hate her either.

Overall - this book was really enjoyable and I can't wait to go back and read the first three books to learn more about this awesome group of characters.

solelylu's review against another edition

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Originally posted here.

You know how I have enjoyed Marni Bates' previous books and AEA was no exception. It centered around three stories concerning Melanie Morris, Isobel Peters and Corey O'Neal in the manner of the name of the book.

Freaking enjoyed the first two stories with Isobel winning the best story for me. The last story seemed a bit rushed though it might just be me.

To say I was borderline satisfied won't be wrong cos I love these stories and I thought they were too short. I enjoyed all of these and I am content with how this book was but I would still have been happy if they had been full books about them. Tehe.

Overall, more serious issues were touched in this book.And I know for a fact that if I am in need for a light read, with that touch of seriousness to give it a reality dose, Marni is the author if I am craving Meg Cabotism or the likes. I had fun reading this last piece to the Smith High geeks. And I will miss them. Sweet endings don't come so often. XP


daisy87's review against another edition

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So I really liked both Invisible and Notable, though Notable had a slightly unlikely plot, so I was expecting some light fluff with these 3 stories and that's what I got.

I'd already 'met' Melanie in Invisible and if I remember correctly, her being in love with Dylan was already hinted at there, but as everyone knows, falling in love with your best friend's younger brother is pretty much a no-no. Except that it worked here. I liked Dylan, I liked that he was willing to put himself out there and be with Melanie, even if she wasn't really encouraging him so much. I thought Melanie should man up and own up to her crush to her best friend and I was a bit disappointed that part isn't in the story, so I hope that somewhere off-page that is actually happening.

I really liked the story about Isobel and Spencer King, because let's face it, Spencer King is hot. And Isobel is pretty awesome, she calls him out on his bullshit, even though she's somewhat afraid to admit to her own feelings. I think they're good for each other. I was actually kinda sad that this wasn't a full length novel, because I think a lot more could have been written about these two and their developing relationship and it was just a whole lot of cute.

So I was all ready to dive into the last story, the one about Corey and his boyfriend, but sadly, my ARC malfunctioned and I couldn't read more than 5 or 6 pages into this story, which was a disappointment.

It was pretty cute and fluffy, but it didn't make me squeal in happiness with the cuteness of it, and I have a couple more questions instead of closure, but I liked what Marni Bates did with these characters.

My rating: 3 stars

oonareads's review

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2.5 stars

mgt48's review

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I killed him, I thought numbly. I killed him with my awkwardness

So the quote above pretty much sums up the book...Well not really but its one of many that make the book hilarious.

Mackenzie is a hardworking, spastic,quirky awkward girl whose life changes after a mishap with a football player. The horribly awkward scene gets put on youtube then life starts to change drastically or poor sweet awkward Mackenzie.She's a instant hit famous celebs are talking and tweeting about her and then a famous band uses her video in a music video.From there she get thrust in a world of rock stars,designer cloths,and miscommunications with hot boys.Watching Mackenzie try to figure out her new life is absolutely hysterical.

The characters were relate able and the book felt current.I loved Mackenzie's best friends Jane and Corey, who stood by their friend no matter what.I would love a buddy like Corey to help pick out my clothes.Then there is Jane who seemed just super sweet and bookish in a good way.I liked the fact that her younger brother was so embarrassed of her but also really protective of his older sister even though he's in middle school.The romance was actually quite adorable plus sweet and slow. I loved Logan he seemed like a actual nice guy. I enjoyed ReadySet and the twist with the lead singer Tom and his crush.The author made the band seem relaxed like just a group of talented guys who are famous.I like the fact that the band wasn't cliche.

The cover to me ties in with the whole book its colorful,cute and quirky.

The whole attitude of the book was light and fun and entertaining, nothing serious or heavy.I read the book in one siting i found it entertaining and at times I found myself cringing at Mackenzie and her awkwardness but she ended up growing on me.This book has a chill vibe to it i would recommend this book to any one wanting to have a light fun read. 3/5

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