
The Blight of Muirwood by Jeff Wheeler

jmatsumura's review

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This book was ROUGH. ROUGH ROUGH ROUGH. I'm seriously debating whether or not I need/want to finish the rest of the series because this book was just...empty.

karinlib's review against another edition

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I am over halfway through, and really enjoying this trilogy. Loved it.

qog's review

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I checked it out via ILL but it’s just not calling to me. It’s the dialogue. It’s so hard to read.

angelic712's review against another edition

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Very sneaky to do a reveal, say it was a trick and then say the trick was a trick...

ellyrarg's review

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Was surprised at the twist (though felt I should have seen it coming, really!) and now I’m thinking on all the ramifications of it. A good and proper middle book, easy to read and pulls you along at a good clip. I’m enjoying this one!

coffeedragon's review

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Back so soon? I think so! I went ahead and started the second book of the Legends of Muirwood because I was really curious where the story would lead. Plus, I needed more of Lia and Colvin in my life (and oh my did I get more of them)

And SPOILERS from the previous book

Remember how I mentioned I liked The Wretched of Muirwood because it didn’t have all that romance aspect? Well, if I had to categorize this book somehow I’d label it as 80% romance with splotches of it later on. In this book, we continue to follow Lia who has gone from Cook to Hunter in the span of one adventure. With John Hunter dead, the Aldermaston needs to appoint a new hunter and Lia takes on the new task

With a year’s worth of new tricks up her sleeves, Lia is now even stronger than before. Now she can work with the medium and take down a man twice her size with a few quick maneuvers. And now the other girls at the Abbey have another reason to tease her. But these things are of little consequence when Colvin, who’d left after the battle at Winterrowd, is finally returning to the Abbey

Which leads me into some of the semi-cringeful stuff of this book

From beginning to possibly the last third of the way in, the book talks about Lia and Soah’s (I have no idea how to spell her name since I was listening, LOL. But Soah is Lia’s best friend) chances with the guys at the Abbey. Soah has matured and become the prettiest girl at the Abbey and has attracted all kinds of attention while Lia has possibly attracted the attention of the guy she wants. Talk of marriage is plenty and in a way, I’m glad this happens, but at some point it just felt like too much

Relationships are cleared up, a certain guy blows up at Lia (and makes me FURIOUS), and the L-word shows up more frequently. Again, this isn’t bad, per se, but I was expecting more of the adventure and possible fight scenes since Lia can now hold her own in a fight. Fortunately for me, we did get more fight scenes. A pretty…terrible one close to the end in fact (like a good fight but terrible for a couple characters)

But what bugged me about the whole romance here isn’t how it played out. I love Lia and Colvin and the thought of them together will make me grin and coo at them. No. It’s that the book is called the Blight of Muirwood but the actual blight isn’t really talked about. It’s mentioned at the beginning and then the last fourth of the book when our characters travel to Pry-Ree. It’s basically a disease that’s going to destroy the world, but the tone of the book doesn’t feel that way. Some mysteries are starting to clear up about the blight and who started it (so to speak) but by the end of the book nothing is truly resolved in that aspect

We do, however, learn about this one truth that I suspected in book one and that I’m really happy to learn is an actuality. Makes me wonder how certain things will play out now (hehehe)

Putting aside the plot of the book, we also meet quite a few new characters. We get to finally meet Colvin’s sister and Edwin, a fellow soldier that was with Colvin at the battle and helped Lia. We meet the Queen Dowager who claims she’s come to seek vengeance on her husband’s murder (battle at Winterrowd) and possibly the more important one, Ellowyn Demont, the heir of Pry-Ree. The girl who spent a year with Colvin trying to learn about the Medium, the girl Lia is jealous of because they were both raised as wretches but Ellowyn is given the chance to read

Even though she’s an important piece in the story, we don’t really get too much into her head since she’s a quiet person. We get a few glimpses of her when Lia sees her but overall they don’t interact much (twice). I’m curious how she’ll grow as a character, what with her Gift near the end of the story PLUS the revelation.

If the first book didn’t waste words, this one had a tad too many at the beginning. If the first book had a near perfect score, this one will get a 3.5/5, almost a 4/5

Onto the third book I go!!

mamap's review

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Yea, an adventure - right? Just lots of hard times poorly written.


ktaylor1164's review

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This book picks up where the original left off and developed nicely with some plot twists and character evolution along the way. As another reviewer noted, many middle books feel like filler, but this one was better than the first.

andreagraves5's review

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This was a very interesting series. I loved the characters, the setting and the interaction between the characters.

This was the third book in the series and I'm impressed how well the author did with keeping me captivated in the story and
still caring about the characters. What a great series! I will be following this author from now on and checking out what he

deb_is_reading's review against another edition

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This is what I come to expect from a Jeff Wheeler book.

It's really hard to review Wheeler's books because they have all the elements I love and really need at the moment. Wholesome characters, compelling story lines, general good hopeful fantasy vibes (which is a good break from realistic gritty stories).

If I was in a better headspace I might have given this 5 stars, but I'm a little unfocused with the holidays coming up. The first book in this series didn't feel like a true first book in the series, but this installment really picked up with what I expect a Wheeler book to feel like.