
Latch by LK Collins

cierra_mccauley_cierrascorner's review

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Pissed the fuck off

Hands down this book was amazing not all stories are happily ever after. But this story was devastating. What a story. This one will stay with you forever.

dlparrott's review

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This book is an amazing quick read that you will re-read for a long time. It is also a cliffhanger so be prepared, but please please dont let that stop you.

Now Latch, that sexy man who is God's gift to woman, is an escort. He has a regular who he just feels a connection with, she just happens to be a famous baseball players wife. Abby and Latch meet at a grocery and their coneection just couldn't be stopped. It was a matter of time thing. When an unfortunate situation happens it makes them realize that their relationship is more the escort and client.

"From the first time I saw her I knew I was doomed." This pretty much shows us that Latch new she would change him. He has had a rough go of things and he dosen'ttrust easily, but he just knew Abby would change all that.

Abby's husband is enraged that she would do stuff behind his back, even though she is pretty sure he does the same thing. Such a double standard, but i like how the author shows this. Its relatable. With Abby's marriage crumbling but her husband dosen't want a divorce she has no choice. After stuff gets to much her and Latch take a hiatus, but it dosen't last long because their connection is mindblowing.
After many great surpruses they now have the terror of Abby's husband in the picture.

"My insides spark with excitement, short of saying the words, that statement right there lets me know just how much Latch cares for me." This shows that Abby is finally coming to be her old self with Latch. That no matter what she went through with her husband Darrell she is ready to be her with her soulmate.

With this amazing ending, yes a cliffhanger, you cant help but be on pins and needles for the next installment. Latch and Abby may have started out in a not so normal circumstance but im routing for them no matter what.

shannonlovesbooksandreading's review

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Oh my! I do love those books that start out hot hot hot!
“She’s face down on the bedroom floor moaning my name.”

Latch is a male escort, who’s clients are either couples or single women. His only exception comes when he meets Abby. Abby is married to pro baseball MVP, Darrell. Abby and Darrell have had a rocky marriage for years. Darrell turns into a crazy person throughout the story. Is it a mental health issue? Jealousy? Evil? Addictions? You must read to find out, I can’t spoil it for you. I can tell you that Abby and Latch have a connection from the moment they meet. And when Abby makes her choice, the two men in her life try to make her change her mind by any means possible.
This book is a cliff hanger but please don’t let that deter you from reading this amazing book. There is graphic language which fits the story. The characters aren’t in church and while many scenes involve sex there is a love story beneath it all.

“I nod, trying not to laugh at how serious he is being. He has both of my wrists in one of his hands and I love how he can make all of my worries disappear just by being his fun self.”

LK Collins gives us characters that we can fall in love with and then she wrecks us. Here's hoping that she can put us back together in the next book! Her writing style in Latch proves to me that she will!

rooskie87's review

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OMG!!!! Ok I just had to start with that!!! Whew what a crazy journey Latch by LK Collins was. Abby and Latch, where to start. Abby is a sweet, quiet woman who has fallen for Latch. The problem, she's married and oh yeah , Latch is an escort! When they get caught by Abby's husband, Abby tries her hardest to forget Latch but he's at every turn. When things start to go right and they make plans about the future, something horrible happens to them and we are left with the worst cliffhanger ever!!! Don't worry LK Collins says the next book is the continuation of this story, but seriously you'll be saying "OMG" at the end!
Abby is married to a Major League Baseball player who is either always on then road or sleeps elsewhere with other people besides her. When a chance encounter at the grocery store turns into something more, Abby feels guilty but why should she when her husband is doing the same in public. When they get caught and Abby's husband goes ballistic, she decides to see what her gut tells her to do. Little does she know a few choices are being made for her that she agrees with happily in the end.
Latch is the son of a man in a biker club who stays as far away from that life as possible. He's tattooed and rough around the edges but doesn't forget to eat brunch with his grandma every week!! He stood up for Abby when no one else was on her side. Now that an accident occurred, will Latch make the ultimate sacrifice or will we see a miracle happen?

allieyork's review

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Holy $#!t. those are the only words I have for this one. 5 incredible, lusty, swoony, and 'omg what just happened' stars.
Abby is the wealthy wife of a baseball star. A rich, absent, jerk of a baseball star. He's never home, he's always sleeping around, and he's not exactly a nice guy.
Latch is a male prostitute. He makes his money sleeping with clients and giving them exactly what they want (the kinkier the better) but his heart belongs to Abby. Yes, she pays him for sex, but she also owns his heart. When they get caught by Abby's husband, things get really really ugly.
At first I had an issue with the fact that the hero and heroine were messing around behind her husband's back. Then I kept reading and that sympathy vanishes and really fast. This book was perfection. I've said it before, when a book makes me cry, it gets five stars. If it makes me cry it means this author has done their job, and done it well. I was hooked from page one to the very end. I actually read the last page at least ten times to make sure I was not mistaken on that ending, Just WOW!!!

gardenofevils's review

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The drama is just way over the top. There is more conflict development than character development. I don't know if I should like Abby for cheating on her husband but she sure as shit can't make any choices about her life. The build up of the drama and relationship is just boring. I just didn't care about the characters at all.