
The Kult by Shaun Jeffrey

jasonsweirdreads's review

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This isn't a review so much as an explanation as to why I enjoyed this book so much. What I liked about "The Kult" was the sneaky way Jeffrey has in keeping the reader guessing as to what's going on. I also loved the characters, as each one of them had a life and personality of their own and never really deviate from that.

What I liked the most, however, is what I imagine it would feel like to the average Joe, like me, if one were to unwillingly commit murder. I think that Shaun Jeffrey captured very well not only the feeling of guilt, but the stain, the haunting, the physical sickness, an experience like that would leave upon the soul.

Very recommended stuff!

ellejaoy's review

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I have to admit through different sets off circumstances I took a long while to really get into this book but once I got into it I managed to finish it in one night (waiting on Santa!)

I absolutely loved it! The whole last half of the book felt completely full of action and I physically couldn't put it down!

I was even more happy that I called it. I have no idea how because the twist was truly OUT OF THE BLUE but I definitely called it.

I even said to my Mother before I went to bed that I had a totally crazy inkling to the end and when she woke up this morning she said, and I quote, "I take it from the overjoyed victory shout last night at 1:30am you got the ending right."

OH YEAH. I totally. called. it.

I really loved some of the characters and hated others, and the one I truly hated the most was the bad guy - winner!

A brilliant recommendation from some great friends on here, a big thank you to them all and I can't wait to read more of Shaun Jeffrey!!

acknud's review

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Very good book. It was exciting from start to finish. Plenty of thrills, chills and mayhem but not enough sex. I didn't figure it out too early and the plot kept me guessing. Maybe Mr. Jeffrey has a little serial killer in him.

smashattackash's review

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Read this review at Smash Attack Reads!

The Kult is my first taste of horror in a long while, and boy, have I missed it. This book was pretty awesome in all its gory, thrilling, sadistic glory. I really enjoyed the author’s writing style and use of phrasing and foreshadowing. And, he’s a really good story teller! The story keeps you on your toes as you try and figure out who the serial killer is, and cunning misdirection by the author ensures you will be quite surprised when the killer is revealed.

There are two plotlines at the beginning of the story, but then all of a sudden – BAM! – they merge with horrifying clarity. That is when the story heats up and sucks you in for the hellish ride. I felt the character’s agony, fear and terror through much of the book. There’s one scene where a character is running from the killer in a pitch black warehouse. The character’s terror was palpable and my hair was standing on end throughout the entire scene! I love to be scared. I‘m a haunted house and horror movie junkie, and this scene was pretty vivid!

Being a social worker, I enjoyed the inclusion of the the psychopathology of serial killers, which I find pretty damn fascinating. Anti-Social Personality Disorder, anyone? This book is obviously not for the faint of heart, but for those who love a good mystery horror thriller, definitely partake in the horrific awesomeness that is The Kult.

lauriereadslohf's review

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The Kult is an action-packed serial killer novel with several twists and turns that were atypical of the genre.

When it begins “the Oracle” is planning his next murder and we get a little insight into his creepy head. He’s a guy bent on revenge, who meticulously plans his kills for the most impact, targeting the disfigured, the young, and the old. He turns his victims into pieces of art, dismembering them in various nasty and creative ways and leaves only pictures and clues behind for the police to decipher.

Detective Prosper Snow is leading the case, along with his newbie partner Jill Jones. He’s stumped regarding the clues but determined to find the sick SOB before he kills again. All seems like a standard serial killer novel, eh? But then Prosper receives an email and we begin to learn about “The Kult” and his involvement in it and realize that Prosper is keeping some pretty big secrets and that’s what sets this story apart and kept me reading until the very end. Don’t worry though I’m not going to spoil them for you.

This was a very well-crafted story that didn’t wallow too long in the gore for the super squeamish. It also featured some very imperfect characters which is always a good thing. I have to admit though, that Prosper as a character was hard to get behind. He’s carrying some major guilt which would put anyone on edge BUT he is so unpleasant and has this awful dismissive tone with his wife and some of his co-workers that it made it difficult for me to feel any sympathy for him. He’s stressed yeah, I get it, but that doesn’t give him an excuse to be a dick to the people closest to him.

I can easily recommend this to any fan of serial killer novels. Everything came together in a surprising way that made a lot of sense. And there’s one memorable scene with “the hatchet man” that was grisly, realistic and a bit hilarious (well, to me anyway). It reminded me a bit of the unexpected violence and depravity performed by the tiny women in [b:Out|25365|Out|Natsuo Kirino||849266] by Natsuo Kirino. Great stuff in both, but only if you’re a bit twisted.

martinroberts's review against another edition

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Here's a book that really does live up to those often used phrases for book reviews 'a page tuner of the highest order'... 'a white hot read'... 'sizzling'.

When I first started reading The Kult I was expecting another novel from the school of kooky detective vs sadistic serial killer... thankfully Shaun's novel shattered these expectations and after the initial 70 odd pages I was well and truly hooked.

Two nights later and I'm racing towards the climax of the novel, eager to discover what was in store for our hero, Prosper Snow.

The Kult provided me with one of those great moments when you suddenly realise who the killer actually is just seconds before the author reveals his culprit. I love these moments in books and, indeed films... and as we're talking films for a moment, The Kult brought to mind the giallo's of Argento etc rather than the forensic/police procedural approach of American movies like Silence of the Lambs and others of that ilk.

Shaun's style is very readable and his chapters are quite short and condensed, without sacrificing too much in the way of characterisation, particularly that the main protagonist of the novel. And lets face it, there are plenty of 'house brick' novels out there full of detailed character study, and long multi-part chapters detailing every nuance of a characters life.

The Kult is a THRILLER... and it certainly does thrill, and one that can be enjoyed by horror fans worldwide.