
The Onyx Talisman by Brenda Pandos

valeriew's review

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Loved loved loved the ending!!!! Kinda cheesy but I loved it!!

foxy_roxy's review

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I loved it and will be back to review it...

hyms's review

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This was one of the worst books I ever read and the ending was rubbish.

haybrown's review

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First of all the is an emotional rollercoaster. One second you love Nick the next you hate him for hurting Julia. Same with Phil . Then poor Sam gets drawn into the mess. Her dad knows about Vamp's but is dead set on revenge. Julia tries to convince him different. Everyone end up captured. Julia is actually poisonous. Then she wakes up like its all a dream.....Talk about crying like the last half of the book .

cgarcia529's review

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Review coming soon

madetofly's review

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Video review here:

lenoreo's review

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OK, I don't know how everyone else feels, but I really really enjoyed the last book. I'm still not in love with Julia, something about her character just rubs me the wrong way. But wow, the twists and turns...I couldn't have seen any of it coming. Some got a little crazy, but I loved the "epilogue"-y part...if you read you'll know what I mean. Oh Phil, so glad you remembered too.... All in all it wasn't my favourite, but I'm so glad it didn't stop me from reading Everblue, b/c that book rocked and just reading the teaser exerpt at the end of this book again made me wish desperately for Evergreen....

bykaitrose's review

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The Onyx Talisman, the final book in the Talisman series, does not disappoint fans of the trilogy. It's full of action, suspense, steamy romance, and blood-crazed vampires. Fans will get everything they wanted and more!

Getting back into the story takes pretty much no time at all. Things pick up shortly after the ending of The Sapphire Talisman and it's hard not to get sucked back in. Tension is high, hearts are broken, and friendships are being tested. The Onyx Talisman is one surprise after another.

Julia was a bit whiny. Her life was falling apart and she got one surprise after another but it almost seemed like Nicholas was the only thing that mattered to her. She was blind to what needed to be done because there was a chance that it might cause her to lose him. She seemed a little obsessive. It also seemed that their relationship was a little too mushy. I honestly just didn't see Nicholas acting the way he did in this book. There were times he acted like his old self (and I loved that) but there were also times that he seemed like a completely different person. Phil, on the other hand, was his old self. He was wonderful and funny and a great guy.

The end was both satisfying and not. Things seemed to work out too perfectly. I just found it rather hard to believe. I also felt that it was a little too hasty. It just felt like everything happened way too fast. There was a lot of build up throughout the book and things were just resolved quite easily at the end. I liked the ending but I would have liked a bit more depth to it.

Overall, The Onyx Talisman will satisfy readers and leave them completely in love with the Talisman series and it's wonderful characters.

hdbblog's review

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Those of you who have been following my blog for any length of time know that I love Brenda Pandos! In particular, her Talisman trilogy has been one of my favorites so far. There is so much to love. Julia, Nicholas, deliciously evil vampires, it all adds up to some of the best reading I've done so far.

That being said, I know that going in to The Onyx Talisman I had a lot of high expectations for it. I was bound to be a little disappointed because of that very fact. I think what struck me most about this installment in the trilogy was the lack of the Nicholas and Julia romance. I can't spoil exactly why it doesn't make a big appearance here, but I will tell you that their love was one of the things that kept me immersed in this series. Without it, I felt like I was missing something.

Not to say that Julia doesn't shine on her own! In fact, one of the great parts about allowing her to be separate from her love is that she really comes out of her shell. Julia has always been a kick-ass kind of character. However she always had Nicholas to come bounding to her rescue if it was necessary. In this book it's all about Julia and she doesn't shrink away from the limelight. I loved how she was able to take on anything that came her way, no matter how afraid she was at the moment. She's amazing.

The ending of The Onyx Talisman was, in my opinion, just perfect for the series. I was expecting a big, crazy conclusion, and I was definitely given that! There are so many twists and turns in this installment, so many unexpected occurrences, that by the time I was at the end I was breathless. I was so excited to see where Julia and Nicholas would go next, and the ending just made me smile. I'll admit it slightly broke my heart to see this end, but it was time.

Long story short, I'm sad to see this series come to a close. I love Julia, I love Nicholas, and I will miss them so much! Although this book wasn't exactly what I was expecting, I still really enjoyed it overall. If you haven't yet started this series, get on it! Brenda Pandos is an amazing author, and she'll happily sweep you off your feet with her writing.

heatherhy01's review

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Wow oh Wow!!! This was an explosive ending to a fantastic trilogy!

Julia is waiting for Nicholas to return. Thankfully, she has Phil to keep her occupied. I must gush on Phil for a quick second! I love Phil and even though Julia has a “thing” for Nicholas, I still adore the character of Phil! He is funny, sweet, sincere and does not really come with all of the baggage that Nicholas does.

The vampires start literally coming out of the woodwork. It has been one wonderful roller coaster ride of many twists and turns that the reader will not see coming. Brenda did a great job at keeping us in suspense and absorbing us into the story.

Although Nicholas was absent for most of the book, their reunion had me gushing. He really is a sweet guy, even if he would not be my first choice:)

All in all, the ending was perfect. I was happy that Ms. Pandos wrapped up all aspects of the book. This was a wonderful story and one that I will revisit again!
