
Broken Things to Mend by Karey White

bardo's review

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Broken Things To Mend... Easy Like a Sunday Morning Celia is running from a dark past. One that she hopes she can put behind her in a small rural community called Sisters. Can she move past her dark past to find love and friendship when its right in front of her? Or will she make the same mistakes as her mother? 
- Celia and Silas relationship is quite unusual and one could say that it boarders on awkward. Yet the way White writes their interaction its a sincere awkwardness. An awkwardness that comes from pasts that have not been good ones. Experiences and situations that weigh the tongue down when in social situations. But that's what makes this relationship work and not at the same time. It was a great change of pace to read about tow main characters that didn't instantly fall in love. They had to go through hardships and overcome personal turmoil. 
- The main character Silas isnt perfect. To think a romantic male not being 100% perfect. The fact that Silas has a stutter made him more realistic and made you cheer for him through out the book. It also made him a deeper character and stand out for me. 
- Celia is also "damaged and has a dark past. Not coming from a happy home or have a great childhood. The reasons she comes to Sisters is dark and only becomes more complicated as the story progresses. I appreciated the dimensions of having both characters have a rough childhood. Because really who has the perfect childhood?
-Reading this book was pleasant. I cant say I hated it or loved it. It was sorta like watching a movie once and being glad you saw it but would probably never view it again. The pace was comfortable and wasn't really a page turner. But one that was constant. I would have just liked a little more excitement.....
- This book brings a lot of sensitive topic up. Such as rape, abortion and adoption. Although the processes, resources and explanation was only superficial. I wanted more depth in each one. I didn't really walk away from the book with a greater understanding of either of them. 
- White shows how Silas interacts at work and is seen as a hard worker through examples in the book. He's fighting fires and saving lives while risking his own at the same time. White really does not describe Celia in the same manner. The reader is given rough glimpses at what Celia does at the gallery. The reader knows she does well because she sells the art displayed there. But the reader doesn't know why. Getting to know Celia and her growing as a person both mentally and spiritually seemed secondary to the relationships she had .

kebreads's review

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I was excited to read this book, and it did not disappoint. I loved it. Celia, Silas, and Nancy were characters with depth. They had strengths and well as flaws. I was impressed by Celia's courage. I felt the book had a hopeful feel despite the more difficult topics it dealt with. The prologue and epilogue nicely enfold the story. The story weaved in and out of different viewpoints. This was distracting at first, but I got used to it. This story is full of lots of wonderful things. I especially liked the quilting and gardening elements. I loved this story. It felt real to me. I look forward to reading the other books in this series, as well as the next book by Karey White.

Content: Clean - talk of rape
Source: Review copy

hnbb's review

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I have read other books by this author and was excited to give this one a try. It was hard book to read in some ways for me. My life experiences and current situation made this book more emotional for me than I think it would have been for the average reader. However, I really connected with the characters and town. (I really want to visit Sisters, now.) I am intrigued by this series of books, as well; different authors writing under the same concept, even in different time periods. I guess it is kind of like 39 Clues for adults. ;)

rgyger's review

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I really enjoyed Broken Things to Mend. While I don't think that the writing was quite as good as in the series prequel short story, it was still a well written love story. Celia and Silas are two broken people who find solace and contentment together. I loved their relationship and found them to be perfect for each other. I'm not even sure that I can express just how happy I was to see them get their happy ending.

There were somethings that did bother me. A couple times the story seemed to head-hop, and Silas' Aunt Nancy was a busybody who needed to butt-out. As well, the matchmaker, who is supposed to connect all the stories together, seemed out of place as she was the only fantasy element to the story. While I understood that she was there to connect the books, I felt that the story could have been stronger without her character.

I'm really looking forward to the next book in the series. Though it is written by a different author, I am hopeful that it will be just as good.

I received this book through I'm a Reader, Not a Writer in exchange for an honest review.

rusticreadingal's review

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I really enjoyed Broken Things to Mend and even though it deals with a serious topic, I thought it was handled really well and was a great story of hope and overcoming whatever is thrown your way. This was my first Karey White novel, but it will definitely not be my last.

hugbandit7's review

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This is one of the first books that has the Matchmaker as one of the characters. (Power of the Matchmaker was the novella that introduces Pearl)

I thought that Pearl would be more in this story but she is just at the beginning (first few chapters) and then in the last chapter. But I suppose the book would need to focus more on Celia and Silas as the couple she introduces and then lets fate run its course.

Both Celia and Silas have issues, but nothing that can't be overcome with time and understanding. I like that neither is perfect but they are perfect for each other.

I definitely enjoyed this book and can't wait to see what other authors have come up with for Pearl's adventures in matchmaking

saradavcamp's review

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This was a fantastic tearjerker of a story. The main character has so many tough things happening to her, but it is amazing to watch her strength and see her become such a strong person. I loved watching her growth. She is definitely a "broken thing" needing mending. I also enjoyed the fact that her love interest is also somewhat broken. They were a great compliment to each other and I enjoyed watching their relationship grow.
I have to warn you to have tissues nearby! There were so many times that I teared up--in a good way, though. It's a story with a lot of sad and also a lot of happy--since I'm a female, that also makes tears at times. Really great story! I highly recommend it and I can't wait to see what the other books in this series will be like.

valeriew's review

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This is a cute series. I did like that we got to see into pearls thoughts a little. In the other books she's so mysterious and you are trying not to guess If it's her. But not this one. Silas was a good man.

amy_inthecatacombs's review

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I received a copy from the blog tour host, Kathy @ I Am a Reader

I have only read one other book my Karey White, My Own Mr. Darcy and really loved that one. I was excited for the chance to review this one. This book is the first book of a 12 book series that is loosely related. I use the term loosely because the string tying the series together is Pearl, a Chinese Matchmaker, has visions of people and tries to get them together. As far as I can tell, that is the only thing that connects the series. Each following book is written by another author that releases the start of each month.

There was a time or two that the book seemed a little slow, but I did enjoy this story. I felt bad for Celia's past and current situation. She had a rough childhood that spread to her early adulthood, but Sisters, OR offers her a chance at a new beginning and the making of a support system that she never truly had when she was growing up.

At first, I wasn't sure how I liked Silas. I grew attached to Celia quickly, but it took a little bit for me to warm up to Silas. Silas has something he needed to mend some in his life. Silas has problems stuttering and does not talk to people much. I liked seeing them open up to each other and wished there was more growth with them shown. I feel like their relationship was rocky in places and then seemed to speed up all of the sudden. The story and the struggles that Celia faced is what sold me most on this book. I do wish Pearl made more appearances. This story touches on several issues that a reader can feel touched by and does have quite a few moments of hope and laughter. I'm looking forward to the next book in this series!

k_lee_reads_it's review

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Celia has had a hard life. After one horrible night, she climbs on a bus and heads for a new life in Sisters, Oregon. I really enjoyed this book and it's themes about forgiveness and not judging others.