
Unconventional by Avery Aster

mrsbsbooks's review against another edition

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**My thanks to NetGalley and Avery Aster for providing me with a free copy for an honest review**

This seems more like a novella as its not as long as some of the former novels and is told from all three view points of Luigi, Rocco and Jemma.

We get a small part where the manhattanites are part of the book, but it mostly focuses just on our three characters and their thruple relationship.

We hear about what has happened in the last year to get them to the point they are currently in and we get to see as they bond even closer and get their well deserved HEA.

Luigi is the alpha male of the relationship, Rocco is the emotional once and Jemma is their balance.

Looking forward to getting Viveca's story and seeing how she gets out of the dark place that she is in.

jodeezle's review against another edition

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Another wonderful bookfrpm an author who always deliver. And this book is no exception. My only complaint is that I wish it was longer, however I never want a good book to end. It is the menage romances that I've read. The characters, Luigi, Rocco, and Jemma, are very well developed, a bit complex, and very interesting. I was drawn in and become invested in their lives. I also couldn't help rooting for them to get their happy ending. This book left me feeling hopeful and wanting more of this threesome. I wI'll definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a sexy read, that will suckered you in.

sonja_ahrb's review against another edition

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I was really excited to read about these three characters and their relationship before I started Unconventional and although there were things that I loved, there were also things I couldn't completely get over. I really felt that this book could have been a full novel, but it was only a novella - just for an example. I won't lie, this review was difficult for me to write because I am such a big fan of this series, but Unconventional just wasn't what I hoped for.

I love these men... they are so in love with each other and the lead female and so dedicated to the relationship. They want more and are ready to take the next step and make the relationship between the three of them permanent.

The heroine has other ideas though. She's not as convinced as her heroes about taking the next step after seeing what her parents' marriage was like. She's just been through a lot and she's not ready at first.

Through some underhand trickery the two men convince her that she wants to spend the rest of her life with them. They get their HEA and a surprise in the end (wink wink).

I'm giving this one 4 stars because it was good love story and was a hot menage.

~ Lydia, 4 Stars

ipomoea's review against another edition

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Well... I tried. Maybe I shouldn't have come in on the fourth book, but this just felt awkward and forced, like some weird Judith Krantz fanfiction. Don't get me wrong, Scruples is a fantastic read, but this was no Scruples.

Jemma is a supermodel breast cancer survivor who's also a fashion designer AND has two hot men who enjoy sleeping with her and each other. Needless to say, money is no object to this crew.

Jemma's lost her design mojo, so obviously what should happen is her boss should finance a six-week bangcation for the "thruple" to get her creativity back.

For good measure, this ends with a miracle pregnancy and a legal poly marriage in their friend's kingdom because of course they know a prince who can change the laws in his exotic land.

I got a copy of this in exchange for an honest review from NetGalley. Honestly I wouldn't waste my time. If you're hankering for MFM, just go read Lora Leigh or Lauren Dane.

lindaunconventionalbookworms's review against another edition

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This review was originally posted on (un)Conventional Bookviews
Unconventional is a hot, fun and yes, very unconventional read.

Review - (un)Conventional Bookviews

Fans of Avery's Manhattanites will love Unconventional, both because of the humour that is familiar to them and because characters they already know are a part of the story. Rocco and Luigi have been feeling that Jemma has withdrawn from the both in recent months, and while they understand that she has been under a lot of pressure, they want to add a little on their own - they want to marry her and be a family, the three of them together. The story is a little over the top, but it's hot, and it's filled with quite a bit of humour, so I quite enjoyed myself!

Because I'm not really familiar with the characters, it was a little difficult for me to form an attachment to them, and I thought Jemma was acting like a spoiled child at times, and the two men were not really taking everything into consideration when they kidnapped her for a sex safari to help her loosen up. Unconventional is meant to be a light-hearted, steamy story, though, and it did bring that, and one thing I really enjoyed was that there was no jealousy between the three of them. They all loved each other, and they were also friends and showed respect towards each other.

I'm sure fans of the series will really love Unconventional, though, because it was obvious to me that there are inside jokes, both between the characters and between the author and the readers. Jemma, Rocco and Luigi each got their own chapters, and their voices were distinct. Written in first person point of view and past tense, the story was evenly paced and with an easy flow.

Fave Quotes - (un)Conventional Bookviews

In a way, Rocco and I were similar to those flowers reaching for something - nourishment and love.

As we watched Jemma head back to our private oasis on the beach, I slipped the diamond into my front pocket. The ring would never adorn dolce's finger.

"Exactly." Taddy turned to face me, her green eyes finally locked with mine. "No sex in your life equals bad fashion designs. This is easy to see how this happened."

cherryredsreads's review against another edition

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I enjoyed the characters and the hotness that came off the pages while reading. If you are looking for a hot sexy read, this is it.

xx_andrea_xx's review against another edition

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Awesome, another fabulous read from this author xxx

paddlefoot55's review against another edition

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ARC received via Netgalley for an honest review

I have loved the Manhattanites series by Avery Aster, and Jemma, Rocco and Luigi's poly relationship was one that I was really looking forward to .

But to me, it fell flat. It fell short of what I have come to expect from an Avery Aster book.

It didn't have the heat, the sexiness, the steam of the previous Manhattanites books, and it left me wanting.

I did enjoy Jemma's journey that was taken throughout the book, but at times I felt that there was so much more that we could have had, so much more that we could have gotten to know about this adorable trio. So much more we could have gotten if we did not hit "The End" at 57% of the book!

So while Unconventional did fall short for me, it might be the perfect quick read for you.

This slight misstep in the series however, will not deter me from reading more by Ms Aster in the future.

smuthutbooks's review against another edition

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While I liked this book it was very short and a little rushed.
This really should have been more in-depth. I love Jemma, Luigi and Rocco but there was so much potential that was unused.
I gave this 4 stars because of the series and the characters.

becsa's review against another edition

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This book is definitely meant for 18+ and those who are willing to read about anything, including things that push the boundaries sexually.

I enjoyed this book and was amazed at how strong their relationship was, with all the factors that they were up against. They all truly loved each other and were completely devoted to each other.

There were a couple of parts where I was totally taken by surprise - like in the club in Germany where I was like I can't believe that just happened there. It was still a fun book to read.

I really loved the ending with the conversation between Luigi, Rocco and Jemma regarding their future and it was just all done so beautifully.

This was the first book that I have read by the author and it will not be my last.